Lyle McDonald says Kiefer is wrong 99% of the time

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    Yeah, don't worry. I don't feel like doing any HIIT when glycogen depleted. Remember female bodies are much better at hanging onto glycogen than male ones



    All I have to say is….this mac n cheese is Delicious!! 😛Oh and Lyle is a Prick. /thread 🙂



    Wanna hear the least scientific argument ever?Have you ever seen a picture of Lyle McDonald? Since this forum has members with mostly aesthetic goals... does he look like the guy who can take you where you want to be?  I know, I know genetics.  But seriously, does he even lift?I stopped reading his website because it seemed that he just used it to compensate for being a self-proclaimed socially isolated nerd.  He doesn't care whether or not he can help people, he doesn't care about the effectiveness of his methods, he cares about winning arguments.He's basically a glorified troll.



    Haha the Mac and cheese comment is great. Forreal, if you can eat all the crap and still get results and feel great. Who cares what science says. And I'm pretty sure if there was a cage match, Kiefer would win. It's like taking diet advice from a fat person with Lyle. If you don't practice what you preach, act like a dick to people, and bash other people for no reason to show how “smart” you are… Go fuck yourself. I'd rather listen to someone who is a better person in every day life anyway.



    I believe this is one of those cases where you just choose who to believe and follow…  The Army has a saying that I prefer when this comes about..."you do whatever you feel your rank can handle."  In laymans terms, the Kiefer vs McDonald argument has really no backing whatsoever.  Both may offer some insights into how the body works, but if McDonald is prone towards flaming even the casual observer without any sort of composure I would say he's biting off more than his rank can handle.There's a lot of mis-information out there.  Kiefer is one of the few people who has actually done the research and put the pieces of the puzzle together.  The argument isn't along the lines of who is right, as both are right to some extent, but in how they handle people.  Kiefer is prone to flame people on Biojacked, as I'm sure McDonald flames people on his forums.  It's human nature to believe what you believe is correct.  You can hardly blame them for that, however, not being able to say you were wrong on something or not totally understanding every relevant data point is a setback.The thing that really makes Kiefer shine in this scenario is his lack of a cookie cutter approach.  Nobody responds to the same stimulus.  There is similarities and strong correlations, but just because we're on the same overall gameplan, doesn't mean that it is going to work the same for everyone.  Take what you can use, disregard what you can't find any relevence for, and drive on.  Ignore the mud slinging and be your own judge for who is right 99% of the time.

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Lyle McDonald says Kiefer is wrong 99% of the time

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