My diet

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    Matthew C Graham

    I'm 5'7″ 169lbs on the Strength accumulation side of things. I don't know my exact body fat %, I go more by look. I'm looking pretty good right now, not great.Here's what I'm eating, just looking for my critiques:Training day:6:30-7 - 10-12 oz coffee, 1/2 tbsp coconut oil9-9:30 - 10-12 oz coffee, 1/2 tbsp coconut oilNoon: 4 whole eggs, 4 oz 80/20 ground beef, 85g spinach, 2 tbsp organic hot salsa, 1/4c cottage cheese, Multivitamin, 2.5g fish oil, 400 IU vitamin E3:30-4 - Pre-workout - 2 cups (20-24 oz) coffee, 1 serving "Con-Cret" (750mg Creatine HCI)4:30-5:30 - Workout (Shockwave)6-6:15 - Post-workout - 10-12 oz coffee, 40g Dextrose, 2 scoops Whey protein isolate, 1 serving Con-Cret, 2g Leucine7:30-8: 4 oz dry (2 servings) All-Natural Gluten-Free Rice Spaghetti (Ingredients- Rice, Corn Starch, Sago starch, water), 1/2c organic tomato sauce, 1/2c All-Natural Vanilla Bean Ice cream, 1.5c Low-Fat Cottage cheese, 2.5g Fish oil, 400 IU Vitamin E, Vitamin B complex10:00-10:15 - 2 Gluten-Free Cinnamon Rolls, 1 packet icing, 2 scoops whey protein isolateDaily totals - Before training 55-60g of Protein & Fat                  Roughly 300g carbs, 200g protein, 80-85g fatOff day:Coffee & coconut oil to start out, the the same as workout days.Noon: 5 whole eggs, 6oz 80/20 ground beef, 1 slice cheese, 85g spinach, 2 tbsp salsa, Multivitamin, 1 serving Con-Cret, 2.5g fish oil, 400 IU vitamin EAround 1pm - 10-12oz coffee5-6pm: 10-11 oz 80/20 ground beef, 1 serving Romaine, 1-2 servings olives, 10-12 oz coffee w/1 tbsp coconut oil, 2.5g fish oil, 400 IU vitamin E, Vitamin B complex10-10:30pm - 10 oz salmon, 2tbsp organic butter, 1/2c low-fat cottage cheese, 1 or 2 picklesDaily totals - 210-225g protein & fat, around 20g carbsI have a couple of questions: The morning after a backload, I'm still holding on to water. The water is pretty much gone before my first meal at noon. Is that okay? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any input.


    Richard Schmitt

    Eating carbs=holding onto water. I'd be careful with the amount of carbs during a backload with SW. SW is perfect with CNS but not as great with CBL. Sodium could be an issue with holding on to water as well.


    Lesli Bortz

    I'll leave a guy up to the specifics on helping you because I'm stuck on wondering how anyone eats .5c ice cream….But that said if I had questions they would be whether or not the salsa has sugars and if you're having enough fat to balance out the eggs, why you don't take 5g fish oil, and seems to be a lot of powders from your workout to the end of the night.


    Brandon D Christ

    Eating carbs=holding onto water. I'd be careful with the amount of carbs during a backload with SW. SW is perfect with CNS but not as great with CBL. Sodium could be an issue with holding on to water as well.

    Really?  I thought shockwave was designed for CBL?  I have never used shockwave with CBL, only Carb Nite.@OP your diet looks solid, just make sure you stay under 30 g of carbs when you are supposed to be ULC.  I'm sure you are, but with some of your food choices, there is a chance you could go over from time to time.


    Brandon D Christ

    I'll leave a guy up to the specifics on helping you because I'm stuck on wondering how anyone eats .5c ice cream....

    I'm sorry I don't understand, I eat .5 cup of ice cream all the time.  Are you referring to the fact it tastes good?


    Lesli Bortz

    Lol yeah…. It's such a teeny amount of something so good!  😛Please go correct me if any of my thoughts are "wrong".  Just added to post.


    Richard Schmitt

    It is but not as effective as it being used for CNS. Heard it straight from Kiefer himself…I think it has to be modified a bit. Due to the ELECT movements to the main lifts. Not exactly sure.


    Brandon D Christ

    Lol yeah.... It's such a teeny amount of something so good!  😛Please go correct me if any of my thoughts are "wrong".  Just added to post.

    Haha that makes me feel real masculine...a girl finds my ice cream portions teeny!


    Lesli Bortz

    Really?  I thought shockwave was designed for CBL?  I have never used shockwave with CBL, only Carb Nite.@OP your diet looks solid, just make sure you stay under 30 g of carbs when you are supposed to be ULC.  I'm sure you are, but with some of your food choices, there is a chance you could go over from time to time.

    I personally think it sucks for CBL unless maybe you do very small backloads. I started getting softer when I did SW for two and a half weeks. Maybe my CBL was too much but the pairing was not good.


    Lesli Bortz

    Lol yeah.... It's such a teeny amount of something so good!  😛Please go correct me if any of my thoughts are "wrong".  Just added to post.

    Haha that makes me feel real masculine...a girl finds my ice cream portions teeny!

    I finally had to scoop my portions into a measuring cup. I was easily eating 2-3 cups before... 😮


    Brandon D Christ

    Really?  I thought shockwave was designed for CBL?  I have never used shockwave with CBL, only Carb Nite.@OP your diet looks solid, just make sure you stay under 30 g of carbs when you are supposed to be ULC.  I'm sure you are, but with some of your food choices, there is a chance you could go over from time to time.

    I personally think it sucks for CBL unless maybe you do very small backloads. I started getting softer when I did SW for two and a half weeks. Maybe my CBL was too much but the pairing was not good.

    I always said Shockwave is rather difficult to do correctly.  I know it is designed to take it easy on your CNS, but I never got a pump from it or got that good feeling I get from exercise.  It just felt like I got done mowing the grass or some other mild physical labor.


    Matthew C Graham

    Honestly, I've been questioning Shockwave with backloading for me. I love the plan but I am not seeing the results I'd like to, and that just may be me not executing the plan properly. If shockwave isn't ideal, what training regimens would be good? I was doing DC training and that just didn't work for me in Keto.


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah that's why I'm trying to get answers from Kiefer about it. I guess any high volume based training is good with it.


    Brandon D Christ

    Honestly, I've been questioning Shockwave with backloading for me. I love the plan but I am not seeing the results I'd like to, and that just may be me not executing the plan properly. If shockwave isn't ideal, what training regimens would be good? I was doing DC training and that just didn't work for me in Keto.

    I personally like Heavy Duty for CBL.  5/3/1 is also a good plan.



    any advice on getting the 5/3/1 plan, a link, a book?….thanks!

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