New and excited

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    Daniel Croghan

    Hey everyone!I kind of stumbled on all of this by chance just searching my phone for podcasts, but I'm glad I did.  I have read both CBL and the CNS books.  I just started my prep phase a few days ago (with a tad of a hiccup) but plan to keep on track and either start CNS or CBL depending on a wrist injury that is keeping me from lifting anything involving my hands (kind of a problem)I really hope to get a six pack (I feel like I have been close for a few years but never took lifting or a healthy diet consistently for any longer than a few weeks in a row)  I would also like to but on some nice lean muscle.I can't wait to really get into this


    Igor Vidovic

    Good luck to you…What kind of supps are you taking now for your wrist? I ask cause born a premie I have wrist and joint  issues frequently.

    training log


    Richard Schmitt

    Welcome to DH, be sure to take care of that wrist when you train. Wrap it good and ice it when you can. Small things to help make it better, can make big improvements. Hope you reach your six-pack goal!


    Daniel Croghan

    There are supps I could take for my wrist? haha what do you take?and thanks! I'm glad you mentioned to make sure to take care of my wrist (I have a tendency to push through injuries fighting through the pain too early, usually to disastrous results so I will make sure to take care of my wrist)


    Check for an ART practitioner in your area. Shit works wonders.


    Igor Vidovic

    I take osteo biflex and a boat load of fishoil. Seems to be the best combo for me. Less discomfort in my knees and wrists don't hurt as often as before

    training log

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