Member Issues With The New Forum

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  • #358599


    You can now post your issues with the new forum in the comment section here:


    There have been a few complaints about these new forums, ranging from mildly bothersome to downright inconvenient and really need to be changed. The reason to make a topic about this is so that once the BodyIO team gets around to making some much needed changes in the forum this will be a one-stop-shop sort of post.

    Complaints so far:

    No “breadcrumbs” on the topics, no easy way to see where this topic is in the forum that you’re reading, and no way to easily click back out of a topic and go back into the sub-forum.
    • Unable to easily go through log pages unless you take 30 minutes out of your day to click back through every page, one at a time, to finally get to the page you’re looking for. Bottom line: logs are restricted page by page.
    • There is no availability of previewing your post before posting.
    • After roughly 5 minutes members can no longer edit their posts.
    • Members are unable to delete their own posts.
    • Inability to search within a topic.
    • No easy way to go to someone’s logs unless you wish to search for it. This is mainly do to a lack of signatures since many people had a link to their log in their signatures.

    • Website and forum is a bit too flashy for people running older operating systems, would be nice to have an option to dial it down.

    Resolved issues: (THANK YOU!)
    • Quoting other members is more of a process than it should be, and then there isn’t a way to see who you are quoting unless its recent.
    • When you click on someone’s log it takes you to the first page and not the most recent page of the log.
    • After commenting on a log it takes you back to the first page instead of the most recent page of the log.

    I encourage members to post more as they run into them and I will add them to this original post.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Spatz. Reason: Added OS compaint
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Spatz. Reason:

    Melvin McLain

    Welcome to my world… the main page is the same. I must run with images off (too slow otherwise) and no page style (or the black box covers the left side of the screen), so mine is a totally text experience.

    I can only imagine how much this site has cost Kiefer in sales.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Melvin McLain.


    Sorry Mac, I can’t see the picture, it won’t load in full resolution.


    Melvin McLain


    Welcome to my world… the main page is the same. I must run with images off (too slow otherwise) and no page style (or the black box covers the left sie of the screen), so mine is a totally text experience.

    I can only imagine how much this site has cost Kiefer in sales.

    So pretty much it’s way too flashy for anyone running on a slow connection?


    Melvin McLain

    Yep. And/or an older system.

    I can’t change forums settings either.



    What are you running out of curiosity? That doesn’t even look like Windows XP… is that Win98?

    I do wish there was a forum setting to reduce the flashiness for people running slower systems, I’ll add it. Thanks Mac!


    Melvin McLain

    It’s XP, I just like the 95/98 look. 😀

    You’re welcome.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Melvin McLain.

    Steve Cauffiel

    I really REALLY miss the “Unread Posts Since Your Last Visit” link we used to have on the main forum listing page which would take you to a page showing all the last updated posts. As it is now you have to hunt around for the latest. Unless I’m missing something…



    Actually Steve, there is “sort” of what you’re looking for under the “Activity” tab. It shows all recent activity, but that means all “POSTS” not all “TOPICS” with new posts. So you sort of have to sift a little bit, but it is better than nothing.


    Lesli Bortz

    They’ve added that to the opening page – a place to add suggestions for improvements.



    Good to know! Thanks! I commented with these items.


    Steve Cauffiel

    Actually Steve, there is “sort” of what you’re looking for under the “Activity” tab. It shows all recent activity, but that means all “POSTS” not all “TOPICS” with new posts. So you sort of have to sift a little bit, but it is better than nothing.

    Well hey, lookie there! I guess that’ll do. For now. lol


    Adrian Caron

    Glad they’re working on improvements, but the new “forums” aren’t really forums, but rather a glorified comment system (a wordpress implementation versus old phpBB?). Not a pleasant user experience with lack normal forum features. And this site/implementation is much slower than the forums. With the lack of normal forums features and much slower load times, I find myself not even coming daily anymore 🙁



    I used to frequent this forum on a daily basis when it was the old format (never really posted, but always enjoyed the wealth of knowledge from others). Since this new forum has come about I am unable to use the forum properly. I can see the new activity using the activity tab, but when I click on a topic or even the forum I keep getting the “error 404 – page not found” message. Anyone else have this issue and resolved it? Any suggestions are welcome…

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Member Issues With The New Forum

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