Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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    Im just wondering the convo u guys would about monounsaturated fats avacado, olive oil, etc.

    I'm just gonna throw this out there.I think people have over blown the avoid MUFA thing. Just don't make that your main fats, but if you want to have some EVOO on a salad or some avocado with some meats then you should do that. Just get your high quality saturated fats in too.

    Who has recently made arguments to avoid omega-9's? Would this have anything to do with its ability to be more readily stored as BF opposed to mcts, and omega-3's?For cardiovascular purposes -- it has merit. Curious to get caught up on this avoidance issue.-Matt

    Yeah, you guessed it.If someone is avoiding food animal fats like GF butter and beef, pastured eggs, ect. for more MUFA then I understand saying to try and replace them with some of the animal fats instead, but to totally avoid them just seems... dumb. At least for guys that aren't looking to get to 5-ish% BF for stage.Personally, I do rarely eat them, but that's because it's much cheaper for me to get grass-fed beef and butter then it is to buy some high quality EVOO or avocados.

    +1.  I definitely agree.  I incorporate both almonds and avocado.  Of course most fats are coming from omega-3 eggs, beef, butter, coconut oil, and fish oil.  About 10-15% of my fats are MUFA. 



    ive been known to scoop a lil natty PB  ::), but 99% is animal fats and C.O.Trying to incorporate as much GF beef as I can, and I really have made time for hunting this year  🙁


    ive been known to scoop a lil natty PB  ::), but 99% is animal fats and C.O.Trying to incorporate as much GF beef as I can, and I really have made time for hunting this year  🙁

    I will use avocados sometimes, but most of the time they are $2 a piece and I don't want to pay that much.I do avoid nut butters but that's more because I have a control problem. I could destroy a jar of almond butter without blinking an eye.



    ive been known to scoop a lil natty PB  ::), but 99% is animal fats and C.O.Trying to incorporate as much GF beef as I can, and I really have made time for hunting this year  🙁

    I will use avocados sometimes, but most of the time they are $2 a piece and I don't want to pay that much.I do avoid nut butters but that's more because I have a control problem. I could destroy a jar of almond butter without blinking an eye.

    Lol yea love me some PB.


    Matt Porter

    ive been known to scoop a lil natty PB  ::), but 99% is animal fats and C.O.Trying to incorporate as much GF beef as I can, and I really have made time for hunting this year  🙁

    I will use avocados sometimes, but most of the time they are $2 a piece and I don't want to pay that much.I do avoid nut butters but that's more because I have a control problem. I could destroy a jar of almond butter without blinking an eye.

    Lol yea love me some PB.

    Hilarious and way to common!I actually prohibit clients to eat nut butter because I know what happens at night once you begin initiating a serious hunger signal and become leaner than your body would like to be.....You kinda stumble into the kitchen from a bathroom piss kinda just open the pantry where the nut butter is ......(keep in mind your pretty sleepy and 'innocent' right now) --- you decide to dig your index finger into the jar.....swirl....taste....swirl....taste.....then its like something takes over and possesses you....and that jar vanishes....I will actually only allocate "100 calorie" raw almond packs (females)  or for male clients Trader joes raw almond packs as they are PORTIONED OUT.I have had to literally chuck an entire jar out into a field in the middle of the night AFTER I threw it into the trash.....and proceeded to dig it out 2 hrs later for more....I am well aware of phytates and lectins and their anti-nutritious effects, but small servings have worked well for peopleDieting is serious business lol-Matt


    Matt Porter

    Can someone turn me on to the research regarding MUFA and trunk adiposity?I have not research oleic in quite some time but was high on it for cardiovascular benefits, helping glucose metabolism and have had personal positive experiences on it with skin.....I will try to get an article I did on saturates VS omega9/3 for muscle growth/fat-loss for hard gainers.....Saturates seemed to rule the day....-Matt



    Matt, I was wondering the same thing and did some research.  Check out my post on the top of page 7.  It has a link to a study.  I'd be interested to hear your interpretation of the results.



    Can someone turn me on to the research regarding MUFA and trunk adiposity?I have not research oleic in quite some time but was high on it for cardiovascular benefits, helping glucose metabolism and have had personal positive experiences on it with skin.....I will try to get an article I did on saturates VS omega9/3 for muscle growth/fat-loss for hard gainers.....Saturates seemed to rule the day....-Matt

    Matt what do you think of high dosing w/ omega 3's? I used to do the recommended 5g of omega 3 a day, but after rereading some stuff from john Meadows, I interpret his stance as being more important to get your dietary omega 6 to 3 in the correct range, and that mega dosing omega 3 can actually have unwanted effects.



    Can someone turn me on to the research regarding MUFA and trunk adiposity?I have not research oleic in quite some time but was high on it for cardiovascular benefits, helping glucose metabolism and have had personal positive experiences on it with skin.....I will try to get an article I did on saturates VS omega9/3 for muscle growth/fat-loss for hard gainers.....Saturates seemed to rule the day....-Matt

    Matt what do you think of high dosing w/ omega 3's? I used to do the recommended 5g of omega 3 a day, but after rereading some stuff from john Meadows, I interpret his stance as being more important to get your dietary omega 6 to 3 in the correct range, and that mega dosing omega 3 can actually have unwanted effects.

    I only take 5g daily w/ Meadows.



    Can someone turn me on to the research regarding MUFA and trunk adiposity?I have not research oleic in quite some time but was high on it for cardiovascular benefits, helping glucose metabolism and have had personal positive experiences on it with skin.....I will try to get an article I did on saturates VS omega9/3 for muscle growth/fat-loss for hard gainers.....Saturates seemed to rule the day....-Matt

    Matt what do you think of high dosing w/ omega 3's? I used to do the recommended 5g of omega 3 a day, but after rereading some stuff from john Meadows, I interpret his stance as being more important to get your dietary omega 6 to 3 in the correct range, and that mega dosing omega 3 can actually have unwanted effects.

    I only take 5g daily w/ Meadows.

    Yea i think when he says mega dosing, he may be referring to something similiar to Poliquin's protocol. Ive seen him endorse figures like 20 to 30 grams of omega 3 (W/ acetylcholine). I wouldn't think mega dosing as 5g.Im more curious about, if i'm eliminating alot of omega 6 sources from the diet, is the fish oil supp. as beneficial?



    Can someone turn me on to the research regarding MUFA and trunk adiposity?I have not research oleic in quite some time but was high on it for cardiovascular benefits, helping glucose metabolism and have had personal positive experiences on it with skin.....I will try to get an article I did on saturates VS omega9/3 for muscle growth/fat-loss for hard gainers.....Saturates seemed to rule the day....-Matt

    Matt what do you think of high dosing w/ omega 3's? I used to do the recommended 5g of omega 3 a day, but after rereading some stuff from john Meadows, I interpret his stance as being more important to get your dietary omega 6 to 3 in the correct range, and that mega dosing omega 3 can actually have unwanted effects.

    I only take 5g daily w/ Meadows.

    Yea i think when he says mega dosing, he may be referring to something similiar to Poliquin's protocol. Ive seen him endorse figures like 20 to 30 grams of omega 3 (W/ acetylcholine). I wouldn't think mega dosing as 5g.Im more curious about, if i'm eliminating alot of omega 6 sources from the diet, is the fish oil supp. as beneficial?

    I think the most important part is trying to balance the ratio.



    This is interesting.  I just did some calculation on my diet.  Between my multi-vitamin pack and 2 tbs of Carlson's fish oil, I'm eat about 12gms of omega-3 fatty acids.  There are currently very few sources of omega-6s.  I eat some almonds and spay some olive oil on the pan, but even these are predominantly mufas.  In total I probably only get 3-4gms of omega-6 fatty acids per day.  On ULC days I include some avocado so these may be a little better.I think I'll reduce to 1tbs of the fish oil.  This would bring my omega-3 total down to 7gms.  Even at this level, I'd still be 2:1.



    This is interesting.  I just did some calculation on my diet.  Between my multi-vitamin pack and 2 tbs of Carlson's fish oil, I'm eat about 12gms of omega-3 fatty acids.  There are currently very few sources of omega-6s.  I eat some almonds and spay some olive oil on the pan, but even these are predominantly mufas.  In total I probably only get 3-4gms of omega-6 fatty acids per day.  On ULC days I include some avocado so these may be a little better.I think I'll reduce to 1tbs of the fish oil.  This would bring my omega-3 total down to 7gms.  Even at this level, I'd still be 2:1.

    And I believe the ratio of 6 to 3 is 4:1, so that why I decided to back of the 3 supplementation. just to see.


    Matt Porter

    Can someone turn me on to the research regarding MUFA and trunk adiposity?I have not research oleic in quite some time but was high on it for cardiovascular benefits, helping glucose metabolism and have had personal positive experiences on it with skin.....I will try to get an article I did on saturates VS omega9/3 for muscle growth/fat-loss for hard gainers.....Saturates seemed to rule the day....-Matt

    Matt what do you think of high dosing w/ omega 3's? I used to do the recommended 5g of omega 3 a day, but after rereading some stuff from john Meadows, I interpret his stance as being more important to get your dietary omega 6 to 3 in the correct range, and that mega dosing omega 3 can actually have unwanted effects.

    Mega dosing omega-3 will flatten your physique out ultra fast -- especially on low carbs. If you had any decent vascularity, muscle roundness....kiss it good bye -- Too much anti inflammation is bad for muscle growth and appearance. -Matt



    Can someone turn me on to the research regarding MUFA and trunk adiposity?I have not research oleic in quite some time but was high on it for cardiovascular benefits, helping glucose metabolism and have had personal positive experiences on it with skin.....I will try to get an article I did on saturates VS omega9/3 for muscle growth/fat-loss for hard gainers.....Saturates seemed to rule the day....-Matt

    Matt what do you think of high dosing w/ omega 3's? I used to do the recommended 5g of omega 3 a day, but after rereading some stuff from john Meadows, I interpret his stance as being more important to get your dietary omega 6 to 3 in the correct range, and that mega dosing omega 3 can actually have unwanted effects.

    Mega dosing omega-3 will flatten your physique out ultra fast -- especially on low carbs. If you had any decent vascularity, muscle roundness....kiss it good bye -- Too much anti inflammation is bad for muscle growth and appearance. -Matt

    Hmmm interesting. What range do you consider "mega" dosing as?

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Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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