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    Sherylea Hurst

    Can someone please tell me what the advantage is to using MCT oil added to PWO shake?  Is this something that should be done every day, periodically or only on carb nite? Thanks 🙂


    I have started doing it since Kiefer brought it up just out of curiosity and I feel like I've had better fat loss and I've seen a larger loss on the scale since adding it, but the biggest thing is my recovery seems to be better. I've been working out really hard 5 days a week simply using auto-regulation to gauge workouts and I haven't run into any walls.I just hit a 300lbs squat for the first time at 209 last week, 20lbs increase in around 3 weeks.Edit; The advantage of it is to increase in insulin response.



    its got me frazzled that how adding fats PWO is benificial, always been taught to avoid them PWO



    Can someone please tell me what the advantage is to using MCT oil added to PWO shake?  Is this something that should be done every day, periodically or only on carb nite? Thanks 🙂

    Someone just asked this same thing about consuming fat post workout in another thread so do a search if you want to see what was a discussed, but the jist is this:In the absence of carbs, fats post workout give you energy, just as carbs would. The body uses fat for energy and cannot store it after a workout. I prefer to get  my fat from while foods instead if my PWO shake but that's personal preference. 🙂Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk 2


    Richard Schmitt

    Well with evening training I'm sure this is something to try, could possibly be ok to do in the morning, but insulin being so high and sensitive…affects might be different?


    Well with evening training I'm sure this is something to try, could possibly be ok to do in the morning, but insulin being so high and sensitive...affects might be different?

    Heavy dose caffeine fixes that though.

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