My Take on Dr. Oz and the Congressional Hearing

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    Brandon D Christ

    I have been seeing many people on social media (including a few forum members and former members) sharing a story about Dr. Oz appearing before Congress.  I am assuming they are posting it because they find it funny that Dr. Oz is being grilled and embarrassed.Like most of you, I do not agree with Dr. Oz on most things.  So this is not a defense of Dr. Oz at all.  My concern is that Congress is starting to take an interest in supplements, diet, and fitness related things.  This my friends is not good at all for us.  Congress's goal, it seems, is to stop false advertising and misinformation on diet and fitness.  The problem is how is something determined to be misinformation and false advertising?  If you know anything about the US governments diet recommendations, certainly not good science.Imagine this scenario:  Kiefer is summoned to a Congressional hearing and is forced to answer questions about CBL and Carb Nite.  How do you think that would look to Congress?  Do you think they would care about the research and the results?  Hell no.  All it would take is the USDA's, ADA's, AMA's, and all the other "professional" organization's experts to take an opposing view.  And believe me they would.  If restrictions and regulations ever get placed, it could drive many good people like Kiefer out of the industry.  Or even worse, forced to give what the US government deems as "correct advice".Draconian food laws have already been passed in some areas of the country, like New York.  I personally don't find it that far fetched that a limit on the amount of red meat you can eat would be passed.As far as supplements go, certain supplements could be at risk of being banned.  A few sources have blamed creatine for the shootings that happened at Santa Barbara a few weeks ago.  Certain stimulants have already been banned or are in the process of being banned.I fully realize there are snake oil salesmen that are preying on uneducated consumers.  However, this is a small price to pay for having the freedom to eat whatever you want and take whatever supplements you want.  My advice:  educate yourself and use common sense.  The snake oil salesmen are small potatoes.  US government diet recommendations is what made America (and other places) fat and sick, not Dr. Oz.



    Well said mr iBob. Keep your hands off my steak policy makers!


    Richard Schmitt

    I read and heard about this deal with Dr. Oz. I agree with Glitche, very well said. I didn't find this funny myself but rather intriguing as the government is taking interest in diets and such. Though, like what you said, I agree it will be causing major concerns and problems in the future. Cross the fingers that it doesn't excel past this.



    And this is why I hate humanity. Don't touch my fucking supplements assholes, it's bad enough that I have to live in a semi communist country where I have to pay for others not taking care of their disgusting selves.


    Tiago Nicolau

    USA is really the last place i should go it seems :/Someday they will force you to eat what they want or else you get a little of "freedom" to be educated.


    Agree with the principles of your statement.  However… Dr Oz is on stage like every day… u get up 2 many times trying to say something attention grabbing and you are f***ed. on so many for not realizing Dr Oz doesn't have enough material to make stupid people interested, but its kind of a vicious circle of sorts.  Shame on Congress for grabbing this guy as a strawman for the almost certain to come... wait for it... overreaching.  Dr Oz is an entertainer, tapping into people's need for stupid suggestions for their friends.  If Oz had one show a week or two weeks, I could start to see it.  One a day is just stupid, unless he turned it into an education show, in which case noone would watch.This is a race... entrepreneurs gaming the system (government healthcare, new rules surrounding Obamacare, health insurance companies, doctors, AHA, etc, etc)... as pernicious as what you've discussed are some of these "insurance companies" and "doctors" conspiring to raise rates depending upon the degree to which a patient followed their advice.... wait for it.... this is almost certainly going to be a more frequent occurrance.Congress doesn't like to have anyone play adversary to their policies.

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My Take on Dr. Oz and the Congressional Hearing

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