Maltodextrin and the like in PWO shakes

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    Chief Kief

    I am looking to purchase some protein for use post-workout on ULC days from  However, I am concerned about the ingredients added for flavorings.  The natural flavoring has maltodextrin and the premium flavoring has Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose and maltodextrin.  Normally these are all ingredients Kiefer recommends to avoid.  Should I not be concerned about them because of the unique state one's body is in post-workout or because they are most likely coming in fairly small amounts or for some other reason?  Or should I be concerned and not purchase these products because of these ingredients?  Another question I have been having is whether or not one should take leucine post-workout on ULC days of the Carb Nite diet, especially if some form of MCT is being added to the PWO shake.  Leucine creates an insulin spike, which generally isn't desired on Carb Nite, and I would think intaking a fast acting fat like MCTs at the same time would then easily be stored in fat cells because of this insulin spike.



    I am looking to purchase some protein for use post-workout on ULC days from  However, I am concerned about the ingredients added for flavorings.  The natural flavoring has maltodextrin and the premium flavoring has Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose and maltodextrin.  Normally these are all ingredients Kiefer recommends to avoid.  Should I not be concerned about them because of the unique state one's body is in post-workout or because they are most likely coming in fairly small amounts or for some other reason?  Or should I be concerned and not purchase these products because of these ingredients?  Another question I have been having is whether or not one should take leucine post-workout on ULC days of the Carb Nite diet, especially if some form of MCT is being added to the PWO shake.  Leucine creates an insulin spike, which generally isn't desired on Carb Nite, and I would think intaking a fast acting fat like MCTs at the same time would then easily be stored in fat cells because of this insulin spike.

    You insulin will be spike anyway due to resistance training, so yes, take your L-Leucine.... it's very AnABoLiCIf you read the book... PWO is kind of the exception, notice how you are recommended a PWO protein shake with Hydrosylates and Isolate.  Also, protein powders are only supposed to be used PWO and not ULC portion of the day... so even if it could potentially spike insulin... so be it.

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Maltodextrin and the like in PWO shakes

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