Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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    Oh, he's anti-saturated fat? Just lost a load of respect in my books . . .

    Matt will use and prescribe butter in moderation.  He doesn't like bacon or heavy cream.  He's not against red meat but recommends the leaner cuts.  His diets are typically lower in fat so once egg yokes, nuts, avocado, salmon, coconut oil, and some lean meat are included there is little room for other fats.

    yeah when I searched around on the internet and found his actual diet he was using grass fed butter at every ULC meal, and then "matt loading" at night which is just CBL rip off lol Do you think me still eating my 85/15 beef for lunch and bacon every other day will be detrimental to this diet? To me it seems like more of preference thing



    Oh, he's anti-saturated fat? Just lost a load of respect in my books . . .

    Matt will use and prescribe butter in moderation.  He doesn't like bacon or heavy cream.  He's not against red meat but recommends the leaner cuts.  His diets are typically lower in fat so once egg yokes, nuts, avocado, salmon, coconut oil, and some lean meat are included there is little room for other fats.

    yeah when I searched around on the internet and found his actual diet he was using grass fed butter at every ULC meal, and then "matt loading" at night which is just CBL rip off lol Do you think me still eating my 85/15 beef for lunch and bacon every other day will be detrimental to this diet? To me it seems like more of preference thing

    Its not at all a rip off of CBL.  The amount of carbs in general are much lower.  He makes not mention of fasting, etc.  Keifer was not the first to propose carbohydrate timing as part of a bb nutrition program.



    Sorry didn't mean that as insult to Matt in anyway I just saw alot of similarities, I have been following my "Carb Matt Loading" protocol for the past 2 weeks and am liking it thus far.I basically ingest high fats and high proteins for 3/4 of the day (8am -8pm) --> then slam simple carbs & proteins for 4 hrs.It is NOT a low carb plan and is nothing more than a 'nutrient timing' plan that also allows me to stay leaner while having all 3 macros in abundance ---- just segregated.meal 1: 6 cage-free eggs1tbs grass-fed butter1c 4% cottage cheesemeal 2: 250g tilapia or chicken fried in grass-fed butter1c spinach w/ 1tbs grass-fed buttermeal 3: Repeat above mealmeal 4: 3 scoops TN cold filtered whey iso2 tbs raw coconut oilPost w/o: 150-200g TN KarboLoad2 cupcake batter pop-tarts3 scoops pepto pro OR TN cold-filtered isolateEntire box of Aunt Jemima french toast w/ 1c 4% cottage cheese3-4 cups Cinnamon Toast Crunch w/ 2 scoops TN cold-filtered isolate (as milk)I average anywhere from 4000-5500 calories depending on how my appetite feels on a given day. has a pretty cool section of his own on the True Nutrition Site



    Hey Mike, got to admit that looks similar to CBL without the fast.  I'll checkout his section on TN.



    Yeah thats all I was trying to say I wasn't trying to discredit Matts Nutitional protcols or credibility or say that he stole CBL, just my weird way of saying they were similar haha



    Yeah thats all I was trying to say I wasn't trying to discredit Matts Nutitional protcols or credibility or say that he stole CBL, just my weird way of saying they were similar haha

    Wonder if he has spoken with Keifer.  Their articles are back-to-back in the FLEX issue Cory mentions in the OP.



    Yeah I wonder if they have in the past and the author obviously saw some simlarities if he was aware of both their nutritional philosophies and thats why he put them back to back in the magazine.



    I honestly see no benefit from Matts diet over CNS or CBL. None!



    I honestly see no benefit from Matts diet over CNS or CBL. None!

    The diet in the OP or the one Mikehr posted?  The one Mike posted is specific for Matt and not meant for anyone else.  The diet in the OP is interesting.  If we shifted all of the meals forward to allow for the morning fast, it would be very similar to CBL with only one small backload meal per training day and a CNS style re-feed once per week.  I guess somewhat of a combination of both protocols.



    Yeah I guess the difference would be the chance of fat gain from the CN, cause according to Fairy and a few other members 3 full days ULC is the minimum amount to make sure you dont store fat on the CN but since your eating a small amount of carbs PWO with matts diet you could potentially put on some fat during the refeed.



    I honestly see no benefit from Matts diet over CNS or CBL. None!

    The diet in the OP or the one Mikehr posted?  The one Mike posted is specific for Matt and not meant for anyone else.  The diet in the OP is interesting.  If we shifted all of the meals forward to allow for the morning fast, it would be very similar to CBL with only one small backload meal per training day and a CNS style re-feed once per week.  I guess somewhat of a combination of both protocols.

    The original diet that Matts article outlines. I see no benefit in this over either CNS or CBL for either fatloss or muscle gain. I actually think itd be inferior. Maybe not by much, but enough to make it worthless. Too much protein, Too much/Not enough carbs (depending on your goals) Bad/Sub optimal fat choices and amount. I just cant see why anyone that knows about CNS and CBL would consider this diet? Simply tweak either CNS or CBL for whatever results you want.



    I honestly see no benefit from Matts diet over CNS or CBL. None!

    The diet in the OP or the one Mikehr posted?  The one Mike posted is specific for Matt and not meant for anyone else.  The diet in the OP is interesting.  If we shifted all of the meals forward to allow for the morning fast, it would be very similar to CBL with only one small backload meal per training day and a CNS style re-feed once per week.  I guess somewhat of a combination of both protocols.

    The original diet that Matts article outlines. I see no benefit in this over either CNS or CBL for either fatloss or muscle gain. I actually think itd be inferior. Maybe not by much, but enough to make it worthless. Too much protein, Too much/Not enough carbs (depending on your goals) Bad/Sub optimal fat choices and amount. I just cant see why anyone that knows about CNS and CBL would consider this diet? Simply tweak either CNS or CBL for whatever results you want.

    Maybe or maybe not. I think is something that would need to be tested individually.Can someone explain Keifer's position on fats?  I understand limiting O6 PUFAs, but why shy away from all plant based fats especially those that are predominately monosaturated (olive oil, almonds, avocado)?  Wouldn't a balance of saturated, O3, MTC, and mono make more sense.  When he speaks about Paleo, he seems to acknowledge some of these benefits from a health perspective.  Is there something performance related or specific to CNS/CBL which these interfere with?


    Richard Schmitt

    I honestly see no benefit from Matts diet over CNS or CBL. None!

    The diet in the OP or the one Mikehr posted?  The one Mike posted is specific for Matt and not meant for anyone else.  The diet in the OP is interesting.  If we shifted all of the meals forward to allow for the morning fast, it would be very similar to CBL with only one small backload meal per training day and a CNS style re-feed once per week.  I guess somewhat of a combination of both protocols.

    The original diet that Matts article outlines. I see no benefit in this over either CNS or CBL for either fatloss or muscle gain. I actually think itd be inferior. Maybe not by much, but enough to make it worthless. Too much protein, Too much/Not enough carbs (depending on your goals) Bad/Sub optimal fat choices and amount. I just cant see why anyone that knows about CNS and CBL would consider this diet? Simply tweak either CNS or CBL for whatever results you want.

    Maybe or maybe not. I think is something that would need to be tested individually.Can someone explain Keifer's position on fats?  I understand limiting O6 PUFAs, but why shy away from all plant based fats especially those that are predominately monosaturated (olive oil, almonds, avocado)?  Wouldn't a balance of saturated, O3, MTC, and mono make more sense.  When he speaks about Paleo, he seems to acknowledge some of these benefits from a health perspective.  Is there something performance related or specific to CNS/CBL which these interfere with?

    The whole mono saturated fats like in plant fats tend to get stored in fat cells easier and take a lot to get rid of. Also not very "healthy" he mentioned this in a couple podcasts too by the way. And to apply a "Paleo" type way with CBL, just base those certain carbs around the time you normally backload or have a CN. You're just limiting certain foods to be eaten.



    Thanks Big Tex.  I'm listening to the pod casts, but there are still several I haven't had a chance to hear yet.  Does he cover this topic in CNS?  I don't recall any mention in CBL?  I like to hear more about the science behind this.  I've never heard of monosaturated fat being more likely to be stored as fat or any reason why it would be considered “unhealthy” assuming a good balance of other fats are also in the diet.


    Richard Schmitt

    Thanks Big Tex.  I'm listening to the pod casts, but there are still several I haven't had a chance to hear yet.  Does he cover this topic in CNS?  I don't recall any mention in CBL?  I like to hear more about the science behind this.  I've never heard of monosaturated fat being more likely to be stored as fat or any reason why it would be considered "unhealthy" assuming a good balance of other fats are also in the diet.

    I believe the most recent podcast is the one with Marci Nevins.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 155 total)

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Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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