Mouth Breathing

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    Brandon D Christ

    I was always a mouth breather (something that I am trying to fix) and it looks like mouth breathing is a cause of many health problems I have.  I found this website and I am really intrigued by it  Any thoughts or advice on this topic?



    did you do the test on this page? could only pause for like 14-15 seconds  lol  that can't be good.


    Brandon D Christ

    did you do the test on this page? could only pause for like 14-15 seconds  lol  that can't be good.

    I did a similiar time.  I have never been good at breathing.  It says good normal breathing should be 40s???  That seems unfathomable to me!



    did you do the test on this page? could only pause for like 14-15 seconds  lol  that can't be good.

    I did a similiar time.  I have never been good at breathing.  It says good normal breathing should be 40s???  That seems unfathomable to me!

    40 seconds and i'd pass out.  no way .... maybe the 130 pound weakling could do it I'm kind of interested now to learn this breathing technique they talk about to reduce future symptoms on that chart


    Eric Shaw

    thanks for sharing Bob. I was able to get to 20 seconds. This is good to know. I've always had my breathing get really shallow when I get stressed.



    I got to 8 seconds before my body started freaking out….  Guess that's why I black out a lot on heavy squats.


    I managed 41 seconds. I end up doing this a lot while I'm massaging without even thinking about it, and I've spent a couple of years working on my breathing to try and avoid stress as much as possible.


    Brandon D Christ

    I managed 41 seconds. I end up doing this a lot while I'm massaging without even thinking about it, and I've spent a couple of years working on my breathing to try and avoid stress as much as possible.

    Damn thats impressive. 


    Brandon D Christ

    Just bought the DIY book from the website…I will read it and give it a shot.  The whole premise is that you can build a device out of a couple household materials and improve your oxygen levels.  Will keep everyone posted.



    Just bought the DIY book from the website...I will read it and give it a shot.  The whole premise is that you can build a device out of a couple household materials and improve your oxygen levels.  Will keep everyone posted.

    AWESOME!  what kind of device is it and how does it work?  and you gotta post some pics if you build it  lol!


    Brandon D Christ

    Just bought the DIY book from the website...I will read it and give it a shot.  The whole premise is that you can build a device out of a couple household materials and improve your oxygen levels.  Will keep everyone posted.

    AWESOME!  what kind of device is it and how does it work?  and you gotta post some pics if you build it  lol!

    Here is the info page on the book.



    Just bought the DIY book from the website...I will read it and give it a shot.  The whole premise is that you can build a device out of a couple household materials and improve your oxygen levels.  Will keep everyone posted.

    AWESOME!  what kind of device is it and how does it work?  and you gotta post some pics if you build it  lol!

    Here is the info page on the book.

    looks like they cut off the top of a 2-liter sprite bottle....  hmmphh... reminds me of those Gravitybongs i used to make in my partying and drinking hay days. LOL    your gonna have to do that for a bit and let us know the results and how you feel and differences in your life it may have made.  WEbsite sounds pretty promising for $28 ....  hell, that's about the same price as Carb Nite! 



    Just bought the DIY book from the website...I will read it and give it a shot.  The whole premise is that you can build a device out of a couple household materials and improve your oxygen levels.  Will keep everyone posted.

    AWESOME!  what kind of device is it and how does it work?  and you gotta post some pics if you build it  lol!

    Here is the info page on the book.

    looks like they cut off the top of a 2-liter sprite bottle....  hmmphh... reminds me of those Gravitybongs i used to make in my partying and drinking hay days. LOL    your gonna have to do that for a bit and let us know the results and how you feel and differences in your life it may have made.  WEbsite sounds pretty promising for $28 ....  hell, that's about the same price as Carb Nite!

    Yeah very interested in this particular subject so keen to hear how you go Tex!


    I remember the gentleman who was one of the first BioJacked casts mentioned how we breath like rabbits, this was a comment in relation to our horrible diets. I'm too lazy to look up name... the Human Diet producer. One of my friends used different breathing resistance devices for swimming and for singing.



    I remember the gentleman who was one of the first BioJacked casts mentioned how we breath like rabbits, this was a comment in relation to our horrible diets. I'm too lazy to look up name... the Human Diet producer. One of my friends used different breathing resistance devices for swimming and for singing.

    I believe that should be BREED like rabbits as its a common phrase.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)

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Mouth Breathing

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