Need help Identifying if this is a sign of ketosis or not.

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    So to start this off let me apologize in advance for the slightly TMI question but this is the only place I know to get some possible legitimate answers. I am on day 2 of a reorientation I have had to recommit myself because I have been off and on the past 2 months (basically i mean i was low carbing it for a few days and then just eating whatever for others) Today I noticed that my urine was soapy/bubbly and somewhat cloudy. This occurred just about every time today and even after drinking a few bottles of water. My macros should be on par most of my calories come from fat I dont think I am eating a ridiculous amount of protein or anything. This is the only day I have really noticed the urine issue. I am wondering if this is just my body adjusting to running off ketones or if its an actual problem I need to see someone about. From what I read per the results of my google search. My kidneys are failing and I am pretty much screwed.  :o. Since I dont believe everything I read on the internet I wanted to get some advice/experiences from the people that have and are going through the same regiment I am. P.S. I know that when in doubt to just see a doctor however my medical insurance kinda sucks so doctors visits are expensive so I try to only go when there is definitely something wrong.


    Melvin McLain

    IME, a mild kidney infection can produce the same symptoms, though I don't remember having problems on a low-carb diet.3-4 glasses cranberry juice per day for a couple of days clears it up for me, but I have to be sure to drink plenty of water every day.Disclamer: Not a doctor, not giving medical advice. Just relating my personal experience. _



    Whats the color of your urine? is it dark yellow?



    What's your urine taste like??That's the best way to tell.


    Whats the color of your urine? is it dark yellow?

    It is typically light yellow to clear depending on how much water I have its only darker if Im dehydrated.


    Penny Danner

    Possible medical issue aside, ketosis doesn't matter on CN.  It “could” be a byproduct but does not matter.



    A few bottles of water won't cut it on low carb; because you lose the ability to retain water. I admit that I sometimes don't drink enough water myself. But really we should be drinking like 1.5 gallons a day.. and maintain hydration. The best color is a light straw color. If it's clear, you clearly drank too much. What I TRY to do every day is force myself to drink a liter of water in the morning.  And drink until you have to pee. Then check your urine color. If it's too dark, drink more. If its too light, drink less. You want to maintain the light straw color throughout the day.When it's time to train in the gym, you'll be fully hydrated, which is the state you always wanna be in. Most people start drinking water at the beginning of their training; but they aren't aware that they wouldn't be fully hydrated during their workout. It takes time. When you're full hydrated, you'll notice a different in your power output.Though, I'd consult your doctor to see if drinking tons of water is good for your kidneys. I know that for some people drinking too much water can be toxic. Plus, as you're flushing out water.. you'd also be flushing out electrolytes. So you'd have to maintain a proper ratio of magnesium, sodium, potassium.

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Need help Identifying if this is a sign of ketosis or not.

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