morning vs. late afternoon lifting

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    i was just looking for some feedback as far as lifting schedule.  i had always lifted in the morning and had nice results.  however, since jumping on board with carb backloading et al, i switched to late afternoon lifting per the “better” protocol.  being older, (like much older) but still maintaining low body fat and keeping the X look or v taper i had a question.  if ind lifting in the late afternoon i just don't have the energy and or the lifts just don't go as well as when i used to do them in the morning.  i also read where one, upon reaching 50+ has their testosterone spike in the morning as opposed to later in the day.  i realize this program is set up for late day lift and then downing the carbs and that morning lifts can be done albeit with not the ideal effect one is looking for following the nutritional guidelines with the morning lifts.  anyway, i was wonder if anyone doing  morning lifts and following cbl could give me feedback on their results and or experiences?  i would like to stay with the "ideal" setup and will if it is that much more productive, but as i said i have found over the last years that my body responds well to morning lifting.  thanks for any feedback


    Richard Schmitt

    Ah yes sir there is someone here who does morning training with evening back loads prior to those days. His name is Arrrr1 and you can find his log in the CBL Rogue Section. Normally you would want to try to get enough in to help fuel that morning. Now the amount....I wouldn't know exactly but maybe a little over 1g/BW of carbs might be helpful. Also might be ideal to get that training done within a 12 hour time frame from the last carb meal.


    thanks tex    tried to find cbl rogue section but couldn't find what you were talking about but will keep looking.  i have been trying the late afternoon lifting with minimal minimal carbs prior to lifting and then carb loading each of the 4 days in the evening after i lift.  so far i seem to have lost a little muscle mass so i really don't know what i am doing different other then lifting in the later part of the day as opposed to the morning when i have lifted for a long time.  i was wondering how much more inefficient lifting in the a.m. would be as opposed to the optimal later in the day lift?  also, lifting say 8-9 a.m. would require me eating a lot of carbs the evening before correct?example  lifting  mon  tues    thurs and fri    i would wake with nothing but coffee and lift in the morning and then pwo shake with banana etc and then protein/fat foods the rest of the day.  then on sunday monday, wed and thurs evenings i would eat a lot of carbs for the next mornings lift session??  on tues and fri and sat i would limit the carbs during the day due to not lifting the next morning?  i really would like to know if any knows of a post etc that would discuss how much more effective is later day lifting is as opposed to morning lifts.  thanks 



    my wife is doing two or so a week cbl and does morning training. What seems to be working well is finding what two days are her hardest lifting days. The schedule goes like thisLighter lifting day - ULC then backload that eveningHeavy Day- after PWO she does ULC for the rest of the dayOff- ULCLighter lifting day - ULC then backload that eveningHeavy Day- after PWO she does ULC for the rest of the dayOff- ULCand so on and so on.  Lighter day doesn't mean light weights just means not squats or deadlifts.. something like chest and shoulders or something along those lines

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morning vs. late afternoon lifting

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