Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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  • #102675

    A discussion on your guys views of types of "acceptable" fats would be interesting.

    lol -- I believe he likes similar fats that I do....???Well -- I am not a fan or pork/bacon/sausage NO MATTER HOW LOW INSULIN is kept lol....I love grass-fed butters , hate margarines, love grass-fed cheese and mozzarella cheese -- hate kraft singles...You catch my drift....-Matt

    Matt, how do you feel about pastured bacon like applegate brand or say something you got straight from a farmer?

    applegate bacon is pastured? Not grassfed, though right? just like no hormones, anitbiotics, etc?

    As far as I know pastured pork is pretty much the equivalent of grass-fed beef.

    :o...... :)...... ;D

    There is a local farm around me area that sells grass-fed beef bacon, for half the price of apple-gate so I really use apple gate's stuff.



    Im just wondering the convo u guys would about monounsaturated fats avacado, olive oil, etc.


    Im just wondering the convo u guys would about monounsaturated fats avacado, olive oil, etc.

    I'm just gonna throw this out there.I think people have over blown the avoid MUFA thing. Just don't make that your main fats, but if you want to have some EVOO on a salad or some avocado with some meats then you should do that. Just get your high quality saturated fats in too.



    Hey Matt, I noticed you removed the green veggies from your current diet?  Is this just eliminate the fullness they create?



    Im just wondering the convo u guys would about monounsaturated fats avacado, olive oil, etc.

    I'm just gonna throw this out there.I think people have over blown the avoid MUFA thing. Just don't make that your main fats, but if you want to have some EVOO on a salad or some avocado with some meats then you should do that. Just get your high quality saturated fats in too.

    Possibly to a degree, but I understand why. Regardless, im sure glad quality meat is A-OK.


    Little late to the party...Took a while for account be activated -- I addressed any issues here --

    Thanks for joining up, Matt.  Actually, I am the one who posted this topic.  I thought your article was thought-provoking, at least in light of the diet we all use.Cory

    It was funny....I wrote it a few yrs back and just sat on it....Archived it  --- never released it.Then submitted it to TrueNutrition because I love Dante and will always help contribute to him any way I can.Then -- he was like FLEX loved the article etc......Then I was like " oh wow....I haven't even proof read it thoroughly or made sure I STILL BELIEVE exactly what I wrote 3 yrs ago....Luckily I still liked the gist of it --- sure there were a few things I would have changed --- protein allotment, and carb AMOUNTS, fat sources being more specific, but its all pertinent info....Most of my stuff is geared towards people wanting to either get the LEANEST condition possible or accrue the most MUSCLE MASS possible -- I relate to main stream folk -- but I have the most fun with 'extremist' type.MY buddy Joe DeRousie placed 3rd at Nationals a month ago in Super heavy weights --- he text me and said hes followingThat diet structure for staying lean in his off-season -- of course were tweaking it slightly....but real competitors actually using diets in FLEX magazine..... go figure.-Matt

    Firstly, I am with others on the fact that you and Kiefer need to have a discussion.  I think it would be extremely interesting, and will certainly enhance the experience for everyone.I am definitely the kind of guy looking to add as much muscle as possible, while cutting fat back.  That is why I find Carb-Backloading so appealing, and why I joined the ranks here @ DH.  Before this, I was all about bulking, cutting, etc., etc.  A vicious cycle, really.  Esp. given my metabolism / muscle gain is very "endo", whereas my bodytype is more "meso"... so I used to gain fat and muscle quite evenly during an off-season, no matter how 'clean' I ate.LOL @ competitors following FLEX diets.  You're right, who'd have thought?Welcome to DH.Cory



    Biojacked #31!



    Biojacked #31!




    Hey Jeryii, one of the admins hass to activate your account first Im in the same situation it seems like it takes em a few days to get to it.


    Matt Porter

    A discussion on your guys views of types of "acceptable" fats would be interesting.

    lol -- I believe he likes similar fats that I do....???Well -- I am not a fan or pork/bacon/sausage NO MATTER HOW LOW INSULIN is kept lol....I love grass-fed butters , hate margarines, love grass-fed cheese and mozzarella cheese -- hate kraft singles...You catch my drift....-Matt

    Matt, how do you feel about pastured bacon like applegate brand or say something you got straight from a farmer?

    applegate bacon is pastured? Not grassfed, though right? just like no hormones, anitbiotics, etc?

    As far as I know pastured pork is pretty much the equivalent of grass-fed beef.

    :o...... :)...... ;D

    There is a local farm around me area that sells grass-fed beef bacon, for half the price of apple-gate so I really use apple gate's stuff.

    grass-fed pork eh?Well in that case -- I could see it being added to your regimen. I would rather have it during a gaining phase duet to lower protein content and high fat content.Obviously bacon tastes amazing and is a powerhouse for flavor --- but 99% of people will not go the extra mile to find an 'exotic' grass-fed version and will just opt for maybe a nitrite-free at best.At least with grass-fed variety you can feel some justification that you just might have some mgs of healthy fats in your favor.But hell -- lets gain some muscle -- eat bison, good cuts of steak, whole cage-free birds etc...-Matt


    Matt Porter

    Im just wondering the convo u guys would about monounsaturated fats avacado, olive oil, etc.

    I'm just gonna throw this out there.I think people have over blown the avoid MUFA thing. Just don't make that your main fats, but if you want to have some EVOO on a salad or some avocado with some meats then you should do that. Just get your high quality saturated fats in too.

    Who has recently made arguments to avoid omega-9's? Would this have anything to do with its ability to be more readily stored as BF opposed to mcts, and omega-3's?For cardiovascular purposes -- it has merit. Curious to get caught up on this avoidance issue.-Matt


    Matt Porter

    Hey Matt, I noticed you removed the green veggies from your current diet?  Is this just eliminate the fullness they create?

    Jerry -- good observation.For myself PERSONALLY -- I cannot afford to be satiated or sated with low calorie--high nutrient foods.I need to keep shoveling in more food when any minuscule amount of hunger signal hits my brain.High density foods with tons of fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc.... just is not ideal for hard gainers on a plight to look 'abnormal" for their genetic make-up lol-Matt



    Im just wondering the convo u guys would about monounsaturated fats avacado, olive oil, etc.

    I'm just gonna throw this out there.I think people have over blown the avoid MUFA thing. Just don't make that your main fats, but if you want to have some EVOO on a salad or some avocado with some meats then you should do that. Just get your high quality saturated fats in too.

    Who has recently made arguments to avoid omega-9's? Would this have anything to do with its ability to be more readily stored as BF opposed to mcts, and omega-3's?For cardiovascular purposes -- it has merit. Curious to get caught up on this avoidance issue.-Matt

    Yes, overall plant fats being easy to store, harder to gid rid of.


    Richard Schmitt

    ^^^^^^^^YEP!Which sucks because you eat it all the time you'll bloat up too from the inflammation! Hey Mr Porter, it's great to have you here on the forums. Hope to hear and read more information from you sir!


    Im just wondering the convo u guys would about monounsaturated fats avacado, olive oil, etc.

    I'm just gonna throw this out there.I think people have over blown the avoid MUFA thing. Just don't make that your main fats, but if you want to have some EVOO on a salad or some avocado with some meats then you should do that. Just get your high quality saturated fats in too.

    Who has recently made arguments to avoid omega-9's? Would this have anything to do with its ability to be more readily stored as BF opposed to mcts, and omega-3's?For cardiovascular purposes -- it has merit. Curious to get caught up on this avoidance issue.-Matt

    Yeah, you guessed it.If someone is avoiding food animal fats like GF butter and beef, pastured eggs, ect. for more MUFA then I understand saying to try and replace them with some of the animal fats instead, but to totally avoid them just seems... dumb. At least for guys that aren't looking to get to 5-ish% BF for stage.Personally, I do rarely eat them, but that's because it's much cheaper for me to get grass-fed beef and butter then it is to buy some high quality EVOO or avocados.

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 155 total)

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Making CNS efficient at building muscle? Maybe. Something from FLEX.

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