Need help with meal plan

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    I generally train at about 7:30 at night to 9:00 pm. Unfortunately that's what my work schedule allows. I get the idea of 30 carbs or less before training. But I need help on what to do just before and after.8:00-8:30 am coffee with coconut oilLunch is around 2-3:00 pm. Train at 7:30-9:00 pmPWO shake around 30 minutes post training.The issue here is I try to go to bed between 12-1:00 am. There's not much of a window to backload. And there's long periods between meals. I don't know if I should throw little snacks in there. My goal is to lose fat and gain muscle/strength. I don't care how long it takes to lose the fat as long as it comes off steadily. I have been thinking of doing some cardio on off days. So far what I have been doing doesn't seem to be working. I don't notice a loss in fat. Should I avoid certain foods to backload on? Like not too many sweets?Any help is much appreciated. I feel strong for the most part, I just don't feel like I'm losing the fat.


    Craig jones

    Because of the time you train don't make yourself wait 30 mins for your pwo shake just have it soon as you drop that last weight. You havnt got much time to fit your carbs in. After your shake,say about half hour, start smashing some carbs. Start with a meal and some desert. Go nuts and experiment. Find some hi carb foods that aren't too filling.Also maybe have about 100g dextrose in your pwo shake.


    Brandon D Christ

    Because of the time you train don't make yourself wait 30 mins for your pwo shake just have it soon as you drop that last weight. You havnt got much time to fit your carbs in. After your shake,say about half hour, start smashing some carbs. Start with a meal and some desert. Go nuts and experiment. Find some hi carb foods that aren't too filling.Also maybe have about 100g dextrose in your pwo shake.

    +1Actually you may want to not even eat clean carbs in your backload.  Just straight up junk.  It goes down easier.

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Need help with meal plan

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