My Diet and Exercise Story

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    Alright since I am working and it is pretty slow I figured I could write a novel of my dieting and exercise from where I started to where I am now.I initially started to exercise back when I turned 19. I was 250lbs and depressed. I joined a local gym that just opened up since they had a no-cost joining fee. I saw little to no results in the first few weeks I was there. I didn't know how to even use most machines and was afraid to ask anyone. At this point I was sweating picking up 10lb dumbbells. I started to do a little more research online to see what might be the problem. I went to a body building website to get a little more insight and information on nutrition. This is when I started to see a pretty steady drop in weight.I dropped 20lbs on the new diet I was on, then plateau at 230. I was stuck once again. Here came out the books and hours of endless reading again. This time I changed my workout regime. I found a weekly program to follow. I dropped another 30lbs, grew a little muscle on my biceps and was proud, but still disappointed in the result. I then finally found my savior.I started a mini-meal plan eating lean meats, whole wheats, and green veggies between 5-7 times a day. This got old real fast but I stuck to the plan. I followed a body builders daily workout plan. At last I finally dropped down to the 180lb mark. Towards the end of the diet people wouldn't even want to be around me from the lack of dietary fats, I had become very easily agitated. I lived like a hermit for about 3 months as well. The only problem was that after the diet was over, I had massive hunger urges. Eating 5-7 times a day had trained my body to crave the food. I'd find myself fighting off the urge for over a week.Here is where I am today. I am currently doing the CNS program and when I hit my mark at 170, I plan to switch to CBL. By far this is the best diet I have been on. I get to eat food I enjoy, and see results. I don't have to plan my day around my meals anymore as well. I hope my story continues as well on this diet!



    How long have you been on it?Have you've seen results?



    I've been on CNS for 2 weeks now and still trying to tweak it.



    Well, If you've only been on it for 2 weeks I think it's too early to say it's the “best” diet.Wait a couple of months an see if you truly do like it.Anyways, welcome aboard and good luck!

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My Diet and Exercise Story

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