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    Kevin Creel

    I see this crap at my gym all the time, plus I work with a bunch of Crossfiters who believe in all this.


    Brandon D Christ

    Are cross-fitters really that bad?  I never met one before.  I really don't know much about it, but remember reading an article about a crossfitter Rob Orlando in Muscle and Fitness a while back.  I found his story and training to be rather inspirational.


    Kevin Creel

    They are definitely a different breed, you can check out Kiefer's thoughts about it on the DH website… interesting group of folks. I joke with a few CrossFit friends of mine that if they're ever attacked in a parking lot, being able to kip 55 pullups, do 100 air sqats and 40 burpees won't impress the 250lb thug who is kicking their asses:) They're fit I'll give them that, just not strong or powerful.



    As some one who has done CrossFit and currently teaches it, I thought I'd chime in. CrossFit actually uses the overhead press as one of it's strength markers (CrossFit Total consists of 1RM Squat, 1RM OHP, and 1RM Deadlift). Also, it utilizes the variations such as the the push jerk, split jerk, and push press. Now, the programming is something I can't defend as too may boxes now focus more on 40 minute Hero WODs and making the client's “feel like they got their ass kicked” than actually taking a common sense approach to programming. There are however, a lot of good CrossFit people out there who are using the principles of CrossFit very intelligently and even incorporating components of Westside and 5/3/1 to build strength and complement their conditioning work.I understand people's frustration with it as a lot of what is out there and available is absolute garbage. CrossFit Football is a great program and the guys at Outlaw CrossFit seem to have a great idea of how to program to make people stronger AND better conditioned.


    Brandon D Christ

    As some one who has done CrossFit and currently teaches it, I thought I'd chime in. CrossFit actually uses the overhead press as one of it's strength markers (CrossFit Total consists of 1RM Squat, 1RM OHP, and 1RM Deadlift).

    I am a bodybuilder, not a powerlifter, but I always made the argument that the standing military press should be used instead of the bench press in powerlifting compeitions.  In my opinion it is a truer judge of upper body strength.  Traditionally this was how upper body strength was judged. 

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