Lyle McDonald says Kiefer is wrong 99% of the time

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    Eric Shaw

    Well, I know this isn't very scientific or anything, but if you compare photos of them, looks like Kiefer has the most muscle mass, Martin has the lowest body fat, and Lyle doesn't seem to have much of either (probably because he's caught in a perpetual cycle of bulking up and dieting down).

    This is what I was going to say. Also, as I recall, Lyle only has a BA, which would explain why Dipasquale has called him out for know what the fuck he's talking about inregards to ketosis.

    Not sure if you knew Raz, but Lyle pretty much wrote the book on Ketogenic dieting and as far as I know no one disputes the depth, breadth and accuracy and detail of Lyles Ketogenic dieting book. Pretty much covers everything, tooth and nail. It's pretty much the gold standard in terms of explaining the science of what exactly a Keto diet is and how it works. It's NOT a book about a special gimmick or trick diet, it's about Ketosis, period.


    Brandon D Christ

    Well, I know this isn't very scientific or anything, but if you compare photos of them, looks like Kiefer has the most muscle mass, Martin has the lowest body fat, and Lyle doesn't seem to have much of either (probably because he's caught in a perpetual cycle of bulking up and dieting down).

    This is what I was going to say. Also, as I recall, Lyle only has a BA, which would explain why Dipasquale has called him out for know what the fuck he's talking about inregards to ketosis.

    Just playing Devil's advocate here, in all fairness, Kiefer's degrees have zilch to do with nutrition. Not taking sides just stating the facts. Personally I think degrees are overrated, as Kiefer so aptley points out with not having a nutrition degree. I know 3 people personally who have no college degrees and are advanced computer programmers, for Microsoft, Intel and Apple.  Nothing wrong with specialized knowledge that was obtained through college, but totally overrated.

    Not having a degree in Nutrition gives him more credentials in my book.  I don't know if you went to college or not, but I can assure you that nutrition does not attract the best and the brightest, like say physics.  Most of the cutting edge nutrition comes from people who do not have degrees in nutrition.  The reason being most nutritionists are brainwashed in college and are still advocating low fat diets.Oh and by the way, the concept of the keotgenic diet has been around for almost 100 years.  It was conceptualized for epileptics to control seizures.  McDonald was standing on the shoulders of giants when he wrote that book.



    Well, I know this isn't very scientific or anything, but if you compare photos of them, looks like Kiefer has the most muscle mass, Martin has the lowest body fat, and Lyle doesn't seem to have much of either (probably because he's caught in a perpetual cycle of bulking up and dieting down).

    This is what I was going to say. Also, as I recall, Lyle only has a BA, which would explain why Dipasquale has called him out for know what the fuck he's talking about inregards to ketosis.

    Just playing Devil's advocate here, in all fairness, Kiefer's degrees have zilch to do with nutrition. Not taking sides just stating the facts. Personally I think degrees are overrated, as Kiefer so aptley points out with not having a nutrition degree. I know 3 people personally who have no college degrees and are advanced computer programmers, for Microsoft, Intel and Apple.  Nothing wrong with specialized knowledge that was obtained through college, but totally overrated.

    Not having a degree in Nutrition gives him more credentials in my book.  I don't know if you went to college or not, but I can assure you that nutrition does not attract the best and the brightest, like say physics.  Most of the cutting edge nutrition comes from people who do not have degrees in nutrition.  The reason being most nutritionists are brainwashed in college and are still advocating low fat diets.Oh and by the way, the concept of the keotgenic diet has been around for almost 100 years.  It was conceptualized for epileptics to control seizures.  McDonald was standing on the shoulders of giants when he wrote that book.

    Actually that is not entirely correct, and you would know if you read the book. Yes, ketogenic diets for the treatment of epilepsy have been around for a very long time, but they are very different from fat loss oriented like carbnite and CKD's. Epilepsy treatments are extremely high fat, totaling usually around 90% of the total nutrient intake. This of course led to muscle wasting because of the lack of protein. So yes, there were keto diets, but none that had been set up for effective retention of muscle mass. The only ones out at the time were Anabolic Diet and the first Ultimate Diet, but neither had the references to support the why of what they were doing.



    I think there are wayyyyy too many people on the Forums who can attest to seeing great results, for anybody to say Kiefer is wrong no matter what Percentile of the time, no matter what degree they have.  I believe that there is more than one way to skin a cat, but i also believe that one way CAN BE better than the other.  That being said, CNS/CBL is probably one of those BETTER ways to reach your goals, without being completely miserable.


    Like I've said before, I couldn't give an ounce of a flying fuck what people say in disagreeance with Keifer.  I believe my own results;  I know my body, and I am fully capable of deciphering what works for me.  CNS works, and the month I tested CBL… it worked.I am a believer, and I am hooked.  I don't need so-called experts to make my decisions for me.Thank you, that is all.    😉Cory


    Brandon D Christ

    Well, I know this isn't very scientific or anything, but if you compare photos of them, looks like Kiefer has the most muscle mass, Martin has the lowest body fat, and Lyle doesn't seem to have much of either (probably because he's caught in a perpetual cycle of bulking up and dieting down).

    This is what I was going to say. Also, as I recall, Lyle only has a BA, which would explain why Dipasquale has called him out for know what the fuck he's talking about inregards to ketosis.

    Just playing Devil's advocate here, in all fairness, Kiefer's degrees have zilch to do with nutrition. Not taking sides just stating the facts. Personally I think degrees are overrated, as Kiefer so aptley points out with not having a nutrition degree. I know 3 people personally who have no college degrees and are advanced computer programmers, for Microsoft, Intel and Apple.  Nothing wrong with specialized knowledge that was obtained through college, but totally overrated.

    Not having a degree in Nutrition gives him more credentials in my book.  I don't know if you went to college or not, but I can assure you that nutrition does not attract the best and the brightest, like say physics.  Most of the cutting edge nutrition comes from people who do not have degrees in nutrition.  The reason being most nutritionists are brainwashed in college and are still advocating low fat diets.Oh and by the way, the concept of the keotgenic diet has been around for almost 100 years.  It was conceptualized for epileptics to control seizures.  McDonald was standing on the shoulders of giants when he wrote that book.

    Actually that is not entirely correct, and you would know if you read the book. Yes, ketogenic diets for the treatment of epilepsy have been around for a very long time, but they are very different from fat loss oriented like carbnite and CKD's. Epilepsy treatments are extremely high fat, totaling usually around 90% of the total nutrient intake. This of course led to muscle wasting because of the lack of protein. So yes, there were keto diets, but none that had been set up for effective retention of muscle mass. The only ones out at the time were Anabolic Diet and the first Ultimate Diet, but neither had the references to support the why of what they were doing.

    The point I was making is that the knowledge ketosis/ketogenesis has been around for a long time. 



    Well, I know this isn't very scientific or anything, but if you compare photos of them, looks like Kiefer has the most muscle mass, Martin has the lowest body fat, and Lyle doesn't seem to have much of either (probably because he's caught in a perpetual cycle of bulking up and dieting down).

    This is what I was going to say. Also, as I recall, Lyle only has a BA, which would explain why Dipasquale has called him out for know what the fuck he's talking about inregards to ketosis.

    Just playing Devil's advocate here, in all fairness, Kiefer's degrees have zilch to do with nutrition. Not taking sides just stating the facts. Personally I think degrees are overrated, as Kiefer so aptley points out with not having a nutrition degree. I know 3 people personally who have no college degrees and are advanced computer programmers, for Microsoft, Intel and Apple.  Nothing wrong with specialized knowledge that was obtained through college, but totally overrated.

    Not having a degree in Nutrition gives him more credentials in my book.  I don't know if you went to college or not, but I can assure you that nutrition does not attract the best and the brightest, like say physics.  Most of the cutting edge nutrition comes from people who do not have degrees in nutrition.  The reason being most nutritionists are brainwashed in college and are still advocating low fat diets.Oh and by the way, the concept of the keotgenic diet has been around for almost 100 years.  It was conceptualized for epileptics to control seizures.  McDonald was standing on the shoulders of giants when he wrote that book.

    Actually that is not entirely correct, and you would know if you read the book. Yes, ketogenic diets for the treatment of epilepsy have been around for a very long time, but they are very different from fat loss oriented like carbnite and CKD's. Epilepsy treatments are extremely high fat, totaling usually around 90% of the total nutrient intake. This of course led to muscle wasting because of the lack of protein. So yes, there were keto diets, but none that had been set up for effective retention of muscle mass. The only ones out at the time were Anabolic Diet and the first Ultimate Diet, but neither had the references to support the why of what they were doing.

    The point I was making is that the knowledge ketosis/ketogenesis has been around for a long time.

    Can't argue with that!



    Oh and by the way, the concept of the keotgenic diet has been around for almost 100 years.  It was conceptualized for epileptics to control seizures.  McDonald was standing on the shoulders of giants when he wrote that book.

    So true!  And to this day no one has written a ketogenic diet book with a title as fine as Letter on Corpulence, Addressed to the Public.


    Tanner Fox

    Lyle is a beast in real life (kidding BTW).  If you take one look at Lyle and take one look at Kiefer my choice of who to follow would be evident.  Lyle has his studies, Kiefer has his studies and practices it dailyI would say Lyle is educated in his field yes, but the fact that he is a complete asshole to anyone who disagrees with him ruins anything coming out of his mouth at that point.  Being a public figure should require some class, Kiefer has that, Lyle simply lacks it.



    How much is he deadlifting there? The bar looks suspiciously the same as it does when I (a 120 lb female newbie to weight training) deadlift.


    Tanner Fox

    Exactly 🙂



    Hilarious. Especially the face + cross-grip. Icing on the cake 🙂



    So we have to store some glycogen and then semi-deplete it to make the hormones work?

    I read in another forum that you do the HIIT close to your CN because you have glycogen left.  HIIT needs fuel to burn, but supposedly if you wait to long after a carb nite, you will burn some muscle instead of glycogen because your glycogen  levels aren't high.  So I think the idea is that you want to burn the right type of fuel.


    Brandon D Christ

    So we have to store some glycogen and then semi-deplete it to make the hormones work?

    I read in another forum that you do the HIIT close to your CN because you have glycogen left.  HIIT needs fuel to burn, but supposedly if you wait to long after a carb nite, you will burn some muscle instead of glycogen because your glycogen  levels aren't high.  So I think the idea is that you want to burn the right type of fuel.

    No you want to do HIIT after your Carb Nite.  Preferably the day after, but no more than 3 days after your Carb Nite.  Everyone is going to have depleted glycogen stores if they go 6 days without carbs.  Even if you just sit on the couch all day.



    So we have to store some glycogen and then semi-deplete it to make the hormones work?

    I read in another forum that you do the HIIT close to your CN because you have glycogen left.  HIIT needs fuel to burn, but supposedly if you wait to long after a carb nite, you will burn some muscle instead of glycogen because your glycogen  levels aren't high.  So I think the idea is that you want to burn the right type of fuel.

    No you want to do HIIT after your Carb Nite.  Preferably the day after, but no more than 3 days after your Carb Nite.  Everyone is going to have depleted glycogen stores if they go 6 days without carbs.  Even if you just sit on the couch all day.

    Sorry, by "close" I meant close but after.

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Lyle McDonald says Kiefer is wrong 99% of the time

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