My Version of making them shockwaves

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    Hi !First of all, this is not an attempt to make a better shockwave protocol, just make the protocol fit my weekly schedule 🙂I do some kind of CBL SA but only with 2 weekly backloads (and sometimes a little "extra" day of backload, depends off the volume and intensity of the workouts)My weekFriday:      PM workout - Chest/Biceps -    Backload daySaturday:  AM Workout - Leg/Abs+Core - ULC daySunday:    AM Workout - Shoulder/tri -    ULC dayMonday:    PM Workout - Back                  Backload dayTue:                                                        ULC day Wed:                                                        ULC dayThu:                                                        ULC day What do you guys think?This is my version of shockwave (ya i know, i havent wrote the abs exercise, but i use those from the book, so nothing new there  😉 )Thanks in advance 🙂



    This looks really good man, but id add in more to your bCkloads due to the high volume



    Thanks a lot 🙂 My macros yesterday, - Friday - wasProtein 217 gramFat 110 gramCarbs 182 gramCalories 2606My:-)  bodyweight is 194 lbs (88 kg)Would you add 50 gram carbs more on those to backload days, or what do you think ? And why ? Im curious 🙂 Thanks in advanceThomas 🙂



    Man it all really depends on yoir goals, are you happy? Are u getting fatter? Are u lacking energy? Im 150lbs and backload 3-4x per week with a little bit more then your daily calories, what i found working best was to add in some wrestling, weights, up my protein significantly and lower my fats to about .75 per pound a day or a tad less and also adding a shit tonne of green veggies to make those ULc meals look a bit bigger



    I'm happy 😀 but not down to where I want to be yet 🙂 But I think I would stick to my macros a little bit more and maybe in a month add 1 ore two more backload days 🙂 But I'm also curious about skipping the core/"rest" day (the 3. Day of the original protocol ) and just do the core training on leg day ? Is there any problems there with restitution ?



    Yes the world will come to a hault, kiefer will pop up bend you over and spank you because ylu changed his program lol, personally I do core every session just do it at the end or core it up every second session and drop yhat stupid ass core day and have it combined with your other sessoons



    Haha, funny 😀I was just wondering, Kiefer obviously put the core / rest day in order to give the body a break, but I try to go on like this one months time and see what the body says, if it goes wrong, I must put a rest day in between leg and shoulder day 🙂



    By the way i just looked at your carbs, that is no where near what you should have, id double that amount if you want any sort of result



    By the way i just looked at your carbs, that is no where near what you should have, id double that amount if you want any sort of result

    I'm to fat to double it 😀 i', at 14% BF right now, and want to get under 10 (dont we all) 200 gram carbs is about 1g pr bodyweight, and if i go much over i fell bloatet the next morning, so i think im at a good spot 🙂

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My Version of making them shockwaves

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