Merry Christmas!

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  • #11967

    Richard Schmitt

    Just wanted to wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas!! Enjoy this day with family and friends! Don't forget the tasty foods and any intense training!


    Penny Danner

    Training??  What training???  😮 ;D


    Jenelle Brewer

    Merry Christmas, Tex!  Hope you have a great day.  🙂


    Melvin McLain

    Merry Christmas everyone! 


    Brandon D Christ

    Just wanted to wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas!! Enjoy this day with family and friends! Don't forget the tasty foods and any intense training!

    Unfortunately it's an off day for me haha.  Merry Christmas!


    Richard Schmitt

    Training??  What training???  😮 ;D

    Training to eats >=]

    Merry Christmas, Tex!  Hope you have a great day.  🙂

    Like wise ma'am, Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Merry Christmas everyone! 

    ;D likewise!

    Just wanted to wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas!! Enjoy this day with family and friends! Don't forget the tasty foods and any intense training!

    Unfortunately it's an off day for me haha.  Merry Christmas!

    Normally it would be an off day for me as well, but I had the opportunity to train so I did!


    Robert x Oleary

    Merry Christmas Tex! Chest, bis, abd delts in the bag! Foods tiiiiime!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Late to the party… Hope everyone had a stellar christmas full of good food and great company!


    Richard Schmitt

    Merry Christmas Tex! Chest, bis, abd delts in the bag! Foods tiiiiime!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Ah yeah! Nice way to spend a day training, Merry Belated Christmas!

    Late to the party... Hope everyone had a stellar christmas full of good food and great company!

    Oh I sure did ;D

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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Merry Christmas!

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