I've never used any supplements or powders before.As a girl doing CN but doing HIIT workouts/lifting, should I be using any sorts of supplements and if so, what.Never having used anything, I am getting lost reading the forums about all these various things I should/shouldn't use.Thanks!
Yes you would benefit from using whey isolate, leucine, and creatine. I'd say 20g of isolate (about a scoop or less), 5g leucine, and 5g creatine. I would consider a scale to help measure it if needed. Dextrose can be helpful on a CN too.
I do have one more question. I was looking at the carb content in some of the protein and creatine… do I just need to look for the lowest carb content. Or is there a brand you recommend?
Natures best has some wonderful tasting whey with a very very low carb content. Allstarhealth.com has good prices for them.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you would like. I prefer to take the Leucine separate due to the… Tastiness of the Leucine. However the creatine and protein shake mix well, and if you want you can mix all three. Depends on your taste buds.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk