Military press backload?

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    Guy's I did my first backload yesterday after heavy deads, only managed 300g (note to self dairy to filling)  anyway feeling good looking tight. I just finished 5/3/1 military press today should I do a light backload? I got football tomorrow and the my squats Saturday so was thinking are need something.



    I would say that depends on how much you pressed and what kind of weights you are moving. I myself prefer doing lower body when pressing to justify a back-load because I can only press my own weight overhead and I don't feel I do enough overall volume/work to justify a high carb intake. I'm not a fan of small back-loads, but that's mostly because I tend to hold a lot of water and would rather not do two consecutive carb loads unless I am trying to really put on some weight or really need the faster recovery. Then again I don't really consider 300g a back-load, but I've never been a carb-o-phobe  and my training volume/intensity is sometimes excessive compared to something like SS, 5 3 1 or heavy duty.



    😮 I wouldn't say those routines are not intense , especially when your lifting nearly 3x your own weight. And the volume can be what you want/need it to be based on what assistance work you put with it  😉



    Of course! I just prefer doing a minimum of 10 sets for compounds and 5-6 for accessory work. I have been scaling it back though because ligaments are taking a beating.



    Backload away



    Wow! Credit to ya . I ran GVT training for a couple of months last year, which had me doing 10×10 @ around 70% 1rm of a compound move superset with opposite. That killed me , but I strangely enjoyed it . But unless I was on juice or lifting really light I don't think I would progress with that much volume. Anyways as I'm looking to increase my lifts and lean gain I decided to have around 150-250g .



    Of course! I just prefer doing a minimum of 10 sets for compounds and 5-6 for accessory work. I have been scaling it back though because ligaments are taking a beating.

    Less can be more man... I would backload it.

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Military press backload?

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