My Training Split Armed Forces Championships

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    It is a 10 Week balls to the wall Cycle. 5 day split, 3 upper 2 lower, its basic building and backing off leading into the meet.Sun-DB Press off chest focusMon-Deadlift/Upperback focusTue-Heavy Bench/triceps strengthWed-OffThur-Heavy Squats followed by dead weak spot workFri-High vol Bench Delt focusSat-OffI know its alot of focus for the upper body but i recently cam off a 4day lower body to bring my squat up to my deadlift, So i know have pretty large legs and a not so large upper body, Like a t-rex.I plan of=n a 1200+total raw. I was wonder should i be density bulking and go into strength accumulation if i get too much spill over. Thoughts, questions and concerns are greatly appreciated. Also if Kiefer could look at my full outline i would be glad to shoot it to him. Lol


    Richard Schmitt

    I'm not Kiefer but I'll do my best to help.So you're looking for just straight strength? WHOO! Alright well do DB for this comp, then switch over to SA (if you wanted to) to shed any unwanted body fat.HOWEVER Kiefer is/has worked with Jesse Burdick, and Mark Bell (these guys are badass powerlifters that compete!) by dropping a ton of weight and increasing their strengths through the roof! They were on Carb Nite Solution.



    OK well i dont want to be fat since i am a former fat kid, do you think im lean enough to DB? I iwll post some pics in my profile thing.


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh yeah same here former fat kid!Well I would run DB for this comp, and then run SA afterwards. Gaining strength while lower body fat 8)



    On density bulk do you backload like a training day, also does anyone wave the backload according to the type of training.


    Richard Schmitt

    On density bulk do you backload like a training day, also does anyone wave the backload according to the type of training.

    You can, personally depending on how you feel. If feeling ok and don't need a real good pick me up, then stick to a normal carb/protein dinner, then have a fat/carb dessert with some protein. Since it's DB you'd have to make that decision based on how everything went and is going.



    Ok sounds good. I was thinking this. i just figured out my training is structured like PHAT, haha

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My Training Split Armed Forces Championships

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