Low Serotonin

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    Don't answer of you don't want to. Or PM if that works. Who else besides me is on CNS and with low serotonin?Due to being navy, SSRI isn't possible. Pre navy I was taking citalpram.  Any suggestions for supplements?



    You could try using L-Tryptophan, and 5 HTP. There's tons of herbs and supps you can try and google will be your friend for that.



    first off, how do you know if you are “low in serotonin”? second, what if I told you being low serotonin was actually a really good thing?



    first off, how do you know if you are "low in serotonin"? second, what if I told you being low serotonin was actually a really good thing?

    Pre navy, I got tested. Doc said I was definitely lower the. Average. Was getting chest pains and near panic attacks.  Rarely get them now. Only reason why I revisit the idea of naturally addressing this is mental attentiveness and being always on edge. However if you say low serotonin is good, lets hear it...always open.



    first off, how do you know if you are "low in serotonin"? second, what if I told you being low serotonin was actually a really good thing?

    Pre navy, I got tested. Doc said I was definitely lower the. Average. Was getting chest pains and near panic attacks.  Rarely get them now. Only reason why I revisit the idea of naturally addressing this is mental attentiveness and being always on edge. However if you say low serotonin is good, lets hear it...always open.

    What else was tested? Those symptoms are more likely to be related to adrenaline. Low carb probably isnt the best plan for someone with those symptoms.



    first off, how do you know if you are "low in serotonin"? second, what if I told you being low serotonin was actually a really good thing?

    Pre navy, I got tested. Doc said I was definitely lower the. Average. Was getting chest pains and near panic attacks.  Rarely get them now. Only reason why I revisit the idea of naturally addressing this is mental attentiveness and being always on edge. However if you say low serotonin is good, lets hear it...always open.

    What else was tested? Those symptoms are more likely to be related to adrenaline. Low carb probably isnt the best plan for someone with those symptoms.

    They did battery, and said low serotonin.  Low adrenaline??



    first off, how do you know if you are "low in serotonin"? second, what if I told you being low serotonin was actually a really good thing?

    Pre navy, I got tested. Doc said I was definitely lower the. Average. Was getting chest pains and near panic attacks.  Rarely get them now. Only reason why I revisit the idea of naturally addressing this is mental attentiveness and being always on edge. However if you say low serotonin is good, lets hear it...always open.

    What else was tested? Those symptoms are more likely to be related to adrenaline. Low carb probably isnt the best plan for someone with those symptoms.

    They did battery, and said low serotonin.  Low adrenaline??

    I very much doubt low serotonin is an issue. High adrenaline and actually high serotonin (they usually go hand in hand) cause those types of symptoms. How is your gut motility? Are you extremely constipated? Most Serotonin is made in the intestine from irritation and so any kind of stomach upset from either stress or diet can contribute to increased stress hormones such as Serotonin, Cortisol, Adrenaline and Estrogen. One of Serotonins main roles is to "evacuate the bowels" when presented with a dangerous food, substance or life threatening (real or percieved) situations i.e "to shit yourself in fear". One natural thing that you could try that's actually really good for the gut and helps with all those are raw carrots. Preferably grated as the undigestable fibres help to clear out endotoxins, estrogen and bacteria which lowers the overall burden on the gut.To lower Adrenaline (which I think is responsible for that "on edge" feeling) you'd be wise to get adequate amounts of sodium. Salt all fluids and possibly reduce water consumption if drinking a lot of it. Other minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium will help once enough sodium is in the diet. Sodium also helps the body to retain these minerals so less is wasted. Consider taking a more moderate carb approach to dieting instead of low carb which will exacerbate stress reactions.



    Wow, quite the amount of info!  Any idea how the hospital would ha e diagnosed me as low of they did a blood pannel test Gut mobility, pretty ok when I have at least 5g fiber a day. If super low fuber, ie no 1minutw flax seed muffin, every few days I go. If I eat something that upsets my stomach I doesnt cause any holy crap running to the bathroom moments. And I've had food from all around the world. I drink about 90 oz water a day. And prob 20oz coffee (only caffeine source )Possible they tested me when I was basically bottomed out on the hormones?  Would a year of more than mild illegal Columbian substance cause any issues. Mind you I was clean for about six months ore test.



    Wow, quite the amount of info!  Any idea how the hospital would ha e diagnosed me as low of they did a blood pannel test Gut mobility, pretty ok when I have at least 5g fiber a day. If super low fuber, ie no 1minutw flax seed muffin, every few days I go. If I eat something that upsets my stomach I doesnt cause any holy crap running to the bathroom moments. And I've had food from all around the world. I drink about 90 oz water a day. And prob 20oz coffee (only caffeine source )Possible they tested me when I was basically bottomed out on the hormones?  Would a year of more than mild illegal Columbian substance cause any issues. Mind you I was clean for about six months ore test.

    The carrot is likely to help out heaps that would be one of the first things Id try. Did wonder's for me. A healthy digestive system should be producing at least 1-2 decent bowel movements a day. The long that 'shit' stays inside the more toxic you become. That sounds like a lot of water if you haven't considered the water that's also in foods. I would probably cut it back a bit and add some celtic sea salt to your water,coffee's and other drinks. A few twists of a salt grinder should be enough and will make a massive differenceBlood tests are a tricky one because they only tell you what's happening in one snap shot of time. What happened that prompted you to get tested? Though personally I would disregard the "diagnosis" and just work based on how you feel and towards improving your symptoms.



    Possible they tested me when I was basically bottomed out on the hormones?  Would a year of more than mild illegal Columbian substance cause any issues. Mind you I was clean for about six months ore test.

    The carrot is likely to help out heaps that would be one of the first things Id try. Did wonder's for me. A healthy digestive system should be producing at least 1-2 decent bowel movements a day. The long that 'shit' stays inside the more toxic you become. That sounds like a lot of water if you haven't considered the water that's also in foods. I would probably cut it back a bit and add some celtic sea salt to your water,coffee's and other drinks. A few twists of a salt grinder should be enough and will make a massive differenceBlood tests are a tricky one because they only tell you what's happening in one snap shot of time. What happened that prompted you to get tested? Though personally I would disregard the "diagnosis" and just work based on how you feel and towards improving your symptoms.

    1 or 2 a day...more like one a week maybe....always been that way since being a teenager.For back when I was 22 (now 29) and got tested, I was having good old chest pains, really worked up, would have to work at 100mph all the time.  Plus was scatter brained.  I'm sure part of it was due to me being in a less than healthy relationship back then.How was salt make a difference?  Is regular table salt ok?  I really can't go get tested either, my wife keeps on saying do it. But being in the MIL, I can deal with it and not willing to possibily have limitations for picking orders in my near future.



    Possible they tested me when I was basically bottomed out on the hormones?  Would a year of more than mild illegal Columbian substance cause any issues. Mind you I was clean for about six months ore test.

    The carrot is likely to help out heaps that would be one of the first things Id try. Did wonder's for me. A healthy digestive system should be producing at least 1-2 decent bowel movements a day. The long that 'shit' stays inside the more toxic you become. That sounds like a lot of water if you haven't considered the water that's also in foods. I would probably cut it back a bit and add some celtic sea salt to your water,coffee's and other drinks. A few twists of a salt grinder should be enough and will make a massive differenceBlood tests are a tricky one because they only tell you what's happening in one snap shot of time. What happened that prompted you to get tested? Though personally I would disregard the "diagnosis" and just work based on how you feel and towards improving your symptoms.

    1 or 2 a day...more like one a week maybe....always been that way since being a teenager.

    If thats the case then this should be priority number one for you and will make a massive difference in your health. First off try eating one large carrot a day. It's best if you are able to prepare it as a "salad" by grating lengthways, salting it and using some coconut oil. That should be enough to get things moving. You can use the carrot as a "tracer" in much the same way as whole corn by eating and seeing how many hours it takes to show up in your bowel movements. A transit time of any more than 24 hours is pretty bad. 

    For back when I was 22 (now 29) and got tested, I was having good old chest pains, really worked up, would have to work at 100mph all the time.  Plus was scatter brained.  I'm sure part of it was due to me being in a less than healthy relationship back then.How was salt make a difference?  Is regular table salt ok?

    Salt will help ease the stress reactions by lowering adrenaline, adrenaline also slows peristalsis which is probably the biggest reason you are all "backed up". It will balance the osmolarity of your intra/extra cellular fluids allowing for better cellular functioning and increased metabolism. Regular table salt is ok but celtic sea salt is good too for other trace minerals. Drinking "naked fluids", i.e water, without electrolytes is more likely to flush vitamins and minerals out of the body rather than adding or retaining them. So increasing salt slightly will help with vitamin and mineral balance as well.

    I really can't go get tested either, my wife keeps on saying do it. But being in the MIL, I can deal with it and not willing to possibily have limitations for picking orders in my near future.

    Probably not necessary, but full hormonal/thyroid panels would give you a valuable tool to assess what area's need attention.  Try the fibre from the carrot salad and salting your food and drinks for a while and see how much improvement you notice.



    Wow, well you know your stuff!  Thanks again! 



    Wow, well you know your stuff!  Thanks again!

    No worries. Feel free to update me as you go. Always keen to help.



    Wow, well you know your stuff!  Thanks again!

    No worries. Feel free to update me as you go. Always keen to help.

    What if I wanted to off set my carrot for flax seed meal..or is carrot and its fiber unquie to the situation



    Wow, well you know your stuff!  Thanks again!

    No worries. Feel free to update me as you go. Always keen to help.

    What if I wanted to off set my carrot for flax seed meal..or is carrot and its fiber unquie to the situation

    Carrot is a unique fibre in that there are viturally no gut bacteria that can use its fibres to ferment and cause issues. Where as other fibres generally end up feeding bacteria of which some will be strains that can be detrimental. If you are using flax seeds in any form I would suggest you dump these as well.  Same goes for all seeds and their products (oils, flours, meals etc) really. Most seeds (including from most fruits) irritate the hell out of the intestine. EDIT: If you like you could PM me your current diet outline (foods, quantity and timing etc) so I can see if theres anything problematic in it or something missing you could benefit from.

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Low Serotonin

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