My Progress

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    I started Carb Nite on March 1st.  My starting weight was 315lbs.  My weight this morning was 253lbs.  I love this plan.  I've never felt like I had no energy.  I competed in powerlifting for 13 years.  I had double hernia surgery in April and felt like it was time to do something else.  I still lift using Jim Wendlers 5/3/1 plan.  I've lost a little strength, but not much.I believe the book says to only do the diet for 6 months, but would it be bad to keep doing it?


    Lesli Bortz

    Congrats on your progress!Kiefer has since mentioned (since the book is out of date) that you could run this program "forever". If you're getting great results then keep on going. At some point CBL is kind of fun but not necessary to try.My husband had the same surgery a few years back...not fun  :-



    Well done on your progress – that's really impressive! Keep up the good work.

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My Progress

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