Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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  • #102660


    Little late to the party...Took a while for account be activated -- I addressed any issues here --

    Hey Matt!Glad to have you aboard!


    Matt Porter

    Glad to be signed up — I will make sure to browse the forum and stay current as time lets me.So far it looks like a nice place to hangout.-Matt

    Little late to the party...Took a while for account be activated -- I addressed any issues here --

    Hey Matt!Glad to have you aboard!



    Sick!Any chance you be up to doing one of the podcasts?



    Welcome Matt!Ive seen your articles around the web. You know your stuff. Definately would love to hear you and Kiefer duke it out. Bet you agree on most things anyhow.



    A discussion on your guys views of types of “acceptable” fats would be interesting.



    Little late to the party...Took a while for account be activated -- I addressed any issues here --

    Hey Matt,I'm having a similar issue at TN.  I registered over a week ago and still can't post there.  I am following your bulking log however.


    Little late to the party...Took a while for account be activated -- I addressed any issues here --

    Thanks for joining up, Matt.  Actually, I am the one who posted this topic.  I thought your article was thought-provoking, at least in light of the diet we all use.Cory


    Matt Porter

    Welcome Matt!Ive seen your articles around the web. You know your stuff. Definately would love to hear you and Kiefer duke it out. Bet you agree on most things anyhow.

    You are right in your assumption that I would tend to agree on most subjects -- of course we all have our personalbeliefs and unique approaches regarding training/nutrition/supplementation etc... and I am always excited to learn more from others.As long as I learn just 1 thing more than the day prior -- I am happy.-Matt


    Matt Porter

    A discussion on your guys views of types of "acceptable" fats would be interesting.

    lol -- I believe he likes similar fats that I do....???Well -- I am not a fan or pork/bacon/sausage NO MATTER HOW LOW INSULIN is kept lol....I love grass-fed butters , hate margarines, love grass-fed cheese and mozzarella cheese -- hate kraft singles...You catch my drift....-Matt


    Matt Porter

    Little late to the party...Took a while for account be activated -- I addressed any issues here --

    Hey Matt,I'm having a similar issue at TN.  I registered over a week ago and still can't post there.  I am following your bulking log however.

    Jerry, that is a bit weird.... This is the first I have heard of this problem....Sounds identical to my issues here!!!! Took like 10 days or something...-Matt


    Matt Porter

    Little late to the party...Took a while for account be activated -- I addressed any issues here --

    Thanks for joining up, Matt.  Actually, I am the one who posted this topic.  I thought your article was thought-provoking, at least in light of the diet we all use.Cory

    It was funny....I wrote it a few yrs back and just sat on it....Archived it  --- never released it.Then submitted it to TrueNutrition because I love Dante and will always help contribute to him any way I can.Then -- he was like FLEX loved the article etc......Then I was like " oh wow....I haven't even proof read it thoroughly or made sure I STILL BELIEVE exactly what I wrote 3 yrs ago....Luckily I still liked the gist of it --- sure there were a few things I would have changed --- protein allotment, and carb AMOUNTS, fat sources being more specific, but its all pertinent info....Most of my stuff is geared towards people wanting to either get the LEANEST condition possible or accrue the most MUSCLE MASS possible -- I relate to main stream folk -- but I have the most fun with 'extremist' type.MY buddy Joe DeRousie placed 3rd at Nationals a month ago in Super heavy weights --- he text me and said hes followingThat diet structure for staying lean in his off-season -- of course were tweaking it slightly....but real competitors actually using diets in FLEX magazine..... go figure.-Matt


    A discussion on your guys views of types of "acceptable" fats would be interesting.

    lol -- I believe he likes similar fats that I do....???Well -- I am not a fan or pork/bacon/sausage NO MATTER HOW LOW INSULIN is kept lol....I love grass-fed butters , hate margarines, love grass-fed cheese and mozzarella cheese -- hate kraft singles...You catch my drift....-Matt

    Matt, how do you feel about pastured bacon like applegate brand or say something you got straight from a farmer?



    A discussion on your guys views of types of "acceptable" fats would be interesting.

    lol -- I believe he likes similar fats that I do....???Well -- I am not a fan or pork/bacon/sausage NO MATTER HOW LOW INSULIN is kept lol....I love grass-fed butters , hate margarines, love grass-fed cheese and mozzarella cheese -- hate kraft singles...You catch my drift....-Matt

    Matt, how do you feel about pastured bacon like applegate brand or say something you got straight from a farmer?

    applegate bacon is pastured? Not grassfed, though right? just like no hormones, anitbiotics, etc?


    A discussion on your guys views of types of "acceptable" fats would be interesting.

    lol -- I believe he likes similar fats that I do....???Well -- I am not a fan or pork/bacon/sausage NO MATTER HOW LOW INSULIN is kept lol....I love grass-fed butters , hate margarines, love grass-fed cheese and mozzarella cheese -- hate kraft singles...You catch my drift....-Matt

    Matt, how do you feel about pastured bacon like applegate brand or say something you got straight from a farmer?

    applegate bacon is pastured? Not grassfed, though right? just like no hormones, anitbiotics, etc?

    As far as I know pastured pork is pretty much the equivalent of grass-fed beef.



    A discussion on your guys views of types of "acceptable" fats would be interesting.

    lol -- I believe he likes similar fats that I do....???Well -- I am not a fan or pork/bacon/sausage NO MATTER HOW LOW INSULIN is kept lol....I love grass-fed butters , hate margarines, love grass-fed cheese and mozzarella cheese -- hate kraft singles...You catch my drift....-Matt

    Matt, how do you feel about pastured bacon like applegate brand or say something you got straight from a farmer?

    applegate bacon is pastured? Not grassfed, though right? just like no hormones, anitbiotics, etc?

    As far as I know pastured pork is pretty much the equivalent of grass-fed beef.

    :o...... :)...... ;D

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 155 total)

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Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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