Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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    pshannon wrote:
    This is completely incorrect. Its almost impossible to get fat eating carbs around your workout. Of course, this depends on the type of trying your doing. If your going into the gym and struggling to do the most simple of exercises, then eating a large carbs post workout would be silly. However if your training correctly, carbs post workout are not going to get stored as fat.I'm sorry, but I'm pretty pissed off by your comment. If you're able to read, you shouldn't have any trouble noticing that I specifically mentioned the refeed...


    pshannon wrote:
    This is completely incorrect. Its almost impossible to get fat eating carbs around your workout. Of course, this depends on the type of trying your doing. If your going into the gym and struggling to do the most simple of exercises, then eating a large carbs post workout would be silly. However if your training correctly, carbs post workout are not going to get stored as fat.

    I'm sorry, but I'm pretty pissed off by your comment. If you're able to read, you shouldn't have any trouble noticing that I specifically mentioned the refeed...First, why are you apologizing if your pissed? Second, If I was talking about CN i would refer to it as a refeed, but since I am talking about someone who wants to build muscle (per the title of the thread) I am referring to the meal after each training session. This could be every day, not ONCE a week. I don't think you understand the difference between carbs PWO and carbs once a week. They are for two different goals, and accomplish TWO different things.



    pshannon wrote:
    This is completely incorrect. Its almost impossible to get fat eating carbs around your workout. Of course, this depends on the type of trying your doing. If your going into the gym and struggling to do the most simple of exercises, then eating a large carbs post workout would be silly. However if your training correctly, carbs post workout are not going to get stored as fat.

    I'm sorry, but I'm pretty pissed off by your comment. If you're able to read, you shouldn't have any trouble noticing that I specifically mentioned the refeed...You are still very incorrect in your statment, almost every contest or fat loss diet incorporates a weekly cheat meal or refeed, and most of those diets have carbs based throughout the whole day every day but in restricted amounts. Refeeds are to catch up on a overtop the top calorie deficit and carbohydrate deficit, they allow you to bring calories or carbs or both to very low levels for 5-6 days a week and then "reset" metabolism by overeating one day that week. And to think that just because you don't eat carbs all week you can eat AS MANY as you want on one day without storing them as fat is ridiculous, all you have to do is go to the CNS logs and youll find numerous instances of people doing 6 days basically 0 carbs and then one insanee carb nite and they spill over the next day and store some as fat.



    pshannon wrote:
    This is completely incorrect. Its almost impossible to get fat eating carbs around your workout. Of course, this depends on the type of trying your doing. If your going into the gym and struggling to do the most simple of exercises, then eating a large carbs post workout would be silly. However if your training correctly, carbs post workout are not going to get stored as fat.

    I'm sorry, but I'm pretty pissed off by your comment. If you're able to read, you shouldn't have any trouble noticing that I specifically mentioned the refeed...

    You are still very incorrect in your statment, almost every contest or fat loss diet incorporates a weekly cheat meal or refeed, and most of those diets have carbs based throughout the whole day every day but in restricted amounts. Refeeds are to catch up on a overtop the top calorie deficit and carbohydrate deficit, they allow you to bring calories or carbs or both to very low levels for 5-6 days a week and then "reset" metabolism by overeating one day that week. And to think that just because you don't eat carbs all week you can eat AS MANY as you want on one day without storing them as fat is ridiculous, all you have to do is go to the CNS logs and youll find numerous instances of people doing 6 days basically 0 carbs and then one insanee carb nite and they spill over the next day and store some as fat.Mike, are you saying I'm wrong, or t0x?



    I haven't read CNS yet.  Is the re-feed an entire day or only a few nightly meals like CBL?I'm currently eating 365gm of carbs during my backloads.  Incorporating Matt's outline this would switch to 60-90gm (1,450gm per week deficit).  This would be a big change and I would be a little concerned about performance.  I could make up 400-500gm on a re-feed day, but not in one CBL style backload.  This would still be 1,000gm per week less than what I'm currently taking in with CBL.Morning: coffee with CO + 1/2 scoop whey isolate11:00am: breakfast ULC 1.0 to 0.5 pro/fat by gm2:00pm: lunch ULC 1.0 to 0.5 pro/fat by gm5:30pm: post workout with 100gm simple carb and 50gm whey isolate (leucine + creatine)7:00pm: dinner ULC 1.0 to 0.5 pro/fat by gm9:00pm: snack ULC 1.0 to 0.5 pro/fat by gmSetting protein at 380gm would yield total calories of 3,630kcal which is right in line with my current training days.

    Hey man just sort of confused on what that meal plan is for? Is that how you would set up the modified CN? I think It would be basically impossible for you to try and make up those weekly carbs in one night and if you are having success with backloading 360 grams a night then go for it dude! If it aint broke dont fix it lol, the reason Im giving it a try is I dont react very well to nightly backloads, I've always been a numbers kind of guy so for me to follow set number 6 days a week then go nuts for one night is much less stresful and easier for me but a standard CNS protocol will not build much lean mass, it would provide strength but I am looking more for lean mass with no bf gain. I told myself Id never get back over 12 percent BF and I am at 10 now so getting too close for my liking lol



    pshannon wrote:
    This is completely incorrect. Its almost impossible to get fat eating carbs around your workout. Of course, this depends on the type of trying your doing. If your going into the gym and struggling to do the most simple of exercises, then eating a large carbs post workout would be silly. However if your training correctly, carbs post workout are not going to get stored as fat.

    I'm sorry, but I'm pretty pissed off by your comment. If you're able to read, you shouldn't have any trouble noticing that I specifically mentioned the refeed...

    t0x is wrong you are right, as per usual lolYou are still very incorrect in your statment, almost every contest or fat loss diet incorporates a weekly cheat meal or refeed, and most of those diets have carbs based throughout the whole day every day but in restricted amounts. Refeeds are to catch up on a overtop the top calorie deficit and carbohydrate deficit, they allow you to bring calories or carbs or both to very low levels for 5-6 days a week and then "reset" metabolism by overeating one day that week. And to think that just because you don't eat carbs all week you can eat AS MANY as you want on one day without storing them as fat is ridiculous, all you have to do is go to the CNS logs and youll find numerous instances of people doing 6 days basically 0 carbs and then one insanee carb nite and they spill over the next day and store some as fat.

    Mike, are you saying I'm wrong, or t0x?



    I haven't read CNS yet.  Is the re-feed an entire day or only a few nightly meals like CBL?I'm currently eating 365gm of carbs during my backloads.  Incorporating Matt's outline this would switch to 60-90gm (1,450gm per week deficit).  This would be a big change and I would be a little concerned about performance.  I could make up 400-500gm on a re-feed day, but not in one CBL style backload.  This would still be 1,000gm per week less than what I'm currently taking in with CBL.Morning: coffee with CO + 1/2 scoop whey isolate11:00am: breakfast ULC 1.0 to 0.5 pro/fat by gm2:00pm: lunch ULC 1.0 to 0.5 pro/fat by gm5:30pm: post workout with 100gm simple carb and 50gm whey isolate (leucine + creatine)7:00pm: dinner ULC 1.0 to 0.5 pro/fat by gm9:00pm: snack ULC 1.0 to 0.5 pro/fat by gmSetting protein at 380gm would yield total calories of 3,630kcal which is right in line with my current training days.

    Hey man just sort of confused on what that meal plan is for? Is that how you would set up the modified CN? I think It would be basically impossible for you to try and make up those weekly carbs in one night and if you are having success with backloading 360 grams a night then go for it dude! If it aint broke dont fix it lol, the reason Im giving it a try is I dont react very well to nightly backloads, I've always been a numbers kind of guy so for me to follow set number 6 days a week then go nuts for one night is much less stresful and easier for me but a standard CNS protocol will not build much lean mass, it would provide strength but I am looking more for lean mass with no bf gain. I told myself Id never get back over 12 percent BF and I am at 10 now so getting too close for my liking lol

    Hey Mike, I'm not looking to try this any time soon.  I'm only 2 weeks into CBL density bulking.  I gained just over 2lbs but it looks to be about 65/35 LBM to fat.  I'm reducing back-load carbs to 240gm this week.  Lets see what happens, but I'm guessing LBM gains will slow or maybe stop.  The proposed diet may (or may not) be better for gaining LEAN mass.I feel where you coming from in setting a max bf limit.  I've been gaining slowly over the last 16 weeks.  I started at 9%.  I'm now approaching 12% which is my limit.



    Im saying your right pshannon! Ahaha sorry to be confusing!

    pshannon wrote:
    This is completely incorrect. Its almost impossible to get fat eating carbs around your workout. Of course, this depends on the type of trying your doing. If your going into the gym and struggling to do the most simple of exercises, then eating a large carbs post workout would be silly. However if your training correctly, carbs post workout are not going to get stored as fat.

    I'm sorry, but I'm pretty pissed off by your comment. If you're able to read, you shouldn't have any trouble noticing that I specifically mentioned the refeed...

    You are still very incorrect in your statment, almost every contest or fat loss diet incorporates a weekly cheat meal or refeed, and most of those diets have carbs based throughout the whole day every day but in restricted amounts. Refeeds are to catch up on a overtop the top calorie deficit and carbohydrate deficit, they allow you to bring calories or carbs or both to very low levels for 5-6 days a week and then "reset" metabolism by overeating one day that week. And to think that just because you don't eat carbs all week you can eat AS MANY as you want on one day without storing them as fat is ridiculous, all you have to do is go to the CNS logs and youll find numerous instances of people doing 6 days basically 0 carbs and then one insanee carb nite and they spill over the next day and store some as fat.

    Mike, are you saying I'm wrong, or t0x?



    Oh ok I see yeah i found i had to really dial back the backloads on DB! Congrats on the results though, and yeah I used to be super fat like 28 percent So every “bulking” phase I set a top end for bf. I started at 7 6 weeks ago and have gotten to 10 now



    I just stumbled on the this topic and this is almost what I'm doing right now to build muscle while on CNS. On Saturday I started to reduce fat in my diet to about 0.5g : 1g Protein. Protein is about 1.5 to 1.7 x body weight.4 training days a week (on-on-off), 3 ULC-days.I eat a carb meal after a leg workout, but it's got about 90-100g carbs. On breast/back-workout days I just take whey isolate that contains 12g dextro (maybe I'll add some more - just sure now). Rest days are ULC and I have my CN every Saturday.If I work my legs on Saturday, thus I just have one CN and one Backload meal per week, if I work my upper body, I have two Backload meals plus CN.Way too soon to tell if it's working though...I wish I had that article, but don't have access to US Flex.Sugoi



    Very interesting man! Well do you have a log? what are your stats as of now? bf, weight etc?



    Very interesting man! Well do you have a log? what are your stats as of now? bf, weight etc?

    Sorry, no log! Maybe I'll open up one, just want to see if my tweaks work before that.  ;DI'm female, 180cm, bout 60kg, 16.9% bf (measured on 5th november)Had great results with CNS from August till now regarding body recomposition (started out with exactly the same weight, but lost 4cm on my waist till now, and always stuffed in more kcal than I had to), but now it's time to gain some lean mass.



    Oh ok thats sweet, so basically you eat 90-100g of carbs after leg day, just 12g dex after upper body days and 1 CN a week? Is that the gist of it?



    Exactly!Maybe I'll add some more dex on upper body days, esp if leg workout is on the same day as CN.



    Sweet, and 3 rest ULC days a week? so you train4 days? I did chest abs and tri today so I followed the program and ate 60 grams carbs from rice cakes with my PWO meal, tommorow is shoulders so Ill probably drop that to 40g I think

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Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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