Michael Clarke Duncan. Vegetarianism to blame?

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    http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/movies/green-mile-actor-michael-clarke-duncan-dead-at-54-20120904-25b6l.htmlJust wondering if anyone saw this and thought "Hmm. I wonder if his newly aquired Vegetarianism habits played a role?" Dont know if he had any prior health problems before becoming a Vegetarian. Food for thought I guess.



    That is actually quite interesting, not much can be drawn one way or another unfortunately.  thanks for the share.


    Lauren Norfleet

    you know, I read that he had recently become a vegetarian and kind of thought the same thing too… that maybe that played a part. Obviously, I don't know that but it did cross my mind.


    I am sure their will be results (autopsy, etc.) given at some point.  There are also a variety of Vegetarian sub-groups.I've been a vegetarian (currently Lacto-Ovo) since 2002, and never had any issues.  I've packed on a fair amount of solid muscle (looking into competing soon), my skin / hair looks healthier, I'm more energetic, my physicals / bloodwork / healing surprise doctors (like recovering from two different surgeries in 1-2 weeks, that should've taken 4-6), etc.  All since giving up meat over 10 years ago.  I am even having a successful run on CNS (see my log).Prior to that, I had frequent issues with indigestion, lethargy, catching general illnesses like flus and colds, etc.  Maybe Veg. isn't for everyone, but it is working excellent for me.That said, I am NOT a Vegan.  I am a Lacto-Ovo (dairy & eggs) Vegetarian.  The only thing I do not consume is meat (of any kind -- including fish), or peripheral stuff like gelatin.  I also ensure I get all of my vitamins, minerals, fats, etc.  I do not mind the extra work and research to do it right.Not trying to promote vegetarianism here, simply stating my experiences to play devil's advocate to those questioning the diet.Cory


    I think Lacto-ovo is perfectly fine.Egg Yolks are High fat dairy are some of the healthiest things around.I think the problem comes in with people are are fat-phobic vegetarians and vegans.Egg whites and vegetable oils have been the main protein and fat sources of the lacto-ovo's I know, and I don't think there is anyway to make vegan healthy.


    I think Lacto-ovo is perfectly fine.Egg Yolks are High fat dairy are some of the healthiest things around.I think the problem comes in with people are are fat-phobic vegetarians and vegans.Egg whites and vegetable oils have been the main protein and fat sources of the lacto-ovo's I know, and I don't think there is anyway to make vegan healthy.

    LOL.  Don't even get me started on sickly, palid Vegans -- not to mention their 'holy-than-thou' militant beliefs and campaigns, which are just as vulgar as the behavior of radical Baptists @ abortion clinics.  To a Vegan, even a Vegetarian isn't good enough.  Vegans ridicule us worse than meat eaters b/c they consider us half-assed in our diet.  Sorry... don't mean to go on a tyrade, but Vegans really piss me off (in general).  I believe in living and let living when it comes to personal comsumption.As for fat-phobia, there are a lot of meat eaters who have that issue thanks to fad diets in the media, so, it isn't an exclusive type thing... more of a 'modern hype' type thing.So, Vegans can eat their estrogenic / anti-nutrient tofu... I will stick to cheeses and eggs.  😉Cory


    I think Lacto-ovo is perfectly fine.Egg Yolks are High fat dairy are some of the healthiest things around.I think the problem comes in with people are are fat-phobic vegetarians and vegans.Egg whites and vegetable oils have been the main protein and fat sources of the lacto-ovo's I know, and I don't think there is anyway to make vegan healthy.

    LOL.  Don't even get me started on sickly, palid Vegans -- not to mention their 'holy-than-thou' militant beliefs and campaigns, which are just as vulgar as the behavior of radical Baptists @ abortion clinics.  To a Vegan, even a Vegetarian isn't good enough.  Vegans ridicule us worse than meat eaters b/c they consider us half-assed in our diet.  Sorry... don't mean to go on a tyrade, but Vegans really piss me off (in general).  I believe in living and let living when it comes to personal comsumption.As for fat-phobia, there are a lot of meat eaters who have that issue thanks to fad diets in the media, so, it isn't an exclusive type thing... more of a 'modern hype' type thing.So, Vegans can eat their estrogenic / anti-nutrient tofu... I will stick to cheeses and eggs.  😉Cory

    You're right about vegans.I mean, I know every diet has those "cult" people whom are just total assholes, but I haven't met a vegan who isn't' like that. Hell, I've been told I'm evil for eating meat before. I'm normally a pretty level headed guy, but I wanted to wring their neck.Fair point about fat-phobia being more modern hype then anything else, but meat eaters, mostly red meat eaters, at least get a better fatty acid profile versus fat-phobic vegetarians. At least from the one's I've met.As long as your aren't eating tofu bacon, you're good in my book.  🙂


    As long as your aren't eating tofu bacon, you're good in my book.  🙂

    I touch nothing w/ soy in it.  🙂You know what's really good?  Fried scrambled eggs smothered in various cheeses.It is so good you'd think it'd be wrong, but not on CNS!  😉Cory


    You know what's really good?  Fried scrambled eggs smothered in various cheeses.It is so good you'd think it'd be wrong, but not on CNS!  😉

    You suck.  >:(If I eat to much dairy I get acne.  :'(


    Brandon D Christ

    I've never met a vegan, not even in college.


    I've never met a vegan, not even in college.

    LOL @ the "not even in college" bit.  That is where most of them seem to begin, unless they were raised by hippies.Come to NYC sometime, you will most certainly meet one -- especially in Williamsburg (Brooklyn 'hood) and the East Village.Cory


    You know what's really good?  Fried scrambled eggs smothered in various cheeses.It is so good you'd think it'd be wrong, but not on CNS!  😉

    You suck.  >:(If I eat to much dairy I get acne.  :'(

    I don't get acne.  I do sometimes get a nice chest rash (pinkish-red) across my pecs IF I consume TOO much dairy (usually when I go absolutely ape-$h1t on a CN).  Doesn't stop me, though.  ;DCory



    I used to be vegetarian. I'm not any more! Checkout before/after pics: http://dangerouslyhardcore.com/forum/index.php?topic=4283I'm the same weight but have obviously re-comped. I used to have RIDICULOUS carb cravings when I was vegetarian. And when I was younger (as a vegetarian) I'd crave milk so badly I would drink pints of it (I observed the same in my siblings). I saw some vegan children recently. The girl's hair looked like white candy floss (she was Caucasian).


    Brandon D Christ

    I used to be vegetarian. I'm not any more! Checkout before/after pics: http://dangerouslyhardcore.com/forum/index.php?topic=4283I'm the same weight but have obviously re-comped. I used to have RIDICULOUS carb cravings when I was vegetarian. And when I was younger (as a vegetarian) I'd crave milk so badly I would drink pints of it (I observed the same in my siblings). I saw some vegan children recently. The girl's hair looked like white candy floss (she was Caucasian).

    What is candy floss?


    What is candy floss?

    Cotton candy to us in the US.  I heard it as Fairy Floss in Australia.Cory

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Michael Clarke Duncan. Vegetarianism to blame?

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