Month 4. Crazy.

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    So, its month 4 now! I can't believe how things are continuing to change. I gotta say, takes a lot of will power sometimes. Sometimes all I want to do is stuff my face with chocolate cake but I find eating a table spoon of almond butter takes away my cravings ๐Ÿ™‚ Still working hard 5 times a week/ eating clean.To see the before pic, click on my previous post ๐Ÿ™‚Anyway, month 4.. here it is!



    Wow I want to like like this! In all honesty I'm not that far off but my tummy has a way to go to look like yours.Just wondering if you do any particular ab exercises that you think have worked miracles and could pass on the tips to me please?!



    Wow I want to like like this! In all honesty I'm not that far off but my tummy has a way to go to look like yours.Just wondering if you do any particular ab exercises that you think have worked miracles and could pass on the tips to me please?!

    hahaha.. there are no specific ab exercises I do.. in all honesty, every exercise I do my core/abs are flexing and working out... especially with dead lifts and squats. Your body naturally flexes when you lift, so all I can say is lift more and eat clean! ๐Ÿ™‚



    Wow I want to like like this! In all honesty I'm not that far off but my tummy has a way to go to look like yours.Just wondering if you do any particular ab exercises that you think have worked miracles and could pass on the tips to me please?!

    hahaha.. there are no specific ab exercises I do.. in all honesty, every exercise I do my core/abs are flexing and working out... especially with dead lifts and squats. Your body naturally flexes when you lift, so all I can say is lift more and eat clean! ๐Ÿ™‚

    This is correct.  Squat, deadlift, eat well(most importantly), and you will get the stomach you desire.



    That is fantastic results! Could you maybe post a typical ulc day and a cn to show what you usually eat?



    That is fantastic results! Could you maybe post a typical ulc day and a cn to show what you usually eat?

    Sure.Here is some typical meals I make for ULC...As you can see, protein and lots of veggies. The last one is a home made salmon patty with mustard and dill sauce on cauliflower rice. The others are self explanatory ๐Ÿ™‚ As for Carb Nite, I usually go to an "all you can eat" sushi place or thai place.. and I eat like a PIG. I also get dessert at the end of the night ๐Ÿ™‚ usually donuts ..mmmm...


    Richard Schmitt

    I think it is a fact that most folks add unnecessary items to meals without finding which basics work best and the second fact is that being on literal low low calorie messed up their bodies. So they don't understand to rebuild themselves before they can start making body comp progress.



    I think it is a fact that most folks add unnecessary items to meals without finding which basics work best and the second fact is that being on literal low low calorie messed up their bodies. So they don't understand to rebuild themselves before they can start making body comp progress.

    Is that directed at me? It's true I think, after reading a lot more about this on the forums, that my metabolism/body has been messed up by my low carb eating for so many years, with not a single slip that I was aware of. So it could take a very long time for CNS to work it's full magic with me but I'm fine with that.Re the meals though - I eat the same thing every day unless I'm forced to find the best alternative (like if I have to go out for dinner etc but my partner is on his own bodybuilding type diet so it's rare we eat out unless we have to). I eat 3 times a day starting about 10am (14 hours fasted and after morning workout) consisting of iced coffee made with CC and tsp of pure WPI, 3 XL eggs boiled or scrambled, 1 coffee with butter and then for dinner I have steaks and an iced coffee for dessert (no WPI). That's it. No ULC 'treats', no sneaky trace carbs, no nuts or vegetable oils, everything sweetened with stevia and cooked in coconut oil. So I think I am someone that is trying to find which basics work best before adding unnecessary items (although I wouldn't even do this anyway because why eat something unnecessary in the first place?).


    Richard Schmitt

    No I said folks to everyone as a whole



    No I said folks to everyone as a whole

    I think too many people look WAY too in to this and really miss the point. You don't have to eat the same thing every day to achieve results. You dont have to leave out flavour to achieve results. Point is, avoid sugar, carbs (other than veggies) and you're fine- know what is IN your food and keep to whole foods.I eat different things every day and I feel great and am seeing results day by day.People PLEASE.. don't kill yourselves over carb nite, its SO simple its ridiculous.



    No I said folks to everyone as a whole

    I think too many people look WAY too in to this and really miss the point. You don't have to eat the same thing every day to achieve results. You dont have to leave out flavour to achieve results. Point is, avoid sugar, carbs (other than veggies) and you're fine- know what is IN your food and keep to whole foods.I eat different things every day and I feel great and am seeing results day by day.People PLEASE.. don't kill yourselves over carb nite, its SO simple its ridiculous.




    That is fantastic results! Could you maybe post a typical ulc day and a cn to show what you usually eat?

    Sure.Here is some typical meals I make for ULC...As you can see, protein and lots of veggies. The last one is a home made salmon patty with mustard and dill sauce on cauliflower rice. The others are self explanatory ๐Ÿ™‚ As for Carb Nite, I usually go to an "all you can eat" sushi place or thai place.. and I eat like a PIG. I also get dessert at the end of the night ๐Ÿ™‚ usually donuts ..mmmm...

    a girl that likes there food, i like



    Leg day baby.



    Leg day baby.

    LOVE FOOD!!!  ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€



    Hey awesome results good work ๐Ÿ˜‰ what type of training are you doing? Are u doing shockwave or??? Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

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Month 4. Crazy.

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