Maca Root

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    Does anyone know anything about maca root powder?  I have heard it increases energy, concentration, etc., and wondered if it would fit into a CBL diet?  Not sure if it spikes insulin or anything so I was curious.  Any help would be appreciated.


    Kevin rogers

    Like myself, I guess nobody else has heard about it either Jimmy.


    Naomi Most

    Does anyone know anything about maca root powder?  I have heard it increases energy, concentration, etc., and wondered if it would fit into a CBL diet?  Not sure if it spikes insulin or anything so I was curious.  Any help would be appreciated.

    Yeah, I used to blend it into shakes when I was a full-on raw foodist.It's a high-carb root, it tastes kinda like the malt in a malted milk shake, and it has some estrogenic properties.  It's touted as an "adaptogen", a term I still can't figure out why anyone takes seriously -- basically, a class of herbs that "balances you out".  Mmkayy...Regardless of the science or lack thereof, I personally found that maca did make me feel more energetic and upbeat. 



    Thanks a lot for the response — I really appreciate it.  So do you think I should avoid it in my low-carb portion of the day since it is a “high-carb root”?



    I tried using it about a year ago.  For me personally, I was super edgey…almost worse than trying to quit smoking cold turkey.  Very snappy and irritable.  I've heard other say positive things, but I won't be trying it again.


    Jeremy Wade

    From what I can tell, you're looking at about 6grams of carbs in a 10gram serving, so it depends on how it fits into your daily carb intake and the 30gram limit.



    Thanks for the input, guys.

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Maca Root

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