MCT oil and AM training

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  • #202907


    Great info! Thanks! I deff see the advantages to doing this, endurance/energy from giving your body FFA to burn more readily. This makes me believe that injesting MCT is still going to be a goal-oriented decision though. "You’re essentially getting more throughput in your heart with less energy expended."So essentially while your training, you will have more muscular endurance but your energy output will be decreased. So in relevance to a Fat-Loss "SA or CNS" morning training, this may be "optimal" for results. Or am I looking at this wrong? I see that the MCT will make the FFA's available immediately, but as he says later it wont change anything. So reducing your energy output wouldn't be best if your goals involve fat loss correct? Unless of course you are dragging a** that day in which case your going to need the boost to even get you going in the gym. Looking at it from a personal standpoint though, I do fine training completely fasted; so while adding this to my routine may give a boost in energy, my total daily output will be decreased.


    Richard Schmitt

    Regardless you should take MCT oil upon waking since 1) no fast is broken 2) you get a rush of ketones 3) the provided energy right then and there can help your workout (if training)



    Even if your training intensely w/o it?Additionally does it have to be straight MCT or is CO an option in this case?


    Richard Schmitt

    MCT Oil is highly preferred over CO since it contains roughly 66% MCTs. CO is very ideal to cook with. Say with bacon and/or eggs. Even frying up some veggies or beef/chicken. And yes I would still use it.



    I'd still use it, too..You may be "getting more throughput in your heart with less energy expended," but if you have more muscular endurance, you're theoretically going to move more total weight, thus negating this.. And being able to do more reps should help build the muscle better/faster. So I don't think you're really losing anything, while still gaining a potential upside.

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MCT oil and AM training

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