Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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    Cool, thanks MTI don't believe Cory's losing as much fat now he's off standard CNS

    Right now, I am just trying to trick my body... had been on one CNS or another for too long.  I am also looking to put a little mass on right now.  That said, I don't look any fatter, and in fact, I have more def. in my chest and deltoids.  ;DCory



    Er, only one thing: Why would you skip butter?


    Er, only one thing: Why would you skip butter?

    That is just Matt's 'thing'.  He considers it an unhealthy fat choice in the article.Cory



    Oh, he's anti-saturated fat? Just lost a load of respect in my books . . .


    Oh, he's anti-saturated fat? Just lost a load of respect in my books . . .

    No, b/c he is all about egg yolks and avocados, etc.Cory



    As MT already said these enzymes are called "fatty acid synthase" (FAS). @ Mikehr: Your body has no switch, meaning possible states of only 0 and 1. Being ULC the levels of FAS fade away reaching almost non-existing levels after 4 days. So refeeding after 2 days should do less harm than after 1 day..Don't confuse CBL and CNS. CNS manipulates your endocrine system while CBL works at a biomolecular level. Furthermore you can exploit the advantages of both diets by lighter refeeding every 3 or so days - but this should require some experimentation and further adaption...

    All of the ideas here are conflicting. Have you read CBL? Your missing the whole point of this FLEX article and CBL. You kind of have a understanding of CNS, but once again it would be ever 7 days instead of 3 (unless your at a VERY low BF). So your saying the people that backload 6 days a week are just storing it as fat? Even though CBL manipulates the body into using the carbs for only growth, not fat. I have carbs every day...have gained 5 pounds and dropped 5% (average of Bodpod and calipers) bodyfat.....doesn't jive dude



    Oh, he's anti-saturated fat? Just lost a load of respect in my books . . .

    Matt will use and prescribe butter in moderation.  He doesn't like bacon or heavy cream.  He's not against red meat but recommends the leaner cuts.  His diets are typically lower in fat so once egg yokes, nuts, avocado, salmon, coconut oil, and some lean meat are included there is little room for other fats.


    pshannon wrote:
    All of the ideas here are conflicting. Have you read CBL? Your missing the whole point of this FLEX article and CBL. You kind of have a understanding of CNS, but once again it would be ever 7 days instead of 3 (unless your at a VERY low BF). So your saying the people that backload 6 days a week are just storing it as fat? Even though CBL manipulates the body into using the carbs for only growth, not fat. I have carbs every day...have gained 5 pounds and dropped 5% (average of Bodpod and calipers) bodyfat.....doesn't jive dudeWTF is your problem? How the hell would you get this interpretation?Since you don't seem to understand my points I will stop replying to you. Have a nice life and get on someone elses nerves >.<


    Someone has a rather short temper . . .



    I just can't stand people making me look like an idiot while not even trying to understand what I'm saying. Where the hell did I say CBL makes people fat? Where I ask you… This statement was just asinine…



    Don't worry, no one's trying to make you look like an idiot. We all have the same aim and that is to understand and utilize these diets. We're here to help each other do that.If someone implies that what you wrote is wrong in some way, we'd like it if you would break down your points; or simply point out that that's not what you said.No need to get pissed if someone misunderstood you.



    Furthermore I don't really approve of his 30 to 90 g Carbs after training, I think you should go all the way in either direction. This amount will do just damage in fat burning...




    Thanks for quoting the part where I said CBL makes everyone fat… >.<@ Fairy: I can't even begin to see where he gets his ideas regarding what I might have said. It just seems destructive to me...


    Richard Schmitt

    t0x you do need to take a step back and breath for a bit. Again no one made you look like an idiot except yourself for blowing up like you did.



    Yeah I am in no way trying to say anyone is an idiot I am just extremely interested, so T0x your saying since I am eating a small amount of carbs everyday (about 40-80 TOTAL including fiber, about 40-60 being fast acting after my workout), I should back off my CN? as in eat less because I could store a lot as fat? My argument is that I am training with more than adequate volume to empty that small amount of glycogen from my muscles, I believe MAtt inlcudes them in his diet to snap the body out the catabolic state during th PWO period.

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Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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