New and excited

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    Hello everyone, I found this community by chance after looking for a way to carb load after 12 days on a full keto diet. I wanted to try to find the most beneficial way to do it, without overdoing it. I happened to find the interview online where Kiefer was interviewed by the bulletproof executive guys. After listen to them all geek out, I bought Kiefers book and have started the CBL program.I was a personal trainer back in 1998-2002, and switched careers to Network Engineer after I finished school. Bad move for my body. Went from 4-5% bf @ 185 to about 26% @ 220. I have always worked out off and on over the past 10 years, but never for more then 3 months, and at least 4-8 month gaps in between bouts. I have currently been active and dieting for 3 months and have some goals that I have been able to create for myself that are keeping me going. Looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all.



    Welcome. How long have you been CBL? If you have any questions be sure to search the forums, there is bound to be a thread to cover pretty much any topic now  😀


    Richard Schmitt

    Welcome. How long have you been CBL? If you have any questions be sure to search the forums, there is bound to be a thread to cover pretty much any topic now  😀

    +1 welcome!



    Thanks guys. Well thankfully I was already on a Keto diet for 12 days so I was very happy to see that I already completed the 10 day prep for CBL. I started CBL Monday the 21st of May. After that Keto Diet this feels amazing. I put on the 9 lbs of water weight after loading, but that was to be expected.



    BEST FUCKING DIET EVER. I'm not one to post a lot, but when I get results better then what I expected, I get pumped. 195lbs at 16% bf. And to be honest I haven't been following it 100%, well not even 80% haha. I just follow the coffee fat breakfast, a modified post workout shake, and no carbs before my workout. I also only usually eat one additional carb meal after workout, and finish my night with a fatty meaty diner. I have also been pounding the creatine, after reading that myostatin info. Anyways, just wanted to show my gratitude and share my excitement. Thanks a ton Kiefer and company!

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New and excited

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