muscle gain

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    So i have heard mixed opinions on CNS as far as it will just maintain muscle and ive heard that you can increase muscle but it is not as easy. Im curious what people are doing different on CNS to actually gain a little muscle, and curious how your strength wouldnt go up? All those fats help keep anabolic and protein to build.



    usually people don't go with carb nite with the main goal as muscle building… unless it's a modified carb nite and that means there are all kinds of other variables.  CBL SA is geared for both though.Depends a lot on volume and what that particular person can handle / recover from. I made some PRs on Carb nite, very minimal muscle gain if any but not much muscle loss at all  🙂  just my experience...


    So i have heard mixed opinions on CNS as far as it will just maintain muscle and ive heard that you can increase muscle but it is not as easy. Im curious what people are doing different on CNS to actually gain a little muscle, and curious how your strength wouldnt go up? All those fats help keep anabolic and protein to build.

    I've gained muscle on CNS...1.  Quad sweep2.  Hams peak3.  Triceps Long Head4.  Upper chest...those are the areas measured as larger, or which have gotten notice as growing.  At the same time, I've lost 25.8 lbs. of fat (~15% b/f).  I am finishing-up my first 6 month cycle this week.Check my signature, got both my logs there.Also note, I am running CNS as a Vegetarian... no meat (and no gear).  Still got these results.Cory

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muscle gain

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