Meal question!

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    chelsea brasier

    Doing CNS I had 2 meals. My first being around 11:30am, second around 6pm just because with my work schedule thats what worked out nicely for me and I didn't have much of an appetite. I try not to snack at all as well. Doing CBL is it ok to just have my 2 ulc meals and then, since Im a woman, I haven't been going crazy with my backloads. I've been getting home and lifting weights around 7:15pm for an hour, wait an hour and drink my PWO shake (carbshock or luecine, isopure and almond milk) then have a bowl of cereal and a donut and call it a night. Does this sound ok as long as I'm hitting my macros? I dont get very hungry and I can't fit a lot of food either so having an actual meal and then a dessert after working out, just doesn't appeal to me. My bowl of cereal and a donut or fries or something else small fills me up. Im only 128lbs at this point so I've been having around 90-110g carbs for my backloads so it isn't a lot of carbs.


    Richard Schmitt

    Those can be okay maybe once a week if you wanted, but the cereal is not really a “meal” that you would want. Something like chicken with rice or steak with a baked potato (basically rice and/or potatoes) would suit you better. Not saying you can't indulge once a week or so, just can find something that works better for you.


    chelsea brasier

    Those can be okay maybe once a week if you wanted, but the cereal is not really a "meal" that you would want. Something like chicken with rice or steak with a baked potato (basically rice and/or potatoes) would suit you better. Not saying you can't indulge once a week or so, just can find something that works better for you.

    Thanks! I'll work on getting a real meal in. As long as Im having the PWO shake with leucine or carbshock and still getting in my 90-110g or carbs, it doesn't have to be a big actual meal right? I just don't eat that much, even when working out. A lot of people say they're more hungry when working out but I find its the exact opposite for me so after working out I'm really not in the mood for much.


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh no, it doesn't. The meals can be split up in two if you'd like.


    chelsea brasier

    Thank you for ALL of your assistance!! I really appreciate it.

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Meal question!

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