New book Tomorrow?

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  • #10384


    just got this emailOne of the primary challenges of making Carb Nite and Carb Back-Loading part of your lifestyle is the food you're asked to eat.Ultra-low carb eating can get old in a hurry.I've got a solution for you that will prevent food boredom AND transform your body in 2014.Here's a little taste of what I've been cooking up…Click "Always display images" to see these delicious...Can you believe this has under 10 usable carbs?Make sure to check your inbox Tomorrow. I'll be releasing a new book for over 50% off.Talk soon,Kiefer


    Brandon D Christ

    I'm guessing it's a cook book.



    I'm guessing it's a cook book.

    sounds like it the picture in the email is pancakes



    A cook book 'eh? Man.. I was really hoping it'd be CBL 2.0. We'll see, but that cookbook does sound plausible. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    A cookbook is the last thing this forum needs. LolI can already see the stalls and lost hope posts....



    A cookbook is the last thing this forum needs. LolI can already see the stalls and lost hope posts....

    HahahaIt'll look like this..."So here's what I've been eatingLunch: ULC fudgeSnack: more fudgeDinner: 1 pound of ULC pancakesBefore bed: more pancakes with fudge melted on top.Does anyone see why I'm stalling?"



    A cookbook is the last thing this forum needs. LolI can already see the stalls and lost hope posts....

    HahahaIt'll look like this..."So here's what I've been eatingLunch: ULC fudgeSnack: more fudgeDinner: 1 pound of ULC pancakesBefore bed: more pancakes with fudge melted on top.Does anyone see why I'm stalling?"

    That's just what I was thinking and I can't wait to see all the responses.



    i'm hoping it's more than just recipes and actual talks a bit on proper nutrition.. but who knows..



    Yea it think its going to be some sort of nutritional guideline. Recipes, pointers, etc.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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New book Tomorrow?

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