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December 4, 2011 at 12:12 am #144
DaveKeymasterHey. Dave here. US Army. 6' 205 lbs 12-14% body fat.I just wanted to have people provide some feedback on my schedule and what I would need to adjust to get it "right." My typical day starts off at 4:30 in the morning followed by Army Physical Training (PT). Training Days4:30 AM – Wake Up- 1 cup coffee, 1 tsp coconut oil6:30 – PT (mostly consists of running or calisthenics)8:00 – 1 cup coffee, 1 tsp coconut oil11:30 – 12:30 PM – Meal- 4 strips bacon, 3 eggs, 1 slice provolone- 1 cup coffee2:00 – Blend D with fish oil pill5:00 – Blend D with 5 grams leucine and 5 grams creatine5:30 – Workout6:30 – Blend H with 5 grams leucine, 5 grams creatine, 2/3 cup rilose7:30 – Dinner- Chicken breast, vegetables (corn, peas, asparagus, etc), mashed potatoes8:30 – Carb-Backload- Sweet potatoes, cereal, doughnuts, etc.10:30 – SleepNon-Training Days4:30 AM – Wake Up- 1 cup coffee, 1 tsp coconut oil6:30 – PT8:00 – 1 cup coffee, 1 tsp coconut oil12:00 PM – 1 cup coffee, 1 tsp coconut oil6:00 – Dinner- Chicken breast, vegetables (corn, peas, asparagus, etc), mashed potatoes7:30 – Carb-Backload (usually on off-days I’ll limit the carb-backload to roughly 100 grams)- Sweet potatoes, cereal, doughnuts, etc.9:30 - Blend H with 5 grams leucine, 5 grams creatine10:30 – SleepLove to here what everyone has to say. Thanks.
December 5, 2011 at 5:50 pm #13274
Naomi MostMemberThat looks pretty great to me, but you didn't mention what you feel is wrong with where you're at.If you're looking for ways to get leaner, I'd say skip the back-loading on non-training days (especially if dinner includes mashed potatoes already). You should be able to get through your morning routine on fatty acids alone, and you can dial that up and stay fueled by adding more coconut oil and even butter (1 Tbsp or more) to your coffee.The rest of the non-training day, back-load calories on fat and protein alone. Don't underestimate how much fat you might need, you're a pretty big guy. I'm a 130lb woman who doesn't gain weight even when she looks back at the day and sees she somehow ate 1/3 cup of butter.
But again, not sure what you're trying to get "right", because this mostly looks great to me.
December 5, 2011 at 6:29 pm #13275
DaveGuestThanks Naomi. Yeah I guess I just needed another set of eyes (at least someone whose studied this more) to take a look.I'll increase my fat intake throughout the day and avoid the leucine in my preworkout shake to prevent a spike in my insulin.
December 7, 2011 at 2:24 pm #13276
DaveGuestFINAL RAWR:Training Days4:30 AM – Wake Up - 1 cup coffee, 1 tbsp or less coconut oil, 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream - 15 mg Yohimbe HCL6:30 – PT8:00 – 1 cup coffee, 1 tbsp or less coconut oil, 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream11:30 – 12:30 PM – Meal - 4 strips bacon and 3 eggs with 1 slice provolone or Low Fat Cottage Cheese, - 1 cup coffee3:30 – 40-50 grams Blend D, fish oil pill, 2 tbps ground milled flax, 1 tbsp coconut oil5:30 – Workout6:30 – Blend H with 5 grams leucine, 5 grams creatine, 2/3 cup rilose7:30 – Dinner - Chicken breast, vegetables (corn, peas, asparagus, green beans), mashed potatoes/rice8:30 – Carb-Backload - Sweet potatoes, cereal, doughnuts, white rice, turnovers9:00 – SleepNon-Training Days4:30 AM – Wake Up - 1 cup coffee, 1 tbsp or less coconut oil, 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream - 15 mg Yohimbe HCL6:30 – PT8:00 – 1 cup coffee, 1 tbsp or less coconut oil, 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream11:30 – 12:30 PM – Meal - 25 grams Blend D, fish oil pill, 2 tbps ground milled flax, 1 tbsp coconut oil - 1 cup coffee6:30 – Dinner - Chicken breast, vegetables (corn, peas, asparagus, green beans), mashed potatoes/rice8:30 – Carb-Backload * (Skip or only as needed) - Sweet potatoes, cereal, doughnuts, white rice, turnovers9:00 – Sleep
December 14, 2011 at 2:40 am #13277
DaveGuestThis has been edited so many times…but finally after reading the CB book, I'll be doing a 6-10 day depletion phase (depending on if I train or not during the depletion) then I'll begin CB in earnest.TrainingWake Up (5:00) – Coffee, MCT/Coconut Oil- Fish Oil Supplement, 1 tsp CreatineBreakfast (8:00) – Coffee, Ground Milled Flax, ½ Scoop Blend D- Fish Oil Supplement, 1 tsp CreatineLunch (12:00) – Meat, Green Vegetables- Coffee, MCT/Coconut Oil- Fish Oil Supplement, 1 tsp CreatinePre-Workout (4:30) – Caffeine, ½ Scoop Blend D, 1 tsp Creatine, MCT/Coconut OilWorkout (5:00-6:00)Post-Workout (6:30) – 2 Scoops Blend H, 1 Scoop Rilose, 1 tsp Creatine, 1 tsp LeucineBack-Load (7:00/7:30) – Sweet Potatoes, Turnovers, Cereal, PB & J Sandwich, Super-Ripe Bananas, White Rice, Pizza, Cookies * Avoid Processed Foods- 1 Scoop Blend H, 1 tsp Leucine, 1 tsp CreatineBefore Bed (9:30) – 1 Scoop Blend H, 1 tsp Leucine, 1 tsp CreatineBed (10:00)Non-TrainingWake Up (5:00) – Coffee, MCT/Coconut Oil- Fish Oil Supplement, 1 tsp CreatineBreakfast (8:00) – Coffee, Ground Milled Flax, ½ Scoop Blend D- Fish Oil Supplement, 1 tsp CreatineLunch (12:00) – Meat, Green Vegetables- Coffee, MCT/Coconut Oil- Fish Oil Supplement, 1 tsp CreatineAfternoon (3:00) – 2 Scoops Blend D, 1 tsp Creatine, MCT/Coconut OilDinner (6:00) – Meat, Green Vegetables, Fat- 1 tsp CreatineBefore Bed (9:30) – 2 Scoops Blend D, 1 tsp CreatineBed (10:00)
December 14, 2011 at 6:11 am #13278
Richard SchmittModeratorI noticed that you're taking in fish oil and creatine with every “meal”, I'm guessing the book says its recommended? Also how much of the oil are you putting in with you coffee? 1 tbsp? Also the Carb-Backloading meal…(sorry if this is bothering you sir) how long is this process for? and no protein from say a regular dinner? (Like if I was grilled chicken with the rice)
December 14, 2011 at 6:54 pm #13279
DaveGuestI noticed that you're taking in fish oil and creatine with every "meal", I'm guessing the book says its recommended? Also how much of the oil are you putting in with you coffee? 1 tbsp? Also the Carb-Backloading meal...(sorry if this is bothering you sir) how long is this process for? and no protein from say a regular dinner? (Like if I was grilled chicken with the rice)
Absolutely love the questions because it helps point out things I missed. usually if it's just the coconut oil by itself I'll put in enough to hit roughly 100 calories which is about 1 tbsp, generally any fat I add to my coffee or shakes will be about 1 tbsp but if I include things like ground milled flax I might use a little less or if I add heavy whipping cream AND coconut oil it only be about 1/2 of each. The CB will be done about 1-3 times during the night depending on how full I am, if I looked soft and bloated or felt weak and flat. I've been experimenting with the CB and what carbs work best for my body and my goals so I've dialed it in pretty well to know how much of what type of carbs I can eat before I start overdoing it. I hate to write this because I feel it's been beaten to death but honestly it's all situational based on your body and goals. The great thing is, kiefer makes it "stupid-simple," my schedule just looks the way it does because I want to spread out the creatine, omega-3s, as well as losing fat being my priority (206 lbs 15 % BF). Aside from everything else, I didn't specifically write down what i'll eat for dinner because I'll incorporate it into the CB (ex: white rice, teriyaki chicken. sushi made with white rice. maybe a chicken breast depending on how hungry I am if not I'll just substitute a shake to allow more room for the CB). I've found that at least with my body I can't gorge myself on straight carbs (taking a quote from Kiefer "it's not an excuse to eat garbage." Hope somewhere in this mess I've answered your questions.
December 15, 2011 at 1:43 am #13280
Richard SchmittModeratorAh ok that makes sense, yeah even though he's a real smart guy, he really made it stupid simple for us less educated haha. So it's not necessary for fish oils? Because I pretty much have the other supplements he recommended, just no heavy whipping creme at the moment, it'll just be either coconut or olive oil in my coffee.
December 15, 2011 at 1:59 am #13281
DaveGuesthe does make it a key point to include omega-3s specifically from fish oils (Chapter 22) so I would try to incorporate them throughout the low-carb portion of the day, you want to make sure that the fish oils you're buying are quality (i purchased mine from Genuine Health). Aside from that note, I would lean more towards coconut or MCT oil rather than olive oil.
December 15, 2011 at 2:19 am #13282
Richard SchmittModeratorhe does make it a key point to include omega-3s specifically from fish oils (Chapter 22) so I would try to incorporate them throughout the low-carb portion of the day, you want to make sure that the fish oils you're buying are quality (i purchased mine from Genuine Health). Aside from that note, I would lean more towards coconut or MCT oil rather than olive oil.
Ah alright...yeah I don't have coconut oil yet, and trying to figure out what types of MCT Oil is there. Plus all I have at the chow hall is Olive Oil at the moment.
December 15, 2011 at 2:37 am #13283
DaveGuestyeah i understand your situation. then i guess it's olive oil, almond milk, straight black coffee, or ordering coconut or MCT oil online.
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