Need health advice for a friend

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    Sascha Heid

    I have a friend, she is 62 and suffers from multiple issues.Her lymphsystem is fucked from multiple operations on her knees. She has very big legs and arms but she is not fat. She eats very little.She has joint issues. One year ago she broke her foot and today she still has massive inflamations and bleeding in it.Her diet is horrible but i cant change that. Fat is bad, cholesterol is evil and all that crap.But if i give her some supps she will take that.I have decided on these 2 things to give her:1.) green pasture fishoil + butter-oil caps. 10 caps a day (7,5g). I take these myself since a long time.2.) camu camu powder (vitamin c) which i also take myself. 1 tbsp a day. Any other recommendations?Thanks!


    Jenelle Brewer

    Wow, my only recommendation is I hope you are not actually “giving” these things to her.  Anyone who is not willing to take personal responsibility for their own nutrition and make some changes, is not going to really appreciate what you are doing for her.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what you are doing for her.  Unfortunately, it does not matter how badly you and I want to see her healthy…  If she had had ENOUGH of her current situation, she'd be more open to new ideas and doing whatever she could to try and get out of it.  Good luck, though.  I've been there.  :-


    Rob Haas

    Serious medical intervention is required would be my guess which is way beyond an internet forum with members mostly with made up names…

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Need health advice for a friend

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