muscle sorenes

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          I lift for about 5 years now and i've always been experiencing intense muscle sorenes the secod day from the respective muscle group workout, and it lest for 3 days. Iven from easy trainings like pushups and dips no weight added.       I now i should be writing down everything: workout (worm up, streching, volume), rest and nutrition, but i wonder if its normal (if something from above is not correctly done) or may be something else, that someone would experience also.       I don't whant to sound to lame ass, but i can't do pretty much nothing phisically whith that pain on my musclles. Thanks and pardon my english.



    I would pay close attention to your protein intake as well as sleep. Consistent 5 days worth of muscle soreness sounds pretty radical and is what you'd expect if you weren't meeting your body's protein demands (0.8g/kg at absolute minimum to prevent muscle wasting). Also failure to get adequate sleep can definitely postpone/lengthen the duration of DOMS itself.



    I would pay close attention to your protein intake as well as sleep. Consistent 5 days worth of muscle soreness sounds pretty radical and is what you'd expect if you weren't meeting your body's protein demands (0.8g/kg at absolute minimum to prevent muscle wasting). Also failure to get adequate sleep can definitely postpone/lengthen the duration of DOMS itself.

    +1 Sometimes you just cant avoid DOMS. Like if youve changed a bunch of stuff in your program (added a ton of volume or new exercises or done a whole lot of sets to failure). But if you are following a decent program and getting enough protein and overall food you shouldnt be that sore all the time.



    Definately sounds like it is a nutrition issue. Maybe carb or fat intake.RB

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muscle sorenes

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