Lyle McDonald says Kiefer is wrong 99% of the time

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    Got it 🙂



    So if this Lyle McDonald rapscallion says that Keifer is wrong 99% of the time…am I the only one who wants to know the 1% they apparently agree on?



    Er, they both agree on consuming carbs post workout. They both agree 1g protein for 1 lb lean mass. They both agree on fish oil supplementation. That is all I can think of.


    Eric Shaw

    So if this Lyle McDonald rapscallion says that Keifer is wrong 99% of the I the only one who wants to know the 1% they apparently agree on?

    As I posted earlier, I think a lot of the disagreement is regarding excessive fat consumption on backloads, whether or not it's a good idea to increase insulin insensitivity prior to a backload, which contradicts Lyles assertions, that one should increase sensitivity prior to a load. But Kiefer seems to rely more on tglut4 activation as the main metabolic pathway rather than insulin, so this is a clear difference of opinion.Also Lyle, who literally wrote the book on Ketosis, seems to feel it is unnecessary one to aim for Ketosis for fat loss, and uncessary to drop carb intake below 50 or 100 grams to achieve fat loss.I would love get Lyles take on how high fat consumpition triggers HSL & LPL enzyme upregulation, because Kiefer is the first person I have ever heard that argument from.  I had never heard that if protein exceeds fat intake in the diet, that it will cause the body to rely on protein for energy, vice versa for fat.



    one plus side of getting into ketosis is you stop having brain fog, sitting on the edge of ketosis while not being in it feels like crap. thats why people generally feel like crap on ud2 or rwld.why bother feeling like crap to lose fat, when you can feel great and lose fat. diet compliance will be 2000% times greater.thats why i never understood ud2 or rwld or big deficit diets, why take 5 steps back on your training just to drop fat?



    Yay for no brain-fog 8)



    i'd imagine thats where some of lyles hate comes from, no one tends to bitch much on cn or cbl and make progress, people on ud2 and rwld are constantly groaning. but to be honost its probably all business. when you make a lot of money you dont care what other people say, youre too busy counting your money. hit someone in the wallet or their spotlight and theyre your worst enemy.which probably explains lyle and aragons complaining.funny that martin b. doesnt seem to care. his responses are generally 'we agree on a lot.'



    Martin's cool 🙂 if this was a personality contest, Martin & Kiefer would be way ahead.


    Eric Shaw

    one plus side of getting into ketosis is you stop having brain fog, sitting on the edge of ketosis while not being in it feels like crap. thats why people generally feel like crap on ud2 or rwld.why bother feeling like crap to lose fat, when you can feel great and lose fat. diet compliance will be 2000% times greater.thats why i never understood ud2 or rwld or big deficit diets, why take 5 steps back on your training just to drop fat?

    Man,  I totally agree 1000%, on UD2 I felt like crap, I couldn't stick with it past 3 weeks. My friend did Lyles rapid-fat-loss diet RFL, and hated it, he was barely taking any fat, and had no energy to lift on the 2 meger 2 days a week that he trained lightly. He ended up quitting after a month, and only lost 10lbs.I will admit on CNS, I NEVER hungry, ever, and have PLENTY of energy, I've only been on it for 14 days, with a scale loss of 5lbs, but feel pumped, waist has decreased 3/8" of an inch, calipers have dropped several mm. But I'm reserving judgement until I run it long enough to be able to make a fair assessment.What pisses me off about Lyle, is it would be nice if he would come out and write an article with the exact reasons he thinks Kiefers diets are crap, let the readers decide for themsevles, based on empirical evidence, instead he just resorts to name calling and platitudes.Besides Kiefer has hot chicks. LOL.I would love to see Kiefer and Martin Berkhan do a podcast together, squash their differences and share their knowledge, since when has disagreement been a reason to hate each other.



    one plus side of getting into ketosis is you stop having brain fog, sitting on the edge of ketosis while not being in it feels like crap. thats why people generally feel like crap on ud2 or rwld.why bother feeling like crap to lose fat, when you can feel great and lose fat. diet compliance will be 2000% times greater.thats why i never understood ud2 or rwld or big deficit diets, why take 5 steps back on your training just to drop fat?

    That is part of it, the other part is the training load is very high volume, which sucks on lowered calories. That is why I was miserable on it. On the other hand, I actually had strength gains on UD2 so done right you don't have to take five steps back. It has its place. All diets work in the right context.



    I would love to see Kiefer and Martin Berkhan do a podcast together, squash their differences and share their knowledge, since when has disagreement been a reason to hate each other.

    I have a feeling the Universe would implode if these two were to talk shop together! Would be cool though (;



    Well, I know this isn't very scientific or anything, but if you compare photos of them, looks like Kiefer has the most muscle mass, Martin has the lowest body fat, and Lyle doesn't seem to have much of either (probably because he's caught in a perpetual cycle of bulking up and dieting down).

    This is what I was going to say. Also, as I recall, Lyle only has a BA, which would explain why Dipasquale has called him out for know what the fuck he's talking about inregards to ketosis.


    Eric Shaw

    Well, I know this isn't very scientific or anything, but if you compare photos of them, looks like Kiefer has the most muscle mass, Martin has the lowest body fat, and Lyle doesn't seem to have much of either (probably because he's caught in a perpetual cycle of bulking up and dieting down).

    This is what I was going to say. Also, as I recall, Lyle only has a BA, which would explain why Dipasquale has called him out for know what the fuck he's talking about inregards to ketosis.

    Just playing Devil's advocate here, in all fairness, Kiefer's degrees have zilch to do with nutrition. Not taking sides just stating the facts. Personally I think degrees are overrated, as Kiefer so aptley points out with not having a nutrition degree. I know 3 people personally who have no college degrees and are advanced computer programmers, for Microsoft, Intel and Apple.  Nothing wrong with specialized knowledge that was obtained through college, but totally overrated.


    Damon Amato

    Only having a BA doesn't necessarily mean Lyle doesn't understand ketosis.


    Eric Shaw

    Only having a BA doesn't necessarily mean Lyle doesn't understand ketosis.

    +1Heck, if having a degree were what made someone credible, then I guess we should be listening to Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Oz, et al for all their nutrition and fat loss advice, because they have way more advanced degrees than Kiefer or McDonald or Berkhan, and spent way more time in school right?

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Lyle McDonald says Kiefer is wrong 99% of the time

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