My plan (oats ?)

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    Sorry people, you've probably read 100s of people's plans. So here's mine 😛My goal is to increase my lifts while lean gaining, current stats 78kg at around 12%. I train using the 5/3/1 method 3 times a week.0500 coffee/15ml double cream0930 3 eggs/3 bacon/40g cheese or a salad with fatty cuts of meat, cheese, mayo/olive oil1400 coffee/15ml double cream1500 train1630 500ml chocolate milk1730-2000 Backload want to start with around 300g carbs. Food choices will mainly be white potatoes/rice, mccain oven chips (fries for the USA ) they dont contain much fat. Rice pudding/custard/Yogurt/Protein shakes.2100 BedFridays will be movie night with my family more dirtier like pizza/burger/cookie/ice cream things like that. though for general health i want to keep it 'healthier' for the most part. Also i love oats do people use these? I was planning on having them early in my backloads with syrup or nutella. I have already started a journel from the start of my prep phase (on my ninth day) so will keep a note of what foods work for me. Thanks for reading


    Oats really don't work. For best results just avoid them.Also, I will almost bet money on you doing better with more carbs, so experiment, but don't be afraid to eat like a horse.



    Yeah thats the plan, see what works for me. I love me oats though  :'( are keep them out first couple of weeks then will see how i get on with them early in the evening . Have not purchased the book  🙁 but i'm quite attached to my nuts and would like to keep them. If the misses found out i spent $80 on a book  ;D. So carb wise are start with 300g , i only dropped around 4lbs on the prep so far no idea what that means.



    So other than the oats is there anything else that could be changed or added?


    Other then that.. Skin the cream in the first coffee.Get coconut oil instead of cream for the other coffees.I just noticed you are looking to gain, so more carbs, 500-700 I'd say.Hell, even when people are trying to lose fat they seem to do better with larger amounts.Don't worry that much about fats in your backloads. They can increase the insulin response in some cases and its easier to get more carbs. It's a lot easier to eat 200-300g of carbs from mashed potatoes then baked. ;]



    Cheers man. Can't do black coffee though, look forward to my creamy coffee in the morning. Been meaning to order some coconut oil will with next order.


    Tanner Fox

    Sorry people, you've probably read 100s of people's plans. So here's mine 😛My goal is to increase my lifts while lean gaining, current stats 78kg at around 12%. I train using the 5/3/1 method 3 times a week.0500 coffee/15ml double cream0930 3 eggs/3 bacon/40g cheese or a salad with fatty cuts of meat, cheese, mayo/olive oil1400 coffee/15ml double cream1500 train1630 500ml chocolate milk1730-2000 Backload want to start with around 300g carbs. Food choices will mainly be white potatoes/rice, mccain oven chips (fries for the USA ) they dont contain much fat. Rice pudding/custard/Yogurt/Protein shakes.2100 BedFridays will be movie night with my family more dirtier like pizza/burger/cookie/ice cream things like that. though for general health i want to keep it 'healthier' for the most part. Also i love oats do people use these? I was planning on having them early in my backloads with syrup or nutella. I have already started a journel from the start of my prep phase (on my ninth day) so will keep a note of what foods work for me. Thanks for reading

    You will have to eat ALOT of that healthier stuff to get the amount of carbs you need.  As far as the PWO chocolate milk I think that could be improved.  If you can fork over the cash for the DH Blend H from Protein Factory I would mix that with a couple ripe bananas PWO.  If you just have whey protein then you could use that instead.I am not sure where you are from but I have found some of the gluten free products have a higher carb content and I can really get some carbs in. As far as oats, I would advise against it like the others have said.Check out this podcast with Nate Miyaki. explains how one can use rebound hypglycemia to trigger growth hormone release.  The oats would be released much slower versus a higher GI carb.  With a large spike of insulin comes a large drop in insulin, and a large release of GH.  The opposite is true for a slower releasing carb like oats.  If the insulin level is still dropping while you are going to sleep there will be much less GH released, which is especially not optimal for someone looking to gain mass.


    Just as a side note to what Tanner said, avoid things the use agave for sugar. It's almost pure fructose and will hardly raise insulin levels.


    Tanner Fox

    My mistake, this is what i was referring to: ingredient I was referring to was evaporated cane juice.



    Oats really don't work. For best results just avoid them.Also, I will almost bet money on you doing better with more carbs, so experiment, but don't be afraid to eat like a horse.

    i think you might have contradicted yourself. Don't horses eat alot of oats?  ;D



    Cheers guy's, thanks for your time. I have whey protein concentrate would that be good with some high gi carbs and creatine mixed? its my last day of the prep today so first backload will be after some heavy deads tomorrow  . Tanner I'm from the uk have not seen any gluten free goodies like that, but i've never really looked so will keep an eye out


    Guest  This is the only free from stuff i've found over here, but most of the ingredients suck


    Just buy some bulk white rice flour, tapioca flour, and potato starch, you'll be able to make pretty much anything with a mix of those.



    Yeah good thinking ;). Do you think I should start higher with the carbs then? Stats height 5'8 (177cm) weight 78kg (170lbs) body fat around 12% I lost around 3-4lbs during prep .


    Yeah, I think you should.There is a thread discussing how having bigger is getting people much better results.

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My plan (oats ?)

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