MuscleMed’s Carnivor Beef Isolate Protein

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    Andrew Kalocai

    I'm interested in trying MuscleMed's Carnivor protein.  Any ideas if this would cause the insulin spike whey isolate causes after 10 grams?I realize that the serving size indicates about 6-8 grams of carbs per serving and probably isn't real conducive to a lot of their shakes pre-backload. Opinions?


    Honestly “beef isolate” is mostly a scam, it's not a very useful protein. It's collagen protein.



    In addition to what Trevor said… protein will cause an insulin release. Doesn't matter if you eat a steak or take powder, it'll happen. “Spiking” insulin is becoming a bit of a nebulous term around here.. Even a whole scoop of whey I don't think will cause a real “spike” in insulin, though a rise, for sure.

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MuscleMed’s Carnivor Beef Isolate Protein

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