Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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    Cool.  I'll listen to that one next.  I was doing some research and found this: I understand the study correctly, the monosaturated fat was stored in the greatest amount and the omega-3 was the least.  Very interesting.---Results: Net storage of fatty acids in adipose tissue occurred between 1 and 4 h after the meal. In relation to the amount fed, storage of fatty acids differed (P < 0.01) between classes (n−3 polyunsaturated < saturated < n−6 polyunsaturated < monounsaturated); oleic acid was stored in the greatest amounts. These differences agreed closely with published data, except for n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The only individual metabolic step at which significant differences between fatty acids was shown was incorporation of fatty acids into chylomicron triacylglycerol. Differences between fatty acids in rate of extraction from chylomicron triacylglycerol and net uptake into adipose tissue in the postprandial period were significant (P < 0.01), but not when expressed in relation to proportions in chylomicron triacylglycerol.Conclusions: The characteristic fatty acid pattern of adipose tissue may predominantly reflect the early metabolic handling of different fatty acids. Adipose tissue uptake of n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is slow in relation to that of other fatty acids.



    I guess its easiest explained as our body “recognising” what saturated fat is (since its of animal origin mostly, and we ARE animals) an using it appropriately whereas monos/polys appear more foreign (plant, we are NOT plants!) and apt to be stored since the body doesnt know what to do with it right away.Something like that. *fart noises, talking out ass etc*



    I honestly see no benefit from Matts diet over CNS or CBL. None!

    The diet in the OP or the one Mikehr posted?  The one Mike posted is specific for Matt and not meant for anyone else.  The diet in the OP is interesting.  If we shifted all of the meals forward to allow for the morning fast, it would be very similar to CBL with only one small backload meal per training day and a CNS style re-feed once per week.  I guess somewhat of a combination of both protocols.

    The original diet that Matts article outlines. I see no benefit in this over either CNS or CBL for either fatloss or muscle gain. I actually think itd be inferior. Maybe not by much, but enough to make it worthless. Too much protein, Too much/Not enough carbs (depending on your goals) Bad/Sub optimal fat choices and amount. I just cant see why anyone that knows about CNS and CBL would consider this diet? Simply tweak either CNS or CBL for whatever results you want.

    Maybe or maybe not. I think is something that would need to be tested individually.Can someone explain Keifer's position on fats?  I understand limiting O6 PUFAs, but why shy away from all plant based fats especially those that are predominately monosaturated (olive oil, almonds, avocado)?  Wouldn't a balance of saturated, O3, MTC, and mono make more sense.  When he speaks about Paleo, he seems to acknowledge some of these benefits from a health perspective.  Is there something performance related or specific to CNS/CBL which these interfere with?

    Well I am trying it right now and I am going to do a full blown CN on friday which will be 7 days from my last one, so far its been ok but i definitely feel like this small amount of carbs pwo does nothing and if it truly does affect the CN that negatively then I will have no problem dropping em



    I honestly see no benefit from Matts diet over CNS or CBL. None!

    The diet in the OP or the one Mikehr posted?  The one Mike posted is specific for Matt and not meant for anyone else.  The diet in the OP is interesting.  If we shifted all of the meals forward to allow for the morning fast, it would be very similar to CBL with only one small backload meal per training day and a CNS style re-feed once per week.  I guess somewhat of a combination of both protocols.

    The original diet that Matts article outlines. I see no benefit in this over either CNS or CBL for either fatloss or muscle gain. I actually think itd be inferior. Maybe not by much, but enough to make it worthless. Too much protein, Too much/Not enough carbs (depending on your goals) Bad/Sub optimal fat choices and amount. I just cant see why anyone that knows about CNS and CBL would consider this diet? Simply tweak either CNS or CBL for whatever results you want.

    After trying it, I agree man. The pwo carbs do nothing but throw me out of ketosis, which I wasnt fully in because the fat choices suck and the absurd amount of protein, my workouts have been garbage, my recovery is no better than standard ULC and my body feels exhausted from digesting 380 grams of fucking meat a day... So give me a nice big told you so because you were right, this diet doesnt let you burn fat or build muscle to any significant extent and I feel like complete shit on it.


    After trying it, I agree man. The pwo carbs do nothing but throw me out of ketosis […] this diet doesnt let you burn fat or build muscle to any significant extent and I feel like complete shit on it.Now that's what I was talking about...


    I honestly see no benefit from Matts diet over CNS or CBL. None!

    The diet in the OP or the one Mikehr posted?  The one Mike posted is specific for Matt and not meant for anyone else.  The diet in the OP is interesting.  If we shifted all of the meals forward to allow for the morning fast, it would be very similar to CBL with only one small backload meal per training day and a CNS style re-feed once per week.  I guess somewhat of a combination of both protocols.

    The original diet that Matts article outlines. I see no benefit in this over either CNS or CBL for either fatloss or muscle gain. I actually think itd be inferior. Maybe not by much, but enough to make it worthless. Too much protein, Too much/Not enough carbs (depending on your goals) Bad/Sub optimal fat choices and amount. I just cant see why anyone that knows about CNS and CBL would consider this diet? Simply tweak either CNS or CBL for whatever results you want.

    After trying it, I agree man. The pwo carbs do nothing but throw me out of ketosis, which I wasnt fully in because the fat choices suck and the absurd amount of protein, my workouts have been garbage, my recovery is no better than standard ULC and my body feels exhausted from digesting 380 grams of fucking meat a day... So give me a nice big told you so because you were right, this diet doesnt let you burn fat or build muscle to any significant extent and I feel like complete shit on it.

    That sucks!  Thanks for being the guinea pig on this one.  I'll definitely pass on this based on your experience.  Are you going back to CBL SA?  I forgot, what was your main reason for switching?


    Jimmy T

    You tried it for how long?

    After trying it, I agree man. The pwo carbs do nothing but throw me out of ketosis, which I wasnt fully in because the fat choices suck and the absurd amount of protein, my workouts have been garbage, my recovery is no better than standard ULC and my body feels exhausted from digesting 380 grams of fucking meat a day... So give me a nice big told you so because you were right, this diet doesnt let you burn fat or build muscle to any significant extent and I feel like complete shit on it.



    I have been doing it since friday and it has been long enough! Haha ill be switch to Corys modified CN with one smaller backload then a standard CN at the end of the week



    Matt asked me to post a link to a thread over at True Nutrition to discuss the FLEX article and hopefully clear up any misconceptions:


    Matt asked me to post a link to a thread over at True Nutrition to discuss the FLEX article and hopefully clear up any misconceptions:

    Thank you for sharing this!  That really does clarify a lot.Cory


    Jimmy T

    Mikehr, clearly you're not a scientist  8)  On that basis, most would have ditched CNS during the first month.Jerryiii, Nice link. The purchase of that Flex mag was the worst $ spent in my memory.  What a load of crap.  But I thought at the very least, there might be a pic or two of some fine hard body women... nope...Matt's explanation makes some sense.  The differences of body types I believe is a valid issue. Though I think it's more related to how long one has been inactive and in poor health vs genetic, but that's just a personal theory of mine.It would be amusing to hear Kiefer's reaction to his post but given he hasn't posted here in over 3 months, we'll likely never see it.



    Mikehr, clearly you're not a scientist  8)  On that basis, most would have ditched CNS during the first month.Jerryiii, Nice link. The purchase of that Flex mag was the worst $ spent in my memory.  What a load of crap.  But I thought at the very least, there might be a pic or two of some fine hard body women... nope...Matt's explanation makes some sense.  The differences of body types I believe is a valid issue. Though I think it's more related to how long one has been inactive and in poor health vs genetic, but that's just a personal theory of mine.It would be amusing to hear Kiefer's reaction to his post but given he hasn't posted here in over 3 months, we'll likely never see it.

    When everyday you wake up feeling like shit, your workouts suck, your lethargic all day and your stomach is uncomfortable all day I dont think the program is for you? Especially when there is two other programs on a site you belong two where people are having sucess AND feel great. I may not be a scientist but I am not a moron either



    Mikehr, clearly you're not a scientist  8)  On that basis, most would have ditched CNS during the first month.Jerryiii, Nice link. The purchase of that Flex mag was the worst $ spent in my memory.  What a load of crap.  But I thought at the very least, there might be a pic or two of some fine hard body women... nope...Matt's explanation makes some sense.  The differences of body types I believe is a valid issue. Though I think it's more related to how long one has been inactive and in poor health vs genetic, but that's just a personal theory of mine.It would be amusing to hear Kiefer's reaction to his post but given he hasn't posted here in over 3 months, we'll likely never see it.

    When everyday you wake up feeling like shit, your workouts suck, your lethargic all day and your stomach is uncomfortable all day I dont think the program is for you? Especially when there is two other programs on a site you belong two where people are having sucess AND feel great. I may not be a scientist but I am not a moron either

    LOL. Awesome! (;



    Mikehr, clearly you're not a scientist  8)  On that basis, most would have ditched CNS during the first month.Jerryiii, Nice link. The purchase of that Flex mag was the worst $ spent in my memory.  What a load of crap.  But I thought at the very least, there might be a pic or two of some fine hard body women... nope...Matt's explanation makes some sense.  The differences of body types I believe is a valid issue. Though I think it's more related to how long one has been inactive and in poor health vs genetic, but that's just a personal theory of mine.It would be amusing to hear Kiefer's reaction to his post but given he hasn't posted here in over 3 months, we'll likely never see it.

    When everyday you wake up feeling like shit, your workouts suck, your lethargic all day and your stomach is uncomfortable all day I dont think the program is for you? Especially when there is two other programs on a site you belong two where people are having sucess AND feel great. I may not be a scientist but I am not a moron either

    LOL. Awesome! (;

    I should have listened to you in the first place!


    Matt Porter

    Little late to the party…Took a while for account be activated -- I addressed any issues here --

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 155 total)

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Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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