Need an alternative to deadlifts/squats

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  • #302284

    Jason Smith

    Hello Im 34 years old 6’1″ 206lbs. I’ve been running shockwave for a few months now. I have herniated discs in the “L” region of my back. My question is….when I’m supposed to do dead lifts, sumo dead lifts, or squats I tend to injure my back every time I try to increase the weight to a decent amount. Anything over 115lbs seems to be the problem area for me. The strength is their but my back will spasm and lock up putting me out for a few days. Should I continue to do these exercises with the lower weight and increase reps or should I use a lower back machine for back days and the leg press for leg days as neither of these seem to cause a problem?


    Richard Schmitt

    I would use machines to try and build up your strength again in your back. Then progressively try to use free weights as well.


    Jason Smith

    That’s what I figured. How do you like Jefferson curls with light weight for strength building?


    Melvin McLain

    They make a belt you can attach weights to, which takes the load off your back and puts it on your hips.

    You also might try lap squats, where you let most of the bar weight rest on top of your thighs, though this makes ATG squats near impossible (which isn’t a bad thing IMO).

    Or… with 115 lbs, you can either do slow reps (5 secs up/5 secs down), or do a static hold around 90 degrees with no movement at all. Either of these will tax the muscles more than you might think.

    Just a few thoughts.

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Need an alternative to deadlifts/squats

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