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    Hello all, I am new here and love it already. I train from 9-10pm(Can't change my schedule)  ..I know in the book it's recomended to train 3-7.any suggestions?


    Richard Schmitt

    Hey, welcome! What is your sleep pattern like as well? Because if you're doing Carb-backloading and not Carb Nite, then just backload normally to spike insulin till you get to bed. Just be sure to spike it high enough before getting some sleep. A normal backload session ranges for about 4 hours PWO. Hopefully this helps and gave out the right information.



    Thanks!I usually pass out at 1245.I can def workout from 830-930 .So 930-1245 I can slam the carbs. But I have a very fast metabolism and need 4100cals to gain( 400protein 100 fat 400 Carb) So I am concerned I won't be able to get all my carbs in pwo in 3 hours. Let alone my appetite may be smaller.


    Richard Schmitt

    Haha trust me it can be done. How many times are you lifting heavy during the week? If it's everyday, you might have to adjust from 400g, because I'm sure that's a limit for you or what you're trying to shoot for. Just monitor progress and how you feel/look the next day.



    Yea its weights is eod



    Thanks again tex. Here's my plan and what I gathered from reading the stickies; 8am wakeup - coffee( black) should I add coconut oil?11:30- protein/ fat& spinach 230- protein/ fat& spinach 5-  same as above 7-Pre workout same as above Pwo 9pm-  75 gram protein shake w/ 100grams carbs from dextrose Last meal -  chicken/ 1cup cooked white rice/  4 poptarts+  1cup pretzels Any suggestions?  I was thinking on off days just go no carbs since I am only doing light cardio or sprint's. thanks!


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah looks good! You can do the coconut oil with the coffee for energy if needed or just train fasted. And for days only cardio no back loading try to stay low carb.



    Never done this type of diet before…hope I can leane out while putting on some muscle! not eating breakfast is tough!... but in the book it says coffee is all you need; -)



    You shouldn't be intaking 400g of protein. Depending on your size, you may not even need half of that. If you're looking to lean out, you have to be a little more strategic on how you intake your protein.



    You shouldn't be intaking 400g of protein. Depending on your size, you may not even need half of that. If you're looking to lean out, you have to be a little more strategic on how you intake your protein.

    Yeah that amount of protein is probably going to spike the insulin.



    I bought the book and am a bit confused now.For density bulking ..should I still be skipping breakfast and eat at 12 ?In the am I have black coffee and coconut oil

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