My experience with nicotine

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    I've been chewing Nicotine gum for 2 weeks, now.I definitely notice an energy kick. And, it does drastically reduce my appetite.I'm on an IF plan, so the gum has been helpful during the fasting morning and early afternoon.I haven't yet noticed an improvement on the scale.What I HATE about the gum is how it makes my mouth feel. My tongue feels bloated, dry, and a bit "burny" -- the way it feels after eating extra spicy salsa or taco sauce. I really don't like the feeling.But, I do like the energy and appetite suppressant so I'll probably stick with it for a while longer.


    Brandon D Christ

    I've been chewing Nicotine gum for 2 weeks, now.I definitely notice an energy kick. And, it does drastically reduce my appetite.I'm on an IF plan, so the gum has been helpful during the fasting morning and early afternoon.I haven't yet noticed an improvement on the scale.What I HATE about the gum is how it makes my mouth feel. My tongue feels bloated, dry, and a bit "burny" -- the way it feels after eating extra spicy salsa or taco sauce. I really don't like the feeling.But, I do like the energy and appetite suppressant so I'll probably stick with it for a while longer.

    I have done four nicotine cycles so far.  Two of them I pretty much got nothing out it and the other two I could notice improved fat loss.  I think if your nutrition is solid the nicotine will give you a little boost, but if it's less than perfect, I doubt you will notice any effects from nicotine.



    totally agree with you ibob. I did a short 4 week cycle and i was trying to density bulk hoping that I might keep the fat gain in check or VERY minimal. I kept the gum away from carbs, in the morning as Keifer said, but my results were poor. I think because I wasn't burning through my glycogen stores on this cycle, the nicotine was accelerating body fat gains. I think the best results are when the gum is used on a CNS or a small carb refeed SA diet.


    Richard Schmitt

    I think the same as both of you. If you're diet isn't in check then a supplement like the gum won't really make a difference. While it could work with DB, I wouldn't use it until you plan to do SA or CNS.



    Good insights, guys. Thanks.



    I also did a four week cycle, taking the 6 mg per day max dose (4 mg in the morning; 2 mg later in the afternoon).  I was on CarbNite the entire time, so diet was in check.  I trained several days a week.  I saw NO EXTRA fat loss from the Nicotine protocol whatsoever than what I've been seeing for the last year and a half I was on CarbNite, and I'm very meticulous of tracking bodyfat measurements (weight scale + measuring tape + fat calipers).Add this one to the long list of "sounds excellent on paper, sounds excellent in theory, great research behind it.......but doesn't pan out in real life or only very minimally" protocols.



    I also did a four week cycle, taking the 6 mg per day max dose (4 mg in the morning; 2 mg later in the afternoon).  I was on CarbNite the entire time, so diet was in check.  I trained several days a week.  I saw NO EXTRA fat loss from the Nicotine protocol whatsoever than what I've been seeing for the last year and a half I was on CarbNite, and I'm very meticulous of tracking bodyfat measurements (weight scale + measuring tape + fat calipers).Add this one to the long list of "sounds excellent on paper, sounds excellent in theory, great research behind it.......but doesn't pan out in real life or only very minimally" protocols.

    unfortunately is the case with a good majority of supplements out there



    I also did a four week cycle, taking the 6 mg per day max dose (4 mg in the morning; 2 mg later in the afternoon).  I was on CarbNite the entire time, so diet was in check.  I trained several days a week.  I saw NO EXTRA fat loss from the Nicotine protocol whatsoever than what I've been seeing for the last year and a half I was on CarbNite, and I'm very meticulous of tracking bodyfat measurements (weight scale + measuring tape + fat calipers).Add this one to the long list of "sounds excellent on paper, sounds excellent in theory, great research behind it.......but doesn't pan out in real life or only very minimally" protocols.

    unfortunately is the case with a good majority of supplements out there

    Especially when it comes to fatloss. Theres a massive difference between liberating fatty acids and actual measurable fat loss.



    Add this one to the long list of "sounds excellent on paper, sounds excellent in theory, great research behind it.......but doesn't pan out in real life or only very minimally" protocols.unfortunately is the case with a good majority of supplements out there

    The major difference is that this supplement has been used by millions,maybe billions,over a several hundred year period.And one of the major complaints of quitting the "supplement" was the gaining of fat.I think it has been established that the weight gain was far from being a strictly behavioral thing.



    Add this one to the long list of "sounds excellent on paper, sounds excellent in theory, great research behind it.......but doesn't pan out in real life or only very minimally" protocols.unfortunately is the case with a good majority of supplements out there

    The major difference is that this supplement has been used by millions,maybe billions,over a several hundred year period.And one of the major complaints of quitting the "supplement" was the gaining of fat.I think it has been established that the weight gain was far from being a strictly behavioral thing.

    that's assuming orally ingested nicotine has the same effects as it does when inhaled from smoke.. I don't know many people who dipped show any signs of significant weight loss or weight gain when they started or quit oral tobacco.. on that same thought i do know several people who quit smoking and went on the gum and gained a good bit of weight from quitting smoking..



    that's assuming orally ingested nicotine has the same effects as it does when inhaled from smoke.. I don't know many people who dipped show any signs of significant weight loss or weight gain when they started or quit oral tobacco.. on that same thought i do know several people who quit smoking and went on the gum and gained a good bit of weight from quitting smoking..

    I would have to believe that, medically speaking,it makes no difference how the nicotine gets into your bloodstream.But judging by some of the other threads,chewing the gum and getting a good dose of nicotine isn't as easy as it sounds.And if you were trying to quit smoking,the gum would have as much placebo effect as anything else.I'd have to think that a dermal patch would probably be a more reliable way to get a dosage,but maybe not workable if your trying to get 1 or 2 mg.


    Brandon D Christ

    Keep in mind nicotine is a drug not a supplement. 

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My experience with nicotine

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