Month 4. Crazy.

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  • #183516


    Hey awesome results good work ๐Ÿ˜‰ what type of training are you doing? Are u doing shockwave or??? Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

    Lifting heavy weights and pushing myself.. that's basically it.. I dont waste my time with cardio lol



    Cool what type of sets/reps you use?Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2



    Cool what type of sets/reps you use?Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

    Depends on the work out. with squats, dead lifts I usually lift as heavy as I can with less reps but more sets- usually 6-7 sets of 4-5 reps. With other work outs I usually do 4 sets of 10-12 depends on the exercise.



    Cool thanks heaps ๐Ÿ˜‰ appreciate it Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2


    joshua wright

    I think it is a fact that most folks add unnecessary items to meals without finding which basics work best and the second fact is that being on literal low low calorie messed up their bodies. So they don't understand to rebuild themselves before they can start making body comp progress.

    Is that directed at me? It's true I think, after reading a lot more about this on the forums, that my metabolism/body has been messed up by my low carb eating for so many years, with not a single slip that I was aware of. So it could take a very long time for CNS to work it's full magic with me but I'm fine with that.Re the meals though - I eat the same thing every day unless I'm forced to find the best alternative (like if I have to go out for dinner etc but my partner is on his own bodybuilding type diet so it's rare we eat out unless we have to). I eat 3 times a day starting about 10am (14 hours fasted and after morning workout) consisting of iced coffee made with CC and tsp of pure WPI, 3 XL eggs boiled or scrambled, 1 coffee with butter and then for dinner I have steaks and an iced coffee for dessert (no WPI). That's it. No ULC 'treats', no sneaky trace carbs, no nuts or vegetable oils, everything sweetened with stevia and cooked in coconut oil. So I think I am someone that is trying to find which basics work best before adding unnecessary items (although I wouldn't even do this anyway because why eat something unnecessary in the first place?).

      something to watch out for in stevia , i think a lot of them have dextrose i am not sure if that might be good for your ULC but maybe worth some research to make sure.



    Thank erchomai but I read the nutritional and ingredients label on everything so I've already checked it out and the product I use is calorie and carbohydrate free. It's by Hermesetas and it's called Stevia Sweet.



    Leg day baby.

    you look great  8)    2 questions; 1:  How tall are you?2:  IS the pink outfit your actual training attire? 


    samuel r walker

    Leg day baby.

    you look great  8)    2 questions; 1:  How tall are you?2:  IS the pink outfit your actual training attire?

    Second this.. I have a similar outfit, though I prefer thigh huggers on leg days..



    Awesome progress, lookin good.  That salmon patty looks pretty good too..



    Leg day baby.

    you look great  8)    2 questions; 1:  How tall are you?2:  IS the pink outfit your actual training attire?

    HAHAHAHA.. no I dont go half naked to the gym... only for progress photos. As for my height, I am 5'6.



    Leg day baby.

    you look great  8)    2 questions; 1:  How tall are you?2:  IS the pink outfit your actual training attire?

    HAHAHAHA.. no I dont go half naked to the gym... only for progress photos. As for my height, I am 5'6.

    Nice!Yeah i was gonna say... couldn't work out at your gym or id be carrying a separate towel to clean the drool up off the floor  LOL 


    joshua wright

    Thank erchomai but I read the nutritional and ingredients label on everything so I've already checked it out and the product I use is calorie and carbohydrate free. It's by Hermesetas and it's called Stevia Sweet.

    . Good to know I will check into the brandSent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2



    Leg day baby.

    you look great  8)    2 questions; 1:  How tall are you?2:  IS the pink outfit your actual training attire?

    HAHAHAHA.. no I dont go half naked to the gym... only for progress photos. As for my height, I am 5'6.

    Nice!Yeah i was gonna say... couldn't work out at your gym or id be carrying a separate towel to clean the drool up off the floor  LOL

    LMAO good one



    Wow, great work, you look fantastic! Almond butter is pretty much my quick fix too haha

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)

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Month 4. Crazy.

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