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January 8, 2012 at 5:51 am #465
VernKeymasterBACKGROUND Top ten state wrestler at 175 lbs 9% body fat in 1984. Old maybe but I know how to push myself & compete. Graduated had no specific physical goal to work toward or be passionate about. Fast forward 25 years August 2011 221 lbs found out I was in a diabetic state Neuropathy IE diabetic's nerve damage in feet. Bad daily pain for well over a year. Extreme fluid intake for over a year. Some Vision loss - Yet to be recovered. Motivated I started self education Only diet or exercise change: Eliminated Hi Fructose from diet. Cut sugar to 10 grams & carbs to 20 grams or less per serving. I was a sugaraholic. Goal was to get my health & physical self pride back. Lost fat & muscle. Acquired body monitor, Carb Nite, & Carb Back Loading, then joined the gym all around Christmas 2011. January 1, 2012 200 lbs 20% body fat.GOAL Gain 6 lbs of muscle and lose 7% body fat by 4-12-12. IE 14 lbs fat. Estimated weight 192. I'll reset goals after that.I'm 6'4 so even when I was in competition shape I was and am of skinny build. Never had moobs or big guns. Fairly strong & fairly conditioned but no abs and a little too slim of muscle. January 4 I started CN/CBL depletion stage diet and started a light workout. I'm already shaky wobbly weak & sore
Wanna Ignite change? Be maniacal and radical! Just tamper it with wisdom before you completely fok yourself. That IS my line, and I am sticking to it. I want to be a poster childMore backgroundI honestly know little about resistance and weight training. But I am learning. Did lots of hard workouts including weights in the late 70s and early 80s. It was high school I had no real plan logic or instruction just a well about average determination to win. Have done lots of physical work all my life. Ran & worked out more than most but no real defined disciplined workout, diet, or plan. Oh and no specific goal. I was always interested in health but lifestyle and sweet tooth still had me consuming sweets junk hi fructose soda pop & store bought juices. 7 years ago on my 39 th birthday I looked at myself naked in the mirror and said where did my arms go and where did that belly button insulation come from. For real. I had been ignoring it and procrastinating. Age and health is a sliding slope and if it is to be its up to me. I needed specific goals and a plan. Only setting good specific physical goals is difficult when you don't really know, I mean fully understand exactly what it takes to achieve them both in regards to very specific diet and specific workouts, benchmarks, adjustments, what gets what results. Health was always ambiguous. More specifically its not lift x ten times and you will gain x muscle or run this speed this long and you will lose this much fat. But thanks to CN & CBL its becoming a lot more defined. I sold myself on looking good by 40 and the clock was running. At the time to do this I decided to hit the treadmill. So I acquired one and hit it for 30 minutes about 6 days a week in the morning early before work. Secondly I heard free weights were best. I wanted to target my arms and I could afford a set of dumbbells so I acquired a set. I hit them hard about 10 to 20 minutes every evening sometime between work and bed. I started kind of heavy and went up on reps & sets adding in different movements eventually buying another set again a little too heavy and repeated. I cut way down on the pop or soda whichever you prefer and “ate right” which meant I tried to skip the snickers and pie. After reading CN & CBL I can see why it worked to the degree it did. Over time I dropped about 20 pounds toned up some, added some muscle, and looked and felt better. After about 24 months I sort of faded off of it. Fall 2011 6 plus years later due to the realization of my diabetic state and what path I was on I got re-motivated to change my diet, return my health, and restart recommit to a fitness plan. But I didn't want to blindly forge ahead and invest way more time & energy than required to get way less results than I should. I did that in the 80s and to a lesser degree ever since. Thanks to Keifer's article in Mens Fitness then CN & CBL I believe I am moving in the right direction armed with a lot more and better information than I ever had before.My plan (or the basics of it)And I am sticking to it. Until I modify it.
I am still in the CN/depletion stageSleep 11P to 6A.Rise, hit the body monitor & record results. Drink morning coffee adding some combination of heavy whipping cream, coconut oil/milk, whey or fiber mix. Plus Omega 3 laden fish oil pill. Later to be replaced by flavored fish oil liquid which won't have me burping tasting smelling like fish oil. Sometime in the early part of the morning a short, core, whole body blast to raise heart rate and maximize fat burning for the day. Starting with stretching then easing into it then quickly ramping it up when I'm warm & feel safe. Some combination of one legged squats on a big stability ball then pull ups then (whole body big muscle) dead lifts with bar or semi heavy dumbells or kettle balls or squats maybe followed by a few short wind sprints and just enough walk down until my breathing & heart rate are about to the “cardio fat burning rate” for my age & weight. Goal is for the whole process to be done inside 30 minutes. I'm not going to make my muscles burn or go catabolic. Again its to raise heart rate for fat burning maximization for the day. Screw high heart rate long duration muscle burning cardio or hours of “fat burning” speeds on treadmill elliptical stair climber etcBTW I am currently laid off on unemployment so I generally have the freedom of time control. But I know this will change so I am making the most of my time. I also have a gym about 5 minutes from my home and in addition to the dumb bells so far I have a pull up bar, barbell weights and bench. So I can get my version of cardio done either way.Noonish snack Hi fat cheese, meat, like pastrami slices maybe a piece of celery or bell pepper with Flax seeds all per CN list. Fish oil, optional Creatin plus coffee with some combination of whipping cream coconut whey or fiber3P ish CN fat & protein day high calorie recipe lunch. Plus a Multi, Calcium, Fish oil, optional Flax oil/seeds Creatin plus my coffee & mix30 Minutes pre train shake 200+mg caffeine, or coffee plus 10+g of whey, coconut milk/oil, and 5g creatine. 4P to 6:30P Work out! Not necessarily 2.5 hours thats just the time frame its to get done in. Post workout shake Carb Countdown milk/smoothie or Coconut milk 10+g Whey, 10+g Casein, 10+g Hydrosate, 3g Leucine1 hour post work out CN fat & protein high calorie recepie meal plus a multi & delicious fish oil. Evening snack may include cheese meat green veggie or some flax seeds pumpkin seeds or a few almonds.Optional Before bed snack may include cottage cheese, egg, a meat, like dried beef or fish like canned Samon & or a shake, Carb Countdown milk/smoothie or Coconut milk with Whey, Casein plus delicious fish oil optional Flax seeds sprinkled.I think one of the big keys to unprecedented personal success with this plan is pre planning, organization, and preparation. Just start getting everything you need for the first week ahead of time so that by the time your well thought out and pre planned first day arrives you hit it like clock work. No scrambling or improvising. I am not so serious like I'm training for an event but I am training for life as I want to look, feel, and go thru it. I am not under the gun but I ain't 19 anymore and we are "burning day light." BTW The body monitor that I acquired is an Ormon 514c. So far very impressed. Gives me weight, Body Mass Index, the ever important Body Fat Percentage, Skeletal Muscle Percentage, Resting Metabolism, Body Age, and Viseral Fat Level. It explains what each means to you plus has simple charts and it will give you the basis of how it achieves them. Personally I don't care if its macro exact only that its consistent so that I can really track real progress not just what a stupid misleading bathroom scale says. Some of us are satisfied with what we see in the mirror and the fit of our cloths myself I want more for when I hit what might otherwise appear to be a plateau. OK a snippit more for the geeks. It has you stand on the four metal points monitor/scale hold more metal points in a specific position sends electrical impulses through you and reads measures calculates then uses your personal data against compiled data to give you the results. Plus its quick and easy and hurts less than being tazered.
Any and all suggestions or comments are appreciated.
January 8, 2012 at 9:14 am #31767
sckielyParticipantVery good to have you aboard, hope we can help with your progress?
January 8, 2012 at 1:53 pm #31768
SportsptGuestKeep in mind as you deplete and cut water, that information will be highly erroneous. As you lose water your resistance to the electrical flow will increase. This means you will at least see your body fat percentage rise. An increase in resistance is also characteristic of body fat. Likewise, once you start eating carbs and glycogen stores replenish, your resistance will decrease (more water) which will be interpreted as more muscle and less fat. So just take your measures with a grain of salt.
January 10, 2012 at 5:33 am #31769
VernGuestSckiely thanks I appreciate that. Sportspt I appreciate the info. Sounds to have some logic to it. So far I have made a conscious effort to stay hydrated and while I have dropped water I believe so far I have had enough body fat & water to keep it working well. I track everyday and will continue for months and will be more focused on trends and averages bearing what you have said in mind. So far it seems to be a great tool. I will post my results at three or four days after my first carb night. Five of the last six days in the gym. Started with mostly core strengthening with the balance ball & light dumbells etc. Saturday and today I hit more weights working with larger muscle groups starting with machine leg presses and such. Enough to sweat hard and get my heart rate up. Honestly I have not done anything consistent like this in a gym for eek almost 28 years. I made up an acronym for how I have been coming out so far, S.W.W.S. shaky wobbly weak & sore. ;D I think I should put that on my t shirt. ::) Ain't but a thing between me and where I'm goin.
January 10, 2012 at 10:00 am #31770
AllenxldMemberWell Vern – sounds like you have a good plan. One note on the flax seeds: grind them first for maximal nutrition as the body does break down the whole flax seed very well. I look forward to your updates as we are in similar age range. Good luck.
January 10, 2012 at 1:12 pm #31771
VernGuestThanks Allenxid I did not know that. I read your intro, yes we are. A lot of people our age give up on actual muscle building and getting in shape and just settle. Seen abs on a 50 year old would be pretty rare. Look forward to reading your updates & progress.
January 11, 2012 at 1:43 am #31772
VernGuestAllen I just looked at the box and actually the flax seeds are ground. I even picked it up in liquid to try. Also found some eggs that have 660 grams per egg of omega 3s! Its good to find more places to get the omega 3s in a substantial amount than just fish oil. The other little cool tidbit I figured out is to get the gallons of unsweetened tea and add Stevia for a good tasting tea that doesn't have the carbs sugar or artificial sweetners. I have over the last few months drank gallons of diet and unsweetened tea but never really liked the unsweetened and since I don't want to drink the diet crap anymore its a good solution.
January 11, 2012 at 10:11 am #31773
AllenxldMemberAs far as the already ground flax seeds everything I have read suggests that the best way to get the most nutritional value is buy the whole seed (preferably organic certified) and grind them yourself. As for the tea, most excellent. I use an organic green tea blend and stevia for my sweet tea. Keifer suggests flax seed oil, I have personally not tried it nor heard anything negative but do make sure it is in the refrigerated section when you buy it as that is best. Also I use organic chia seeds in my salads: 7 carbs, 6 fiber, 4 protein grams per serving!
January 11, 2012 at 6:09 pm #31774
VernGuestCool I will look for the chia seeds.
January 19, 2012 at 8:01 pm #31775
VernGuestWell I posted here and told Sportspt or Ken that I would post an update. Here is the honest good bad indifferent including some of which makes no sense to me yet. Jan fourth was the begging of re-orientation and I started & will follow CN solution & strength & accumulation lifting until I get my body fat down & or job life changes and I go to CBL strenth & accumulation. Date 12/28 1/2 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16 1/17 1/18 1/19Weight 200.0 199.8 197.2 193.6 193.4 192.6 193.0 194.0 194.0 194.0 193.2 192.5 192.0 195.0 198.0 196.7 195.0 195.4 193.0 Body Mass Idx 24.3 24.0 23.6 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.6 23.6 23.7 23.5 23.4 23.4 23.8 24.1 23.9 23.8 23.8 23.5 Body Fat % 20.9 20.1 19.8 19.5 18.0 16.1 15.9 14.9 14.7 14.2 14.5 15.1 12.3 15.0 14.3 14.5 14.6 15.5 15.6Skeltl Muscl %36.1 38.0 36.9 37.8 38.9 38.9 39.5 39.6 39.9 39.8 39.4 40.9 39.5 39.9 39.8 39.7 39.2 39.0Restn Metabo 1835 1826 1801 1802 1801 1802 1811 1811 1812 1806 1801 1802 1817 1835 1827 1817 1818 1803Body Age 62 60 59 59 58 58 58 58 58 58 57 57 59 60 59 59 59 58Viseral Fat Level7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6I generally did these every morning about the same time. If someone wants another update here I will do it in the future but will likely only report 4 of the 7. I monitored three times and posted the average if there was any difference. I stuck to my diet well but keep making tweaks as I learn how to get better products such as flax oil instead of seed Omega eggs instead of regular eggs etc to better take advantage of what Keifer has said. Carb nite was on the Friday 13th so I took two readings on the 13th and you can see the results of carb nite on the 14th. On the night of the 14th I fell off the wagon and consumed about 15 alcoholic beverages. Crap you can see the results and because of it I plan to have my next carb nite on Saturday instead of Friday. Unless someone tells me I need to restart re-orientation and go 10 days instead of 7. I have actually enjoyed the food change and probably over consumed for optimal fat loss but with recent tweaks staying on the plan and a little more abstinence I hope to shred some more fat. fwiw if you read my intro you can see that I came from a fairly low carb sugar & fructose diet so that may have affected my re-orientation results a bit from the norm. Keifer said in CBL something to the effect that one thing they use to determine body age is how viscous the cell membranes are for the ease and ability with which your body can get things in & out of your cells, and that Omega 3 help this. Well my diet was almost void of omega 3s forever and I am wondering if that is maybe affecting the way body age results were estimated with the electrical pulse thingy. Generally most people think I am younger than my age not late 50s this thing is showing for me. I suspect I will add to this when I think of more pertinent stuff I should put here. PS Anybody know if the bottled Braggs Amino acids are ok to use? I don't want them to mess with hormones that may affect the diet.
January 20, 2012 at 4:27 am #31776
Naomi MostMemberI don't think you're going to have any problem using Bragg's Liquid Aminos. Not unless you're consuming it by the bottle every day.
January 20, 2012 at 3:53 pm #31777
VernGuestThanks Naomi I was hoping you would pop in. Any thoughts on the body monitor scale thingy. Was hoping for some feedback good bad or indifferent.
January 20, 2012 at 8:29 pm #31778
Naomi MostMemberUh. I don't know what you're asking. That's a hell of a lot of text to sift through to figure out what you're wondering about.
February 6, 2012 at 6:25 pm #31779
VernGuestCN works! For the first 30 days I have been faithful to CN and working in the gym 6 days a week. Except for on a few occations where I consumed reasonable amounts of alcoholic beverages. Had I done better in that respect I may have achieved even better results. I think I did a good job of getting a good balance of proteins fats & green veggies. Also I took advantage of the basics of coffee/caffeine, coconut oil, ISO whey, casein, and lectine or BCAAs and multivitamins per CN/CBL. Last IMO the Ormon body composition monitor works and is useful at least if you have not yet achieved body builder physique. I figure even if its estimation is off a little as long as its consistently off the same it works to its purpose.After 30 days I have lost 6% bodyfat! From 20% to 14% And not only did I not lose any muscle according to the data I gained 6 pounds of muscle! Prior to this experience I did not believe that was possible. Maybe my information is incorrect. Maybe I just didn't know what I didn't know. I am interested in anyones thoughts. Here is the breakdown. 200 pounds starting weightx 20% bodyfat 40 pounds bodyfat 200 poundsless 40 pounds BF 160 pounds not fat 193 current weightx 14% BF 27 pounds BF 193 current weightless 27 pounds BF 166 pounds not BF 40 pounds BFless 27 pounds BF 13 pounds lost bodyfat 160 pounds not fat 166 pounds not fat 6 pounds muscle gain 13 pounds BF lossless 6 pounds muscle gain 7 pound weight reduction 200 pounds starting weightless193 pounds current weight 7 pounds weight reduction I was surprised when the 7 pounds matched and it came out. Maybe the monitor is off or something but the gym trainers have commented and they haven't seen how much tighter my stomach is. All I have to say isThanks Keifer! Your diligence and hard work in developing this has already paid off for me. I expect losing BF will get more difficult as I get it down further. I also expect my cumulative weight training knowledge of 3 sets of 8 to 14 reps of anything I can find in the gym will have to be expanded. I will have to look into that shockwave protocol stuff and whatever else you care to share.Currently I am laid off with unemployment which has made this venture easier. Shortly I may be able to go back to work and working five twelve hour nights will obviously bring about change. For now I am continuing CN until I get below 10% uncover my abbs and acquire more muscle building know-how. After that I will move to CBL and find out if I can put some more muscle on my broomstick physique.
February 6, 2012 at 6:54 pm #31780
VernGuestAfter After After After After After 1 PM 8PM CN Alcohol alco CN alco alco Jan 20 Feb 4 Feb 4Weight 192.2 190.8 195.0 196.2 194.0 194.6 192.8 192.4 191.8 192.8 196.6 196.8 193.2 193.8 193.1 191.0 193.2Bodyfat 15.4 14.6 15.2 13.6 14.3 13.9 13.9 14.2 14.9 14.4 13.6 12.1 14.6 14.8 14.3 14.0 13.6Muscle 39.2 39.5 39.3 40.2 39.9 40.1 40.0 39.9 39.4 39.7 40.2 41.0 39.7 39.6 39.8 39.9 40.1R. Metabo1800 1790 1817 1825 1811 1815 1804 1802 1795 1804 1827 1829 1805 1808 1806 1792 1806
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