Men’s Health — Ryan Reynolds 3% bodyfat plan

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    I love reading these Men's Health 'plans' for the hell of it and this one is particularly fun from the point of view of us CNS and CBL folks (exact opposite of Kiefer recommendations): find it fascinating how people can get ripped using totally different plans and diet protocols. A lot of these Hollywood types seem to get ripped (at least for camera, which, I know is a big liar) using similar, old school plans and wonder do these magazines just make a lot of this stuff up to frustrate readers for a giggle or do people actually get results implementing such a plan? Did Reynolds really shred to 3% bodyfat doing this?? Maybe he has great genetics... It's all enough to make your head spin...


    Richard Schmitt

    Thanks for posting this. I think it has to do with genes and he's always been training that I know of. Like when he did Xmen Origins, and Green Lantern. Etc. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


    I'm skiptical he got down to 3% BF.And even if he did it would have been for a very short time, that is just not healthy and impossible to maintain for long.



    Honestly who cares (unless his compound lifting numbers improved as well, then that's insane.  Somehow I'm going to guess that didn't happen though…). 



    I don't assume people are always telling the truth… Reading that diet, i believe it's just a big fat lie.Also remember, there are drugs out there that allow you to eat like shit, be calorically deficient to an extreme rate, while still getting shredded and adding mass. 



    I completely believe it.  I just also completely believe he probably could't even squat his own body weight by the end until proven otherwise.  There are lots of ways to get lean.  Very few of them involve performance.  -Adam



    Watching E with my GF and we just saw the attached picture of RR. His new picture sure doesn't look his old 3% BF picture to me. I guess his Men's Health plan doesn't let you stay lean year round? I am sticking with CNS and CBL.


    Richard Schmitt

    >=]  thus why we are the true S.H.I.T.s!!!


    Channing Tatum is the same way…



    I stopped reading atHe ate every 2 to 3 hours to burn more fat. "Your body doesn't need to store fat for energy if you're feeding it all the time," explains Bobby Strom, Reynolds's Los Angeles-based trainer.



    3% body fat my ass.  That statement alone makes anything else said TOTAL BULLSHIT.  You want to see probably the only person to ever get to 3% body fat.  Google Andreas Munzer and click the images.  He was known as Mr. Ripped, and oh yea he's dead. 



    3% body fat my ass.  That statement alone makes anything else said TOTAL BULLSHIT.  You want to see probably the only person to ever get to 3% body fat.  Google Andreas Munzer and click the images.  He was known as Mr. Ripped, and oh yea he's dead.

    NO HOMO, but that guy was so fukin ripped, you could see the striations in his glutes,  which i have yet to see anything like that in today's bodybuilding.    Those magazines are complete BS


    Russell Crosswy

    Not to pile on, but interesting reading on Andreas Munzer's wikipedia page: Sounds like his liver was shredded from the autopsy.I've always wondered how long celeb types are able to maintain that bodyfat level. Would be enlightening to see the reality, whether it is drugs or only maintained for a day and then splurging on food leads to blowing up the next month.Of course, I can't imagine the pressure these people are under to look "perfect".



    From his autopsy report:The autopsy gave the cause of death as dystrophic multiple-organ-failure.[3] Some of the specific autopsy findings:An extremely muscular physique, with an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fatAffecting the liver were numerous table-tennis-ball-sized tumors; half the liver consisted simply of a crumbly mass, similar to polystyrene (Styrofoam)Diminutive testesCardiac hypertrophy (Münzer's heart weighed 636g; a normal man's heart usually weighs 300–350g)Münzer's electrolytes were also completely out of balance, and his potassium levels were extremely high. Traces of about twenty different drugs were found, along with acute toxicity (perhaps caused by a stimulant).


    From his autopsy report:The autopsy gave the cause of death as dystrophic multiple-organ-failure.[3] Some of the specific autopsy findings:An extremely muscular physique, with an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fatAffecting the liver were numerous table-tennis-ball-sized tumors; half the liver consisted simply of a crumbly mass, similar to polystyrene (Styrofoam)Diminutive testesCardiac hypertrophy (Münzer's heart weighed 636g; a normal man's heart usually weighs 300–350g)Münzer's electrolytes were also completely out of balance, and his potassium levels were extremely high. Traces of about twenty different drugs were found, along with acute toxicity (perhaps caused by a stimulant).


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Men’s Health — Ryan Reynolds 3% bodyfat plan

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