Modified RTS Template

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    Looking for some input from anyone who's run the program or even just has some suggestions on how to improve what I have here. I only have an hour most days to get my training done so I've modified the basic RTS template to use only two barbell movements instead of three.MovementsPrime Squat: Competition squatSecondary Squat (bottom or CNS intensive): Pause, Pin or Tempo SquatPrime Bench: Competition benchPrime Bench Assist (bottom or CNS intensive): Pause (at and off the chest), 1 ½, wide grip benchSecondary Bench: Touch and goSecondary Bench Assist (should be an overload movement):  Floor Press, 3 boardPrime Deadlift: Conventional (or sumo)Secondary Deadlift (bottom or CNS intensive): Deficit, deadlift to knees, stiff legWeek 1Day 1Prime Bench: doubles @7-8, 1x2 @9Prime Bench Assist: Pause 1” off chest, x5 @9TricepsDay 2Prime Squat: doubles @7-8, 1x2 @9Secondary Deadlift: deadlift to knees, x5 @9QuadsDay 3Secondary Bench: doubles @7-8, 1x2 @9Secondary Bench Assist: Floor press, x5 @9BackDay 4Prime Deadlift: doubles @7-8, 1x2 @9Secondary Squat: pause squat, x5 @9Hamstrings

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Modified RTS Template

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