Nap taking advice?

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    Brandon D Christ

    I am traveling for work to do a survey next week and I am doing the night shift (8:45 PM – 5 AM ).  Unfortunately my work is requiring me to travel the morning before giving me from about 1 PM to 7:30 PM to sleep.  I have not taken a nap since high school and I need some advice how I can take a nap in the middle of day.  Anybody got any pointers?



    Make sure wherever it is is really dark lol I find that being like say in your basement or something with no windows is the easiest way, try to simulate nighttime as best as you can, that worked for me a couple summers ago when I was doing some night work with my dad.


    Lesli Bortz

    Have carbs in the morning?  😛 ;DI love the naturespace app with noise canceling headphones, but I'm sure some people will respond with more "techniques"


    Richard Schmitt

    You might hate this, but eat some turkey. Since it is Christmas Season, I'm sure you can get some turkey some where. It has some sort of chemical that makes you sleep. Might help. If anything there is the ZZZ-quil you can try. If you're in the truck or in the hotel room DARKEN EVERYTHING! If need be, wrap your eyes with a towel/shirt.


    Brandon D Christ

    You might hate this, but eat some turkey. Since it is Christmas Season, I'm sure you can get some turkey some where. It has some sort of chemical that makes you sleep. Might help. If anything there is the ZZZ-quil you can try. If you're in the truck or in the hotel room DARKEN EVERYTHING! If need be, wrap your eyes with a towel/shirt.

    Maybe a tryptophan supplement stacked with melatonin?


    Richard Schmitt

    That will probably help you get some sleep, especially if it's during the day.


    I would download Pzizz on your phone, or try to find some form of “relaxation music”


    Russell Crosswy

    I am traveling for work to do a survey next week and I am doing the night shift (8:45 PM - 5 AM ).  Unfortunately my work is requiring me to travel the morning before giving me from about 1 PM to 7:30 PM to sleep.  I have not taken a nap since high school and I need some advice how I can take a nap in the middle of day.  Anybody got any pointers?

    You mention travel, will you have to nap in a hotel room? Regardless, I would try to get whatever room you are sleeping in as dark as possible. This could mean blacking out windows, turning off electronics in the room, or taping over the electrical lights that you can't run off (electrical tape works well here).If you are sleeping in your room at home then you can try taping cardboard or aluminum foil to the window to block out the light. If it's a hotel they may have dark shades that you can close. Hotel rooms have a bad tendency to have lots of little LED lights that stay on for all sorts of things, this is where duct or electrical tape comes in handy.I use pzizz energizer on my iPhone for naps, it goes as long as 90 minutes. pzizz sleep could be used to help calm you down to sleep and it has an alarm feature to wake you up. Sleep Cycle is another iOS app that is more for monitoring your sleep, but includes a white noise generator (ocean waves I think) to help calm down.I would also consider a mask if you can't get the light in the room down to an acceptable level. Maybe even consider earplugs if the environment you'll be napping in is loud, but I prefer more white noise than earplugs.Maybe try out taking a short nap several days before if you can. That way you can find what works for you and get more comfortable with the idea of napping. Just like anything it gets better with practice.



    Meditation! I love just sitting or lying in complete silence sometimes. Think sleepy thoughts. Haha.



    I personally find taking a nap incredibly hard unless it's after eating and not having anything stimulant for a while. Here in Japan I have no blinds and the sun makes it hard to stay in bed past 7 am, so I bought a mask for 100 yen and it's the best thing I have ever done. Earplugs too, it's a habit though you gotta get used to it.What works for me is listening to a podcast that's somewhat boring or reading a bit, just laying on my back until I don't want to read/pay attention any longer. If you are tired enough you'll fall asleep easily. Take if from an insomniac, trying to force yourself to sleep is a bad idea if you are still awake after a couple minutes. Going to bed when you are not fatigued is the best way to get frustrated. I don't know how much coffee you drink, but reducing your dose is a good way to make sure you crash when you do lay down. I was hooked on ECA before, and I just had to cut one dose to dooze off in the afternoon lol



    Big meal, very dark room I prefer sleeping in the pitch black.



    Eat a medium-sized meal, then go to a quiet place and read something boring. Works like magic.



    yooooo what supps do you guys take before bed to help with sleep?



    Animal Rage, I don't take it and I fall asleep. Sleep is a lack of Animal Rage, that's it.No seriously, melatonin (fast-release 5 mg) knocks me out quite fast, but I need to be a bit tired already, meaning my sleep schedule must be regular. If I am not  tired, it does jack shit.I used to pop sleeping pills like candy until they stopped working. Now I know if my body doesn't want to sleep, it's no use trying to force it to. However, melatonin can give it that little push it needs and improves the quality of sleep in my experience.


    Brandon D Christ

    yooooo what supps do you guys take before bed to help with sleep?

    Magnesium citrate and potassium for me.  Sometimes melatonin if I am trying to shift my sleep schedule earlier.

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Nap taking advice?

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